Post subject: Totally Radd!!
Joined: 3/27/2004
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I just rememberd this game. It might be really interesting to see a time attack on this game! its a platformer but with magic. later on your magic becomes stronger. you can also transform into a fish,bird,tiger man each with different pro's and con's.
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does anybody know why does the magic man have a P on hit hat?
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I started a time-attack of this game, but I only got to the middle of the second area. This is the only game I've ever tried to time-attack so far, so I'm still learning what to do, but so far I've set goals to kill as many enemies as possible as early as possible (shoot before they come onscreen and such) without slowing down. One thing that makes this game interesting is that the enemies' hit points change from level to level, so you might need to change your strategies a little when you enter a new area. You can charge up to a double shot, then a triple shot by holding B as in MegaMan 4+, but what's strange is that the game forbids using charged shots in the air, so jumping makes you fire off your shot right away, and thus you'll rarely hit an aerial enemy with a charged shot. Successful management of the spells could be important in speeding up the game. The trick is to save more time by using the spell than you lose by selecting and activating it. I can't imagine the health restores being helpful very often when you can just undo enemy hits with save states. I don't think the enemy freeze spell will help at all, and the invincibility spell seems too short to be worth the while most of the time. The four full-screen attacks take way too long, with the exception of the fire spell, which might be useful on mini-bosses (or maybe big bosses; I never tried it on them). The transformation spells are a little more interesting. I don't care for the catgirl one, since not only is the weapon ultra-short-range, but you can't hold the weapon out; you have to keep pressing the button for repeated use. And the jump is annoying, too, since you pass through enemies while jumping, but you don't hurt them, so you usually land right on top of them and take damage. But in a "tool-assisted speed run", you might be able to work past those problems and make good use of this transformation, since it does have the strongest weapon of all of Jake's forms. The flying guy is great for dodging enemies that would otherwise block you and slow you up. Setting A on auto-fire makes controlling his height really easy. I'm not quite sure what the fishhead's good for, though, but you can try him if you want. And no, I don't know why "Zebediah" has a P on his hat. Maybe his name is different in the Japanese version or something. :P I wouldn't pay too much attention to the story, anyway, since it's so badly written. Unless I'm dying for a cheap laugh involving outdated slang, that is.
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the tiger has better attack power and can take the final boss down in 10 seconds :D The fishguy is faster in stages with water. but birdguy would be all round the best choice since it has the second best attack power and is pretty fast.
Post subject: Totally Rad revisited
Player (177)
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Okay, I just finished the first level. So am I on the right track, or do I still have room for improvement? I want to work out the nuances of the first level before I move on to the second.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Ambassador, Experienced player (707)
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Looks ok but probably not perfect. I'm sure I played through this game at some point. Also, it looks like you could have been a little more aggressive on the first subboss. Have you considered FCE Ultra, frame advance allows for much higher quality, particularly in an action game. There don't seem to be any critical sound queues anyway. Why haven't you used any magic? I believe any of the transformations are more powerful than the normal dude unless he gets to charge up his shots. Don't know if the offensive damage magic is worthwhile though. I guess up to this point you don't need any tricks, but good use of magic could make this a pretty sweet run.
