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Tub wrote:
And no, I wouldn't call myself hacker or even hack0r.
Why not? Hack0r is such a cool name! Much like *sigh* Killer or even Destroyer! :D By the way, my first nickname was Soulhunter (which actually wasn't that bad but sounded somewhat weird, if not just half-assed, here in Russia).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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moozooh wrote:
Why not? Hack0r is such a cool name! Much like *sigh* Killer or even Destroyer! :D.
There was someone named Hack0r on the High Impact Halo forum who was a moderator and a Halo hacker.
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Tub wrote:
bless you.
Thanks. :)
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Hooray! Another topic where everyone can post and not contribute anything! Anyway, here's my life story: My first "nickname" was one my mom gave me. A cute rhyme with my real name. But that never got to the outside world, so it doesn't really count. (And I won't tell YOU either) Later, about four years into public schooling, I recieved a nickname based on my advanced mathematical skills and overall intelligence. In retrospect I think I bragged too much, but as I understood it then I was so smart my name was "stupid". Yay irony... Well, a few years later (in a new school) some of my friends led me to a site on the internet. Basically, you made an account and then could play many types of flash-games. A username was required, so I came up with "someguy." Quiet, impersonnal, and also taken. So, with the magic of numbers, I became "someguy12." (I've since become inactive, and my same account name is currently used by another person.) Some years later I bought a Real-time Strategy game I could play over the internet. I would be able to chat with other players, so anonymity would not be appropriate. I wanted something personal and memorable. "Now I need a good name that hasn't been taken...", I says to myself. "Oh great, all the good names already have been taken," I says on the tenth try. Well, I decided to put together three of my favorite topics: Math, Chess, and Dungeons&Dragons = "mathchessdnd" and found success. After playing several games and gaining game-chat experience, I realized a lot of people say very obvious things. (e.g. <him>"laglaglaglaglag" <me> "How many times do you have to remind us that the game is lagging? I can see it for myself!"... or <him>"gg" <me>" 'good' game? this game was terrible! all our teammates left!") So, at this point, I changed my name to CaptainObvious (after the well-known sarcastic line, "Thank You Captain Obvious!") so I could point out the needlessness of such things. (Whew, that was longer than expected.) --------- On another note, I condemn the use of numbers in a name. Using numbers is the easy-way-out, and very impersonnal of yourself. "Oh no, 'Mario' is taken... better be, 'Mario897432.' " There is always a name that suits you if you look hard enough. (Or just make one up. On another site "CaptainObvious" wouldn't fit, so I made "Chief_Oluk" because it sounded nice)
That's what she said!
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My name is from Myth the Fallen Lords by Bungie. One of the journymen had the name "Twelve Motion Pouncing Jaguar" and I always loved that name is just sounds so mystical. It's kinda long though, so I just made it Twelve Motion. Also Bablo doens't mean money in Russian, as a native russian speaker. Dengi is money, Ruble is dollar, Kopeki is pennies or change, Bobki is kinda slang for money like saying cash thats kinda close.
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12Motion wrote:
Also Bablo doens't mean money in Russian, as a native russian speaker. Dengi is money, Ruble is dollar, Kopeki is pennies or change, Bobki is kinda slang for money like saying cash thats kinda close.
Depends on the "depth" of the slang, actually. "Bablo" is a derivative from "babki", and pretty much all the other "common" slang words have at least one or more derivatives, it's just too inconvenient to transcribe or transliterate them here.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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No slang me or my parents have ever heard. But I suppose I can stand to be corrected.
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Tub wrote:
oh, bisqwit, isn't creativity and inventing (and maybe cookies ;)) something you can identify with? *looks confused*
Thank you for the comforting thought :)
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My nickname actually has a long (and lame) history. See, back in grade ten of high school, I had a habit of making prank phone calls to operators. I'd usually just come up with what to say while the phone is still ringing. Once, the operator answered, and having no good spontaneous material, I just laughed loudly and maniacally into the phone and hung up. A friend of mine suggested they nickname me Hyena at that point. The reason it stuck was because soon after, another friend had signed in that same friend's yearbook, "The hamsters are watching." One thing led to another and we ended up forming the Green Hamster Terrorist Group. (Not exactly a terrorist group, more like a bunch of friends that occasionally played harmless pranks. This was before the word terrorist was so heavy.) One of the requirements was that we all had a codename named from an animal, and since I already had been given one, Hyena just sort of stuck. Although the name's actually surprisingly appropriate for me (I have a distinct tendency to laugh uncontrollably, and I'm somewhat of a scavenger in the sense that I seem to flock to crappy video games and B-movies) I find that it's not the most original name out there. Which is why I've lately taken on the nickname "Heisanevilgenius" The story behind that one is much simpler. It's a line I stole from my web comic. Also fun because people look at it and assume I'm some sort of egotist.
