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DCK2-102% V4 World 2 Jungle Hijinxes Hmmm, on to Lava Lagoon, the level that gave me the most trouble in my previous 3 versions... hopefully it won't desynch this time, I will be very put off if it does
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DCK2-102% V4 World 2 Jungle Hijinxes Thank God Lava Lagoon did not desynch for me at all. I was so happy, that level had caused me a lot of grief over the weeks. Is it possible to do a goal switch at the end of lava lagoon to use dixie for red hot ride? I tried and can't seem to do a goal switch
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Just to point out what Arne said on the IRC and on the forums. This run is obsolete already. Arne has noticed many places where it could be improved, most notably one boss fight (dunno which, if you're done with more than one).
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DCK2-102% V4 World 2 Halfway thru Sqwuak's Shaft Considering this is my first TAS ever, I'd assume no one would say it's obsoleted before I've even got halfway through... that's the kind of negative skeptism that I don't need right now... and why can't I try to get my first movie published ever and try and improve it later? don't players improve their movies all the time? And each time I start my run from scratch I get better... I want to at least get to the final boss fight before I redo the run again, and by then I'll have played the whole game in TAS mode and will improve alot. And Arne's boss fight is 300+ frames faster because he uses dixie, who has a shorter guitar riff. (and a few frames faster in the actual fight) Because Arne's any% relies on using goal switches for the first two levels, using dixie isn't a hinderance because most of the levels aren't played through. In my 102%, I'm playing through every single level, where diddy is the obvious choice. So I use diddy to fight Kreepy Krow so that I have diddy for hothead hop. I do use goal switches in convenient places, and very few levels do I solely use dixie (gangplank galleon, first portion of kannon's claim, Redhot ride, sqwuak's shaft) Do remember that the any% and the 102% have different strategies
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DCK2-102% V4 World 2 Up to Boss Made some improvements in Hothead Hop, finished star bonus faster and made getting DK Coin faster In Squawk's Shaft, I did a quadruple spin in the beginning :P and made all barrels faster, plus better flying and didn't lose dixie from hook krocs unlike the way I thought fastest.
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DCK2-102% V5 Pirate Panic Because there's this "obsolete" business, I was offended and decided to create a seperate 5th version doing just Pirate panic to see exactly how many frames I can gain from little mistakes. Turns out only 15 frames saved. I think that the best way to make up for mistakes is the bonus lag, early in the game it seems to have long lags and later on it has short ones. Luck manipulation have to do with it? it'd save a few seconds, not frames I thought that this version overall was smoother, if every level was of this calibre (assuming perfect bonus fade every time) would the movie be better and not need to be obsoleted?
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Well, 15 frames in just one level is a lot! @Guybrush Someone is willing to do a 102%-run of this game and he's improving consistently. I really can't understand why you keep nagging on him...
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I understand if you were offended. you redo this run way more then anyone other do any other games. I think you should just go ahead and finish it. It will be accepted I think. The run will be good one, if you keep up. Anyways there is NOT many movies that has not been obeleted anyways. And if it gets obseleted it will not be by too many frames.
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DCK2-102% V5 Mainbrace Mayhem Here's up to Gangplank Galley, Mainbrace Mayhem was improved by 12 frames but I can improve more in the third bonus by a few frames I think, god I hate that bonus so much and my V4 had a perfect version... I'm actually going to take both view's opinions, and work on both V4 and V5. V4 is already so far to just leave it, I'm going to use it to experiment with each level and use it to compare and see if I can gain frames like I did with my new V5. V5 is probably going to be the one submitted, because as of right now it's the best. So while I hate negative criticism, I'll use it constructively and I fully appreciate the positive feedback Oh, and I found out how to gain seconds on bonus- if you stop input at the first frame possible in bonus screen, then you get a short lag. This does not work for the first two levels though, tested it already. Edit: Nope, certain bonuses lag more than others, for instance the second bonus in Gangplank Galleon is ingrained as longer lag
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DCK2-102% V5 Gangplank Galley Redid the last bonus of Mainbrace Mayhem and saved a few frames, here's how each level compares: Pirate panic: saved 15 frames Mainbrace Mayhem: saved 24 frames Gangplank Galleon: saved 42 frames Overall so far: saved 85 frames or 1.4166 seconds (at start on menu for Lockjaw's Locker)
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DCK2-102% V5 Lockjaw's Locker and Topsail Trouble Lockjaw's Locker: saved 33 frames Topsail Trouble: saved 18 frames Overall so far: saved 136 frames or 2.266 seconds (at the start/select at end of Topsail Trouble)
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Posting in support of this. great job so far, comicalflop!
