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Quite a journey to make an N64 game. First of all, this would have never been completed without the help from everyone on the message board and in IRC. More of a thank you to MWL for providing a walkthough, via webpage located: http://mwlin.freehostia.com/wiki/index.php?title=TAS/Speed. Thank you to AKA, Acryte, YautjaElder, and everyone on SDA forum and NESVideos forum for much of needed help.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Ignores minor obstacles
  • Completes game as fast as possible
  • Abuses programming errors
A short description on what went on: OH NO! Dreams of soon-to-be Deja Vu & The Great Deku Tree is in need of help!
Kokiri Forest - Fastest route in getting rupees so far. No more diagonal walking unless needed in certain areas for a small distance.
Inside the Deku Tree - Ahh, the 1st dungeon. In the room with the Skullita and web on the ground, there is a new method there which will take off 4 minutes or so in the next run. I got lucky in the Pre-boss room.
To skip a lot of backtracking, there is a part where Link grabs a chicken and jumpslashes over the Guerdo fence to go to the Spirit Temple.
Haunted Wasteland - There is a poe that navigates you through the desert, but with brilliant skill, Link surpases that.
Spirit Temple - What a fun 1/2 of a dungeon where Iron Knuckle meets his doom for the 1st time! Also, there is a way to get the Mirror Shield early, maybe it will get used in a future run.
  • Had just enough of a heart remaining to die upon impact for a death/warp
Fishing Pond - Swimmin into the middle of the pond after catching the biggest fish and holding Z & R while swimming to the owner will give you the Golden Scale, needed to dive deep and get the bottle. There is a way to skip King Zora now without the bottle, maybe it will get used later on.
Hyrule Castle - The 1st of 2 seamwalks. Seamwalks are tough when you start out, but practice makes it easier. The sidehopping past the guards was fun because they just look to lazy to say anything to you.
Zora's Fountain - There was said to be a way to roll into Jabu-Jabu's mouth at the perfect pixel angle, but after many attempts, I gave up and did the next easiest thing, which is jumpslash on him to enter.
Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly - Fun dungeon with a stabbing bomb boost for the Mini-boss skip.
Dodongo's Cavern - 85% of this dungeon was skipped due to the bombchu's lighting the eyes. No one could prove if it was possible to light both eyes with 1.
Death Mountain Trail - The 2nd and last seamwalk to get to the Great Fairy Fountain and jumpslash through the mountain side to enter since I had no bombchu's.
Market - At the Market, I went bombchu bowling for the bomb bag upgrade to carry 30 bombs. Even though I didnt get the bombs, when I become an adult, they are automatically filled!
Temple of Time - OH NO! Ganon, The King of Evil, has followed me into the Temple of Time!
Graveyard - The dead Graveyard keep is wanting to race me in his grave! He likes my style so he gives me the Hookshot! Back in the Graveyard, the Poe boost was never accomplished after thousands of tries. So a new method was discovered!
Shadow Temple - The funnest watching Temple of them all! This is where I pick up the hover boots because they are needed for the other Temple's (Forest and Spirit). Bongo Bongo met his final beat.
Lost Woods - Since Mido did not get any taller, I might as well just backflip over him!
Sacred Forest Meadow - To skip most of the annoying enemies in this area, I used a "stored ground jump" to get to the top of the ledge and hover my way on down.
Forest Temple - Only thing needed out of here is the Fairy Bow. Once I got that, I played the Requiem of Spirit and went to the Spirit Temple to finish the 2nd and final Temple.
Spirit Temple - Some obstacles were in my way because I did not have the Longshot, but just a few seconds were lost in climbing and such. The witches could have been beaten a little faster but I could not position them so they would not move, got frustrated and gave up! However, I did stab Twinrova to death.
Inside Ganon's Castle - ALL SAGES UNITE! The most desynching part of the game is here in the Castle. Redo, after redo was put into this, but finally got it done!
  • Going down the tower, I only needed to keep Zelda moving to where she needed to go
On Ganon, there is a place behind his foot where if you stay and don't move, he'll just glide you around like a merry-go-round.
Final blow on Ganon is at frame 539871, 2 Hours 29.8Minutes. End of movie is at frame 552279, 2 Hours 33.4 Minutes.
Enjoy the video!

adelikat: Accepting. Good luck publishers.

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Graveworm wrote:
Please do explain how not walking backwards would've made the run better. I just can't figure out why it would.