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Well, I've been going by what seems to be faster to me. I think the double shot does 3 times the single shot's damage, while the triple shot does 7 times the single shot's damage. But the double shot can be charged up a lot faster than the triple shot, so I figure I can usually fire off three double shots in about the same time as it would take to get in a triple shot and thus do more damage that way. But then again, the triple shot does have the advantage of being able to hit multiple enemies because it doesn't get absorbed when it hits something. So there's a little room for variety there. I thought I did a pretty good job on the first mini-boss, but I guess I could look into other ways of fighting him. What's funny about his barrels is that their hit detection is a bit low. If I fired a shot while standing, the shot would strike the barrel instead of the guy; while crouching, the shots went right past the barrel, so I eventually had to jump. I didn't think I could influence his movement so he wouldn't force me off the platform, but I could try the fight again. I suppose I could also try jumping over to his right to get more room, or using triple shots, or blasting more of the barrels out of his hands so I might not have to jump... We'll see. Okay, now about magic spells: I don't think they'll be useful for a while. The first act boss takes more damage from the regular guy's shots than from any of the transformations' shots, so it would probably be wasteful to spend any time transforming in the first act, especially considering that I have to go through the menu AGAIN and transform BACK to the regular guy to use any other spells. The damage spells are troublesome because they tend to have long animations that usually take more time to play out than I would have taken to fire shots at lightning speed. The fire spell is the most promising because its regular animation is just some short flashing. In an earlier run I did, I beat the first mini-boss with just two fire uses. But it looked to me as though the way I did it with regular shots was faster than going through the menu and using two fire spells. Similarly, any damage spell takes one and a half units from the first big boss, so I could defeat it by first firing six shots and then spending all six of my magic units on fire. But I also thought that just jumping up and firing shots would be faster, though I should probably test it to make sure. I think the main problem I have with the spells is that it's less impressive to use them: Making every shot count is tough, but picking a spell and pressing Up+B doesn't take any skill at all. They tend to be better for helping a real-time player out of rough situations. But I'm pretty sure the transformations will be necessary later on, so I'll see how well I do in regular mode until then. And finally, I don't want to use FCEUltra at this time because I'm not comfortable with the way I have to use it right now. Pausing often crashes the game, so the only solution I have now is to NEVER PAUSE. Combined with the fact that I can't use sound cues (as Bisqwit said, the "beats" heard at low speeds are very helpful for distinguishing frames) and the fact that I can only halve or double the speed so I'm often caught between too swift and too sluggish, I just don't think making a movie with FCEUltra will be a very pleasant experience. The only real trouble I have with Famtasia is that there's no frame counter, so to get an action in on a specific frame, I have to go to 3%, save a state, and load the state while chanting something like "One two three four five NOW!" so I can see what happens when I push a button on the sixth frame from the state or whatever. The problem comes in when I have a sequence of actions I want to do on the first frames possible that all depend on each other, which means I'll end up loading older savestates that invalidate newer ones, and I probably won't re-save the newer savestates at the exact same times, so I have to figure the times from the states to press the buttons all over again. I hope some of that made sense. :P Anyway, that's what I did for the entire boss fight, and I assure you it's the same result I would have gotten from "frame advance". Now onto some issues I saw in the video that I probably didn't fully explore: Those darn clowns. I want to hit their balloons right away because they cause major slowdown, and I think I was a little slow on that a couple of times. The first time I fought the first pair, I didn't kill the first clown, but I did get him to go past me and into the water, which causes a funny effect where he gets stuck under a platform and "wobbles" the rest of the time he's onscreen. But after I had done this, I decided to go back and redo that part where a balloon's flying up and I fire a triple shot at a rolly ball guy, since I remember I hadn't made sure to minimize the time it was onscreen because it also causes major slowdown. Well, after I had done that, the timing didn't work out when I fought the first pair of clowns again--I think the first clown jumped on me, leaving me no room to jump over him--and so I shot the first clown extra times to slow him down so he got scrolled off the screen. (The other time I shot an enemy without killing it was when I shot a rolly ball guy once so I could shoot THROUGH it to hit the flying wingding ahead of time. Nice, huh?) No funny wobbling from him. I've have to try harder next time to find a way to either kill him or get him into the water. That whole vertical shaft was also a real pain, starting with the fact that I had to use frame advance (3% speed) just to make sure I jumped early enough. I remember I could jump for a number of frames so that I just barely got onto the platform and thus could start charging a shot at the earliest spot, but I could also jump for just one frame longer to get a little higher, which would keep my character from getting stuck against the edge of the platform as long as the first way would. I'll have to pay extra careful attention to the way acceleration works in jumping in my final run. First big issue in the shaft besides jumping was that rocket-spewing lid. I was wondering if I should have waited to kill the first rocket it spit out to avoid its slowdown, but I decided it would be better to go kill the pod right away to get rid of the slowdown. (I hate how these games make you play "avoid the slowdown" to do a good time attack.) I was originally going to take damage from the next rocket-spewing lid to walk through the robosoldier's bullets, but then I realized I had enough time to kill the rocket and lid with single and double shots. That didn't help much, though, since the robosoldier was so goshdarn trigger-happy there. Now I start to wonder if MAYBE I