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My nickname is a fusion between Megaman X and Zero X Zero ZeXr0 It looks like the X is behind Zero or something:p Anyway, zero is the best :P
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Ok It is actually really simple to explain my nick, but I'll tell you the whole story. In the time of the first Spider-Man game of PSX, I remember seeing him saying to himself: move, Spidey, move! About the same time, I went to a LAN House that would let you pay for it after, but you needed to leave your nick there. The first thing that came to my head was that "move, spidey, move". But then I thought: hell, Spidey must be a very comon nick. How to make it different? Then I put the nick between #, so it was like this: #Spidey# In this time, the best P2P program (for MP3 downloads) was WinMX. It has a strange login system that automatically added a _### (being # a number) after your nick, to avoid similar nicks. However, knowing this, you could choose the last numbers. Being a teenager, the numbers couldn't be others: my nick was spidey_069. I still use this nick to make registration in some websites. After that I started playing Medal of Honor for PC, always using #Spidey# as a nick. After a long time (more than a year), i wanted to put some capital letters on it. So, I changed it to #SpiDeY#. For a unknown reason, I didn't register here using the # in my nick. But forget it, I'll just leave it like this. [ ]'s
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I was listening to Van Morrison when I was attempting to register for a game called Infantry ( http://infantry.station.sony.com/en/main.jsp It used to be independantly owned) about 6 years ago. I made my username 'Morrison,' and I've stuck with it now for some time.
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Comicalflop was the name I chose for my IM when I first started it 4 years ago. At the time I was starting to develop a sense of humor, and msot people thought I wasn't good. In retrospect I'd like to change it to something different/cooler, but such is life.
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And now, the origin of my names. Whee. "Anon" is short for "anonymous". For most of the boards that I'm on, I don't really have any identity or presence... I just lursk about in the shadows and strike unexpectedly. It kinda fits me. (Its archaic use means "soon", which I thought was cool or something. I suppose that could be due to the fact that I procrastinate a lot.) On some boards, my name is "Anon Spectre". I ended up submitting something to Fanfiction.net a long time ago, before it split off to FictionPress. And naturally, "Anon" was taken, and there were about 19554613760 members named "Anon <something>". So eventually I decided to take a part of one of my old usernames on another board, and volia. And n-*ninja!*
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My name comes from the fact that I am Canadian, and Canada used to be a British colony. Also I'm part Polish and part British. Since the British side of my family is least prevalent in my family tree, I thought it would be funny to be something I'm not (English). My other nicknames (which I use on various sites) require some explanation: 1. TEM: an abbreviation of theenglishman, obviously 2. nunavut_dude (my email address): Nunvaut is a Canadian province which was added to the map in 2000. 3. qubit: My first name is Noah, and Noah measured his ark in cubits (check your local Bible if you don't believe me). And a Q*bert reference that was thrown in for good measure. 4. pwnedTAS: a name I once used on YouTube to post TAS WIPs. Of course, a more proper name would have been cancelledTAS, but that's the way life goes
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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I named myself after the emu, noblest of all creatures. The fact that I've been into emulation forever is more or less coincidental.
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pilif is my real first name reversed after normalizing it somewhat... Philip -> filip -> pilif Some guy in school gave it to me years back to mock me, but I kind of liked it which made it stick. Even now when I'm in an age where I don't think nick names are something cool any more, I'm using pilif in all online communities I'm participating in. It's easily typed and hardly ever used by anybody else but myself. Philip
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"Hey, I'm gonna register at a forum. Let's see... hm... what should I nick... which is the first object I lay eyes on?" I guess the correct nick should have been "Cardboard Box", but nah...
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Tub wrote:
oh, bisqwit, isn't creativity and inventing (and maybe cookies ;)) something you can identify with? *looks confused*
Yes ― in fact, when I took my first steps at programming in 1992, I used to pride myself of being full of ideas and creative. I even called myself an "ideator" of the one-man team that I formed at those times :) Somehow, I stopped feeling like that around the same time I started using a programming language other than BASIC. :-/ _________________________ It's not too late to reply to a post almost 2 years old when it's addressed to you. :)
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jimsfriend wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Well, my previous nickname was --- <censored>. I was slightly hinted that the name might not have good connotations in someone's mind, so I had to choose a new one. (The old name, which shall remain a secret to everybody, is now used by someone else btw.)
Perhaps it is Hoe?
No. The actual information can be found here. ________________ Discovering hidden information in this post will make you aware of that information.
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Hello, old post! Ten or so years ago, I picked the name 'Jupiter' to use as a screen name. I saw it as androgynous, because one could take it as reference to the Roman god just as easily as they could the green-eyed brunette in Sailormoon. I like plausible deniability. Over time, my name became shortened to Jupi thanks to general laziness of chat room users, (and you will find me credited as such in nullDC, incidentally) but it is admittedly still not the most unique name you'll ever find. I eventually settled on 'superjupi' as my universal screen name, though I have no idea where the 'super' prefix came from. Maybe I was drunk that night, or at least overtired. I've used many other screen names in many other circles, but Jupiter and its derivatives definitely seem to have the most permanence. Edit: how did that E get to where the Y should be? *smacks hand*
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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My friends have always called me emu since "Emanuel" is so long. It is also somehow related to the bird, but I forgot how. I discovered emulation years later. The story is extremely boring, but I had to post as it somehow fit to Dromiceius' post. Btw, Dromiceius sounds way cooler than emu, but I will never admit that ;)
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Do you, per chance, have a long neck?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Alden is my real name, in case someone was wondering. Incidentally, the first syllable is pronounced like All and not Al :) I've had various and sundry nick names before, but I finally decided that my name was unique enough by itself... except on freenode where someone already had it :(
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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Renting this space for rent. Trying to fix image on this site. Please cut slack. As of April 6th, 2012: After a long absence, here we go again?
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