A lot of people are unfamiliar with the route that the game uses, so it isn't very interesting to see where we were rather than where we are going. You can't really appreciate half of the game when you're seeing everything in rear-view.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Then go watch a diffrent TAS and stop complaining about it. Back walking is fastest way to move and if you don't like it its too bad.
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While I don't have a problem with the backwalking, I think it is more than ok to voice an opinion over how dull the backwalking can be. Getting upset with people for making a legit observation on something is really stupid.
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TSA wrote:
Seriously, get off your high horses and stop being pissed I criticized your "almight" OoT TAS.
I think that the problem is not your critique, but the way in which you write it. You use expressions and words (iow. you use such a "tone of voice") which irritate people. If you presented the exact same critique with a more positive tone of voice it's much more probable that people would not get so irritated. Using the wrong tone of voice can convert even the most constructive criticism into a flamewar. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I have the impression that deep inside you like the feedback you get from your posts, deep inside you like stirring the mud to see what happens. On the outside you masquerade it with a "I express myself however I want, I don't care what people think of it", but on the inside you, at least partially, enjoy the feedback you get from your way of writing. I also believe that once you get into such a fight, your pride doesn't allow you to stop, much less apologize. I know this kind of personality very well because I once was like that. I still am, at least a bit (even though I have tried to better myself a lot in the last years).
1) OoT is boring as hell to watch
You shouldn't generalize like that. OoT may be boring to watch to *you*. That doesn't mean it's boring to watch to everyone. I myself have enjoyed both the (unassisted) speedrun and this TAS.
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Zurreco wrote:
While I don't have a problem with the backwalking, I think it is more than ok to voice an opinion over how dull the backwalking can be. Getting upset with people for making a legit observation on something is really stupid.
IMO the backwalking was cool. It didn't bother me at all. IMO if people want to watch the surroundings they should play the game.
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Zurreco wrote:
While I don't have a problem with the backwalking, I think it is more than ok to voice an opinion over how dull the backwalking can be. Getting upset with people for making a legit observation on something is really stupid.
I don't have a problem of people complaining about the back walking, the only problem I do have is people requesting it not to be done in the next run since its a ludicris request and that the run sucked purely because of that, you have to realise that its painstaking to line up a backwalk and then re-record from 30 seconds earlier when you've discovered that the lining isn't correct. Anyway I think its a very unique way to move as opposed to to bunny hopping, rolling, running and zipping. Just saying...
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Right, but when someone says 'the run was amazing, but the backwalking was boring', that is nothing to get offensive about. However, if someone says 'remake the run but make it 20% slower because I want to see what you're doing all the time', then I think it's ok to tar and feather that person.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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won't there be less backwalking with the use of the "super slide" glitch in the next version ? huge fields could be crossed very quickly and it would be less repetitive. I'm not sure I understood TSA's posts fully, where they are leading, but I'd like to say that this version shouldn't have been published too. usually, runs that can be improved significantly are instantly rejected when submitted, I don't see why OoT should be an exception. I understand that this game is ultra-popular, and n64 TAS are rare, so because of the high demand, it was sure that it would be accepted, but I kind of regret that pressure wins over objectivity (no one objects that it can be improved). but it's up to every runner, especially those who worked that much and with such dedication, on such popular and complicated games, to submit their TAS and wait for the votes. it was clear that hords of fans would vote for the publication, then judges accept it ; and it happened. anyway, nice work GuanoBowl, I admire your dedication.
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Super-sliding involves moving backwards as well.
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yup, and I didn't say it was the problem, more the repetitiveness and the long, boring walking sessions. both would decrease ; ie the less backwalking, the better, especially if the speed is not sacrified, or even better, improved. moreover, it would be more spectacular, entertaining, and reduce the drawback of not seeing what's ahead.
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the super slide, as of right now, can only be used from Tektites(sp?) and from Bombs.
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You can also do a superslide without wasting time if you equip a bomb during a backwalk and then shield drop it, although getting it correctly alined might be a real pain, espeacially if you're doing it off enemies. I wonder if the hookshot is worth skiping in the next run.
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AKA wrote:
I don't have a problem of people complaining about the back walking, the only problem I do have is people requesting it not to be done in the next run
Forgive me if I have missed something, but has anyone even mentioned this request?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
AKA wrote:
I don't have a problem of people Forgive me if I have missed something, but has anyone even mentioned this request?
Its been hinted on several occasions.