could influence him to shoot at different times so I could kill him after the latest bullet but before his next, since I did see ways of influencing two of the other robosoldiers, but part of me really doubts it. And that awful balloon at the top... I didn't want to make a time-wasting jump, but I saw no other way. It didn't go up fast enough for me to slip by it after the first jump. I can't take damage from it, because damage resets you to a standing position, and you can't move horizontally while falling from a standing position, and I wasn't over the platform when I hit the balloon. (By the way, the fact that you return to a standing position upon taking damage means that you can fire a double shot at the big boss right after bumping into it, but I tried that, and it didn't do any more damage than a single shot. Peh.) I didn't THINK I had enough time to shoot it, but now I have my doubts, though I would still need to take the extra jump to do it. Then there was that clever fire jump. I tried that just for the heck of it, since I decided that taking damage there would be faster than waiting for the platform to be high enough, but then I figured out that pressing A again in the exact right frame caused an immediate second jump that left no frame in which I was counted as standing on the fire. Nice. But do you think I should have just jumped across the fire the whole way like that? I don't know. I thought it was cool to use the platforms normally at first to make it look like I needed them, then jump in right at the end to make the viewer think "Oh no, he messed up!", but then I surprise 'em. There's just one other issue I'm concerned about. I've been going out of my way to kill as many enemies as possible as fast as possible to make the video more impressive, and to see what score/lives I'll achieve by doing that. But this requires making some extra jumps to kill those flying wingdings and some other enemies early. And here's something I noticed during frame-by-frame: The character doesn't seem to have any horizontal motion during the very first frame of a jump. So I would be losing a frame every time I make an unnecessary jump. I think there are also certain kinds of landings that lose a frame. So in the end, going for bonus kills might make the movie a second or two longer. But is it worth it to see me anticipate every enemy in my range? This sounds like another one of those heated "style versus speed" arguments...
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Player (177)
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Actually, maybe I should just go ahead and continue the run now so I can look back over it to see where I might benefit from different magic spells. I think I'll be able to fix anything in the final run by re-reading what people post in this topic.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Post subject: Totally Rad
Player (177)
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Sorry I made a third topic, but I thought the others were getting moldy! As of this post, Act 2 is finished! Tell me if you think I did something wrong!
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Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3566)
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I'm suprised there still isn't a finished run of this game. Your run is Rad man, like totally! I like that you were able to use the magic "suits" or whatever they are, very nice :)
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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adelikat wrote:
I'm suprised there still isn't a finished run of this game. Your run is Rad man, like totally! I like that you were able to use the magic "suits" or whatever they are, very nice :)
I'll second that, this seems very entertaining.
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I like it, looks good so far. Did that "suit" you used in act 2 give you the Screw Attack?
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Yes, looks really good so far. This game seems very simple, but non the less entertaining for a TAS. The only thing that cought my eye was that there seemed to be some lag at times, but I suspect you already tried to minimize it. Anyway, it looks great so far, so keep it up Bag.
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Yeah, the cat-looking suit makes you invulnerable to enemies, and it also has the strongest projectile attack next to a fully-charged shot. I switched to the flying suit, though, because its weapon was the strongest against the second boss. (And in case anyone asks, the boss's big eye isn't vulnerable until I destroy the leg, so I couldn't attack the eye early.) I may still look for different ways to do that fight, though, since I'm not sure I want to have that suit on in the next level, and there might be a way to keep the boss from bouncing that first time, but I don't know. I thought I might also need to redo that level's second mini-boss, the robot in the sewer that shoots bouncing missiles, since I might have been able to manipulate it to stop an extra time so it didn't push me so far back, but it looks as though I got it to stop enough times already.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (177)
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Hmm, I actually saved 52 frames on the miniboss of 2-2 from Bablo's suggestion to jump to the other side of it, so I'll have to either paste in 2-3 or redo it if pasting won't work.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (177)
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It turns out taking a hit saved 20 more frames, and copypasting was no problem, so here's the new movie, 72 frames faster in 2-2:
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (177)
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Oh wow. I started to play 3-1, but then I figured out a few ways to save time in 1-2. So I replayed that, along with the boss and two minibosses because they were random. But everything else was just pasted in, so here you go, 60 frames faster altogether: Actually it has my second 3-2 try now; I changed the miniboss's choice of attack to save 7 frames of lag.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (177)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712 I finished Act 3! I redid from the end of 3-1, though, because the cat thing turned out to be faster than the fish thing. Oh well.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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excellent! keep up the good work. I want to see this run finished :)
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Okay, I added 4-1. Does the strategy look sound? Okay, I found a way to improve that level by 24 frames just today, so redownload it to see the change.