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Arg once again I am having trouble with Kreepy Krow. I saved 30 frames by redoing the last bonus of Topsail trouble, but now I can't get the boss fight to work again. I've tried 15 different frames with no success so far... I did get some laughs when testing frames, for I ended one experimental boss fight by getting hit and landing on the nest, but Kreepy got hit by the egg and I went from dying animation to win animation :P
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DCK2-102% V6 Mainbrace Mayhem I went back and looked at previous versions where I could improve time, and found that when making V5 I lost frames in a few places. One of the major ones was the third bonus in Mainbrace mayhem, so I redid and it and lo and behold 53! frames saved. Since V5 is only at the boss, I'll redo (again) and try to improve even more frames, because Gangplank Galley could gain a few, Lockjaw's Locker's bonus can be improved, and Topsail Trouble I need to test if a goalswitch at Lockjaw's will save frames ( i think not though)
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DCK2-102% V6 Gangplank Galleon Saved a few more frames in this level. Mainbrace Mayhem: 58 frames saved Gangplank Galley: 14 frames saved
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Looks really good! Keep it up :)
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DCK2-102% V6 Lockjaw's Locker Saved 39 frames, I did Topsail Trouble but lost 15 frames so I'm redoing the level Edit: I'm going to be away for a week in the Virgin Islands, (St. Johns) and as soon as I get back I'm moving into college so I'll be not working on this until I get adjusted to college life and start the many free hours of downtime that I'll have before the semester really kicks in. Keep posting new thoughts and ideas, take a critical look at V5 so that for V6 I can improve it a lot more because I've noticed a lot of room for improvement in crocodile cauldron managed to squeeze in one more level before I left, got topsail trouble done and saved 2 frames. I definetly gained a few frames from redoing the first and second bonus and a few by not hitting the climbing kroc at all (that was a hard trick to pull off) but somehow I lost frames. Maybe from getting DK coin, although that was as close as V5 as I could get so I don't know where else I might have lost frames... DCK2-102% V6 Topsail Trouble
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1) Is it necessary to jump that high on your way to the barrel for level 2 bonus 1? 2) inside that bonus, don't you jump a little high to collect the coin? 3) I Notice that you have to climb the ropes twice in the level 2 bonus 3 to get all the stars. is it necessary to jump so high the first time around? Maybe you can get the top most star on your second time up? 4) All the other optimizations make it noticeably faster, good work :)
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1) yes, you can hit the barrel earlier and lower but you'd have to climb more ropes for that, which is overall slower than grabbing just one rope and doing a hard/long jump like I do, also to do one jump I jump high to sail over the other ropes without grabbing them 2) possibly, I'd have to check I tried to improve the climbing of the ropes and on the third set might go a tad bit too high 3) I can save another maybe 10ish frames if, at the top I jump up to the left and then go right, just clearing over the top of the rope and start my acceleration then. my aim was to get the timer at 29, because in earlier versions that's what I had got and then in V4 abd 5 i lost down to 27-28. clearing the rope like in V1 is pretty hard to do I can't get it the second time up, in order to fall through the center I automatically get the top 3 stars I did save 53 frames with what's there, so I'm keeping it because the 53 I gained outweighs A) starting over again and B) the other 10 frames I could gain. 4) thanks figure about 2-4 weeks before I can work on this more, I might have some time when I get back from the islands but we'll see
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I'm back from the Virgin Islands... boy that was fun and relaxing. I'll hopefully work on this tonight and possibly the next two days. Over the week and a half I did do a lot of viewing of Sami's TAS and the SDA run, and basically did a lot of planning for the future of the run (i.e. spotting mistakes that I will gain frames on, new techniques to use, and most importantly, planning where each goal switch is going to be.) I can't wait to finally get past Kreepy Krow, and once college starts the many hours I'll have to work on this. Edit: In world 1 I do in fact have to visit Funky Kong, so just before I enter Kreepy Krow I make sure to pay him a visit because in fact I do not visit him again I've been working all night on Kreepy Krow... I tested a range of frame 23646 (the first posible frame) to 23660 with little success (one I thought was extremely close, but no.) I just suck at this luck manipulation of the egg stuff. the very first frame consistently gives a first drop on egg #2 and a consistent second drop on egg #4 (tonight all egg#3 have been one drop, but no egg #4 one drops *sigh* is 1,1,1,2 good enough, especially since I can save frames at the end song (my own secret technique which should save me at least 25+ frames). I doubt it though, but I'm getting a little bit frustrated by being stuck at this oversized parrot for about a month now.
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a few days work, I've tested another 10 frames and I'm still not getting the perfect frame... if I started from scratch again (V7 ach) in order to save at least 30 frames from the miniscule mistakes noted by myself and bkDJ, would it be enough to find the frame before the first possible frame in V6? because I tried all sorts of frames and not getting it, so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone by A) making it even more perfect and B) trying to find the best frame by checking the frames before from improved previous levels so far saved 7 frames on pirate panic, most of my frame savers is from mainbrace mayhem though
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DCK2-102% V7 Pirate Panic and Mainbrace Mayhem Pirate Panic: 7 frames saved Mainbrace Mayhem: 51(!) frames saved I was very pleased with Mainbrace Mayhem, I managed to save 7 frames getting to bonus #1, improved getting to bonus #2, improved bonus #2 by a few frames, improved getting to bonus#3 a little, and majorly improving bonus#3 itself. I've found that when rope jumping you go faster and higher by holding B instead of pressing B once, and that's amounted to about a second saved so far. I will continue with this version, so that by the time I get to kreepy krow my chances of finding a perfect frame is better and saved a lot of frames along the way. The problem is the next 3 levels don't have much room for improvement... if anyone can spot mistakes or places for improvement in the next 3 levels it'd be appreciated Edit: just tried Gangplank Galley and lost 4 frames, I'd like to hex edit what's new into the old movie but I have no idea how that stuff works, I'll try the level again and see if I can improve
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Really impressive how you keep improving your work. This is definetely a publishable movie (if you keep the quality).
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DCK2-102% V7 Lockjaw's Locker 25 frames saved I'm almost exclusively using frame advance, so yes the quality should be the same throughout the run, I will redo levels as I see fit however after having done Gangplank Galleon 7 times now I am dying to move on to the next world The only reason I'm still stuck in world 1 is our friendly giant Krow, hopefully V7 will let me with the saved frames find the perfect frame earlier...
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