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AKA wrote:
JXQ wrote:
AKA wrote:
I don't have a problem of people Forgive me if I have missed something, but has anyone even mentioned this request?
Its been hinted on several occasions.
by a smelly gas excretion through the anus.
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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The other request I find really irksome is asking Guano to pick up more hearts to get rid of the "low health" beeping sound. And this one certainly has been made--by multiple people, in fact. Everyone finds the continuous beeping annoying. Because we still cannot record resets with Mupen, we are forced to do deathwarps--and the lower the health, the less time a deathwarp takes. Even if Mupen's technical limitations were resolved by the time of the next run, unneeded hearts would only be picked up when doing so doesn't waste ANY time--and by that, I mean zero frames wasted.
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I don't really find the beeping annoying. Perhaps the first minute, but then it's alright. It's a speedrun after all.
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mwl wrote:
The other request I find really irksome is asking Guano to pick up more hearts to get rid of the "low health" beeping sound.
There was one place where Guano had 1/4 of a heart and ended up getting it filled at the fairy where he learns the sword spin. I didn't see any hearts on the way, but I wondered why so many hits were taken on the electric boss in Jabu Jabu. You could also say it is another reason this game was prematurely run, because a feature that really should have existed in the emulator (recording soft resets) was not present.
mwl wrote:
unneeded hearts would only be picked up when doing so doesn't waste ANY time--and by that, I mean zero frames wasted.
Many authors, for a long run such as this, will sacrifice frames here or there to improve the entertainment of the run. So this may not be correct, depending on the author of the run.
AKA wrote:
Its been hinted on several occasions.
Hinting at a request is much different than making it.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
mwl wrote:
The other request I find really irksome is asking Guano to pick up more hearts to get rid of the "low health" beeping sound.
There was one place where Guano had 1/4 of a heart and ended up getting it filled at the fairy where he learns the sword spin. I didn't see any hearts on the way, but I wondered why so many hits were taken on the electric boss in Jabu Jabu.
To get him back into an attackable state. When he starts the electric zappy thing, he doesn't quit until you get hit or he tries to zap you 5 or 6 times.
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OmnipotentEntity is correct. I think you can assume that all damage taken in the run was done to save time. I don't want to revive the speed vs. entertainment debate here after TSA's comments, but I, too, do not believe in sacrificing speed for entertainment. There are a lot of places to show yourself in a long run like this, and I believe that you don't have to expend time, even in minute amounts, to do it.
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I think OoT is a game where you need to do eevrything to cut the time short. It's a long game, and not many people like watching for 3 hours. Therefor I am allright with taking every chance to get the run down to ~2 hours or so. Back walking and heart beeping is not a problem for me.
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It's the long unskippable cutscenes that ruin a lot of games speedrun enjoyability unfortunately.
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JXQ wrote:
mwl wrote:
unneeded hearts would only be picked up when doing so doesn't waste ANY time--and by that, I mean zero frames wasted.
Many authors, for a long run such as this, will sacrifice frames here or there to improve the entertainment of the run. So this may not be correct, depending on the author of the run.
I thought that reducing Link to 1/4 heart and then taking damage during cutscenes more than made up for the annoying beeping in Dodongo's Cavern.
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Agreed, the low health beep was not disturbing that much, neither was the backward walking. Since I never played the N64 Zelda this movie pretty much rocked, every Zelda game is such a gem.. One more thing about not picking up hearts because of wasted frames: I think there were one or two situations, in which Link had to wait for a door to open after defeating all enemies in a room, and therefore would have had the time for picking up hearts, but didn't. Guess the time for picking them up and running back would have wasted frames, but oh well.. 1 wasted frame... Summarized: Good movie, am looking forward for an improved version.
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I was really excited to see this movie but I had to vote "meh" after watching it. I think it was a great proof of concept but it just wasn't terribly enjoyable to watch. Some of this was not the runner's fault (like pause emulation issues and no soft resets) but it still resulted in having a less than stellar viewing experience for me. My main issues were: Low-heart beeping really got old and I wouldn't care if you lost a frame or two to pick some up some just so I could actually listen. I can attribute this to needing to die to reset but... still annoying. Enough new techniques are already known to create a new, much improved movie from. TSA is running a really good segmented speedrun Note: It would be a different story if this runner had developed many of the techniques and sequence breaks in this movie, but I know that a whole community was involved in this long before the run began. I think that should be described in the comments for the run as well.
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