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Joined: 8/21/2006
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Complete tool-assisted speedrun. Took a good 3 days, though most of that time was spent sleeping and a lot of it was spent Q3Aing my stress away. FCM: AVI: (Yes, SendSpace sucks. I have no better place to put this at the moment, though, and the AVI is only 124 mb or so compressed as it is...) Length: 00:17:28 (About 21 minutes with the ending cutscene as in the AVI) Frames: 62886 Undo count: Lost... Somewhere around 1200, I'd say. Recorded from: Power on, though the FCM was botched, which is why it says I recorded starting from a savestate and the undo count was reset multiple times. It contains a savestate for the first frame, yet resets to the intro/title anyway. Sorry. Rom: Totally Rad (U)[!] Emulator: FCEU 0.98.15 Basicly, Totally Rad is one of my favorite NES games, partly because of the now-laughable 70s (80s?) dialog in the cutscenes and partly because it inspired some of the leading characters and personalitys in Kid Radd. But what's this? No tasvideo of it has yet been made/accepted? I figured that since noone else particularly cares, why not give it a shot myself? For a first tool-assisted speedrun, I suppose I did fairly well, but I really should have spent more time on it to make it 'cleaner'... There's a bit of running away from minor enemys, shooting off extra shots (both for luck manipulation and from poor savestate use/not bothering to fix it), not quite doing everything as fast as possible, and obsoliting it before it was even finished (discovering a faster way to do things twards the end)... However, there is one thing I set in my mind from the start, and that is really what kept it more of a "strategy game" then "boring work" for me: I do not take damage to save time. Anywhere. At all. Some enemies and bosses have cheap attacks which almost never miss, and on the rare occasion that I can't dodge something (such as the first boss deciding to simply trample you) or got a little too lazy to go through the entire movie again to go backwards farther then my savestates were set (such as act 2's first miniboss), I abuse the game's two forms of invulnerability "magic"... Most of the reason I made this thing is in hopes that somebody with more skill and experience then I would make a far greater run of the game using the knowledge I've collected from my run through it. You know, an "Augh, this is terrible, I could totally do better" sort of thing. You can actually see me improving as it goes on and the point where I discover the "gladiator Jake" infinitive invulnerability "glitch"... The things I've learned? Oh, just a good sum, as follows...
  • While jumping as normal Jake, you can switch directions and shoot in one frame and keep going in the other direction on the next frame. It will only slow you down by a pixel or two and your attack goes in the direction you wanted it to. Unfortunately, it takes two frames to shoot on the ground or while flying/swimming and you cannot charge while in the air. (Due to this, you automaticly shoot whatever you were charged to when you jump, and this takes one or two less frames then it would have if you shot normally.)
  • Enemies which use more then one linear attack can be made to use a different attack or none at all by shooting extra, thus manipulating luck.
  • Most enemies, especially those after the first level (Round 1-1), will take several hits to defeat. They flash invulnerably for a few milliseconds after each hit. Minor enemys generally let the extra attacks pass them, while bosses (and the more powerful of the minibosses) will simply block the extra attack with a cutesy clink sound (though it'll still pass through if it's a fully charged normal beam), but this is only due to your shot passing through their weak point and hitting the invulnerable part behind it. The trick is to time out your shots so they hit right when the invulnerability ends, a feat which I have yet to fully master.
  • Most minibosses have a near-useless melee attack which you can trigger by staying close to them and then stepping just out of range when they use it. Unfortunately, such attacks are usually hard to predict, as it's just one frame and it's there, but that shouldn't matter much here.
  • Avoid using magic whenever you can, and if you must use something, transform when applicable. The screen-clearing elemental attacks are especially lengthy, so if you're having trouble getting through an area, use gladiator Jake instead. I'm not sure if transforming into gladiator Jake to avoid an otherwise unavoidable boss attack (like the first boss running right through you) and then transforming back to continue your assault takes longer then using invulnerability or time stop, however.
  • Walking off a cliff or getting hurt in the air (or while swimming) causes you to fall straight down, with only the ability to change which direction you're facing. You can charge and shoot while falling as normal Jake and it seems charging while falling goes twice as fast. It may be a good idea to jump off cliffs instead to get air control, but it also takes you that much longer to fall.
  • Act 2's boss, whatever you would call that thing, cannot be defeated twice as fast by simply using the birdman transformation of Jake, unfortunately. It's leg must be destroied before you can attack the big eye. I don't know of the little eye in the back actually doing anything significant other then acting as a means for the boss to fire backwards if it jumps over you and giving you something to shoot at.
  • The giant fish boss (Act 3's boss) can occasionally get stuck using an attack constantly, resetting the projectile as if a skipping record player. It still charges at you and back normally, though, and doing so fixes the skipping attack. Solid means of triggering this glitch is currently unknown, but seems to have to do with shooting it after it charged at you and is unmoving.
  • Jumping again 3 frames before landing from a jump causes you to keep jumping without the game ever registering you as having landed, thus the orange gladiator transformation of Jake which is invincible by jumping can simply bounce through the entire map without ever slowing down for an enemy, though it seems jumping is a few frames slower then running, as in Megaman, so you may want to stay on the ground when it's safe and fight what you can kill in just one hit or when in an area with an extremely low ceiling which would take several jumps to get past that particular enemy. You'll probably need to transform to another form for a boss battle, though, as gladiator Jake only has a melee attack and cannot shoot while jumping. It may also be a good idea to jump early like this in other Jake forms unless you plan on staying on the ground, as this shaves off the frame of standing on the ground immediately after landing.
  • The crocodiles in Act 4 can occasionally break through gladiator Jake's invincibility when they jump upwards into you because they also act as platforms, so you land on them as well. You can still jump through them while they're jumping. It is unlikely they can break through normal invulnerability as well, but you can probably jump off them before you land just as you would jump off immobile spike/flame beds.
  • Gladiator Jake has the most powerful attack (about double the strength of a fully charged shot from normal Jake, according to the boss health bars), but it can only be used on the ground mere pixels from the target and he cannot attack in the air at all. The first two bosses require you to jump/fly to reach their weakpoints, the rest gladiator Jake makes short work of. (Unless that bad fish decides it wants to swim up too high for you to get it, which is usually the case. Just wait for it to charge you then jump through it and pound away before it goes back up, I suppose.)
  • Unfortunately, no major event-skipping glitches are known at this time, though you can (thankfully) skip the cutscenes entirely aside from the act markers simply by hitting the start button the first frame they begin.
Worth submitting? Probably not. Worth discussing? Only a little, I guess. The invulnerability stuff kinda makes doing a tool-assisted speed run seem a little pointless sometimes... Worth a better speed run? I can only hope/wish/dream... In any case, I found no better place to post such a thing, I'm sure few people care.
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Bah, second page'd... I did look around where I could, though, honest. And I didn't take any damage at all, too, doesn't that technicly put it in a slightly different spot up there? Meh, just grasping for air on that one. Changed the topic title to avoid some rather nonexistant confusion. Too bad it's incomplete. Last post in May? And this was started way back in February? Before that, even? Don't suppose any of my 'discoverys' would be of any help whatsoever, eh? :( Either way, at least I've gained some skill in this, though I may never get around to making any more. And my style is more of "wait 'till the last possible moment, then attack or dodge" rather then following the general tasvideos rule of thumb to always kill everything at the earliest possible moment... Well, at least mine could help some with the remaining sections or something... I discovered that the later crocodiles are really just platforms that turn into spikes when they leap, and thus could be lept from? And put into practice a strategy for the final boss, though the miniboss before it is just plain shooting, when I really should've used the elemental magic stuffs? Bleh. And I don't know how to edit parts of it without having to redo everything from that point on yet. :( I know very little aside from what I've learned from blind experimentation, which was barely enough to get this much done, which is a complete (albeit sucky and un-tas-ish) no-damage run of Totally Rad. Guess I should stick to programming, then.
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I wouldn't say it's a TAS rule to kill everything as soon as possible. Waiting until the last moment to kill something is usually much more stylish. The only enemies you should strictly kill as fast as possible are the ones you need to finish off in order to progress further, (such as bosses) or if killing them prevents too many sprites from appearing on screen and causing lag. I'll take a look at your run when I get home (at work right now) but from what you say, it sounds like you got to figure out all the mechanics of the game even if you're not happy with the full quality of it. I'd say, if you start over from scratch knowing what you now know, you can make a publish-worthy run without too much difficulty. That idea will sound painful, but I've done it before (and will likely have to do it again... nothing worse than making it all the way to the end of a speedrun and then discovering that there's a quick easy trick that could have saved you several minutes, usable in almost every level.) I'd recommend using frame advance if you haven't already. My first attempt at a speedrun was done in slow-motion, but I quickly discovered that frame advance is easily the best way to go. Finding the exact right frame to push A can mean a huge difference in the long run. And believe it or not, it's not more painful than slow-motion. If you find yourself at a really hard part you can advance frames more slowly. If it's at a part where input is not really needed, you can hold down the frame advance key and move almost as fast as normal speed. By the way, the "taking damage to save time = better" is only a general rule. Now and then, a no damage run will actually be more fun. As long as you don't have to waste more than a little bit of time dodging attacks, a no damage run can be very entertaining. Running through a level full speed, timing your jumps and shots so that you never get hit and still waste no time is easily as (if not more) entertaining than a "take damage to save time" run. If you discovered an invulnerability glitch, that means this game is probably well suited for a no damage run. Maybe tinker with it a little longer to see which is the best way to go.
Joined: 8/21/2006
Posts: 8
I'm not sure I've ever experienced much lag in Totally Rad aside from the first boss battle, but it might be there, I guess. Maybe it'd lag slightly on an actual NES, but I've never had any issues whatsoever. There's a ton of these little orange enemys that fly by looking like a clock attached to a propeller, generally 1 or 2 at a time, but I never really went out of my way to kill every single one of them like this... One of the times I did in the first level, I had to fire off a second shot before I landed so the little green trooper down there wouldn't turn around and shoot me before I could shoot him or get back in the air, though I suppose it may have been possible, I just lacked the skill for it at the time... Or something. I actually did this run using frame advance from start to finish, I have a gamepad set up with a nice set of controls to allow for push-of-button savestate manipulation and frame advance... The only major issues were that when my savestates didn't go back far enough to fix something (like getting further away from a miniboss that's about to hop to me) or I decided to quit for the night, I had to go through the entire movie thusfar to get back to where I left off. Then I always screwed up and overrode the movie with another one, which sometimes reset it completely and sometimes only reset the undo count and made it say it was started from a savestate. (I had to redo whole sections of the movie, including that annoying plant miniboss that's quite painful to fight frame-by-frame, due to it erasing everything before the point I started at. Thank god for backups!) I later learned to get around this by saving a state near the end of the movie and loading it while the movie is still playing, which puts it back into record mode for whatever reason if the movie isn't set to "read only" mode. It was originally intended to be a no-magic run as well, but I couldn't defeat the first boss fast enough to guard against it's trample attack, so I gave up on that... Afterwards I started just going into the menu and using magic as sparingly as I could, though twards the end I suppose I gave up on that too and just transformed back and forth between normal Jake and orange Jake after the fish battle, which I decided to fight as a fish, only because it made sense to me. I was going to transform back to normal afterwards, but decided to try using the orange one instead, finally considering that it may be useful/cool in a tas run. Also, by "invulnerability glitch", I meant "This game has two forms of invincibility which you can trigger whenever you want, the second of which can be used to bounce through the entire level without stopping, being able to take damage at any point, or turning normal again" ... Which kinda makes a speed run in which you take damage a little pointless, since you can just invulnerability yourself through anything. The only downsides to this are that it can get a bit boring to watch if you don't stay on the ground most of the time and you have to transform back for the first boss battle, after you rip off the leg of the second boss, and to hit certain minibosses (such as the last one) which have a weak point too high to reach without jumping. In my movie, I have the advantage of suprise, as I pretty randomly pull this one out of my hat twards the end upon landing on top of a falling rock, then find I can do it consistently to get through the crocodile pool, which I can only imagine looks like a somewhat amazing trick the first time you see it, but then I start bouncing through whole levels like that and I assume it gets plain boring...