• If you are watching the .m64 file, make sure you have these settings on with Mupen64 v.0.5.0:
Video Plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 Input Plugin: N-Rage`s Direct-Input8 1.60 Sound Plugin: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6 RSP: RSP emulation Plugin and make sure RAW DATA is checked under ->Options-->Input
Quite a journey to make an N64 game. First of all, this would have never been completed without the help from everyone on the message board and in IRC. More of a thank you to MWL for providing a walkthough, via webpage located: http://mwlin.freehostia.com/wiki/index.php?title=TAS/Speed. Thank you to AKA, Acryte, YautjaElder, and everyone on SDA forum and NESVideos forum for much of needed help.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Ignores minor obstacles
  • Completes game as fast as possible
  • Abuses programming errors
A short description on what went on: OH NO! Dreams of soon-to-be Deja Vu & The Great Deku Tree is in need of help!
Kokiri Forest - Fastest route in getting rupees so far. No more diagonal walking unless needed in certain areas for a small distance.
Inside the Deku Tree - Ahh, the 1st dungeon. In the room with the Skullita and web on the ground, there is a new method there which will take off 4 minutes or so in the next run. I got lucky in the Pre-boss room.
To skip a lot of backtracking, there is a part where Link grabs a chicken and jumpslashes over the Guerdo fence to go to the Spirit Temple.
Haunted Wasteland - There is a poe that navigates you through the desert, but with brilliant skill, Link surpases that.
Spirit Temple - What a fun 1/2 of a dungeon where Iron Knuckle meets his doom for the 1st time! Also, there is a way to get the Mirror Shield early, maybe it will get used in a future run.
  • Had just enough of a heart remaining to die upon impact for a death/warp
Fishing Pond - Swimmin into the middle of the pond after catching the biggest fish and holding Z & R while swimming to the owner will give you the Golden Scale, needed to dive deep and get the bottle. There is a way to skip King Zora now without the bottle, maybe it will get used later on.
Hyrule Castle - The 1st of 2 seamwalks. Seamwalks are tough when you start out, but practice makes it easier. The sidehopping past the guards was fun because they just look to lazy to say anything to you.
Zora's Fountain - There was said to be a way to roll into Jabu-Jabu's mouth at the perfect pixel angle, but after many attempts, I gave up and did the next easiest thing, which is jumpslash on him to enter.
Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly - Fun dungeon with a stabbing bomb boost for the Mini-boss skip.
Dodongo's Cavern - 85% of this dungeon was skipped due to the bombchu's lighting the eyes. No one could prove if it was possible to light both eyes with 1.
Death Mountain Trail - The 2nd and last seamwalk to get to the Great Fairy Fountain and jumpslash through the mountain side to enter since I had no bombchu's.
Market - At the Market, I went bombchu bowling for the bomb bag upgrade to carry 30 bombs. Even though I didnt get the bombs, when I become an adult, they are automatically filled!
Temple of Time - OH NO! Ganon, The King of Evil, has followed me into the Temple of Time!
Graveyard - The dead Graveyard keep is wanting to race me in his grave! He likes my style so he gives me the Hookshot! Back in the Graveyard, the Poe boost was never accomplished after thousands of tries. So a new method was discovered!
Shadow Temple - The funnest watching Temple of them all! This is where I pick up the hover boots because they are needed for the other Temple's (Forest and Spirit). Bongo Bongo met his final beat.
Lost Woods - Since Mido did not get any taller, I might as well just backflip over him!
Sacred Forest Meadow - To skip most of the annoying enemies in this area, I used a "stored ground jump" to get to the top of the ledge and hover my way on down.
Forest Temple - Only thing needed out of here is the Fairy Bow. Once I got that, I played the Requiem of Spirit and went to the Spirit Temple to finish the 2nd and final Temple.
Spirit Temple - Some obstacles were in my way because I did not have the Longshot, but just a few seconds were lost in climbing and such. The witches could have been beaten a little faster but I could not position them so they would not move, got frustrated and gave up! However, I did stab Twinrova to death.
Inside Ganon's Castle - ALL SAGES UNITE! The most desynching part of the game is here in the Castle. Redo, after redo was put into this, but finally got it done!
  • Going down the tower, I only needed to keep Zelda moving to where she needed to go
On Ganon, there is a place behind his foot where if you stay and don't move, he'll just glide you around like a merry-go-round.
Final blow on Ganon is at frame 539871, 2 Hours 29.8Minutes. End of movie is at frame 552279, 2 Hours 33.4 Minutes.
Enjoy the video!

adelikat: Accepting. Good luck publishers.

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Active player (436)
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TSA wrote:
This run, in my opinion, was only put out as it is because 1) It's OoT and 2) It wanted to get out before my or anyone else's run to gain the attention.
As I wrote in SDA several weeks ago, who do you think you are? Do you actually think we give a fuck about your run to that extent and to complete "our" run before yours?
TSA wrote:
And what was with the excessive backwalking over distances where it is not justified (IE it wastes time)?
Got any better ideas? Are you referring to the trick Fierce discovered? It was discovered about halfway through Guanos run.
TSA wrote:
I'm with the mindset of a few people here that this run should not have come out now, it should have had more research done, and waited for the SDA runs to come to a halt (which it is going to reach very soon - we're running out of tricks) to have all the known tricks out, and then made a TAS that would be unmatched.
Do you think we are blind or something? Have it ever occured to you that there are lots of people here that helped Guano (especially mwl) and that we are actually able to check SDA for the latest news regarding Ocarina of Time?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 6/8/2004
Posts: 43
With over 2000 downloads already shows that people love to watch this run, and that the word is spreading. GJ guana
Joined: 6/25/2005
Posts: 1377
TSA, you're right if you're saying that this run is improvable and far from perfection. Unfortunately most of the tricks to improve this run were found after that portion of the run had been done, so it was decided that this run was just continued the way it was, instead of restarting it every time a new trick was found, thus delaying it forever. Those involved didn't expect the researchers to "run out of tricks" soon, like you do. There have been other cases were a route was outdated by the time the run was finished, but the run was still published. Nothing new here. Those runs will be replaced eventually. It's not meant to be the final OoT-TAS to end all assisted OoT-Runs. It's meant to show the "current" (as in: current when the run was started) state of OoT-tricks to those, that don't like reading those 219834392-page-topics over at SDA. And to those people this run is fast, surprising and therefore entertaining. It sure didn't meet the expectations of an OoT-guru that knows all the newer tricks, but it never claimed to do so. It also didn't aim to educate you about the game. Sorry if you were disappointed :p Another reason to publish this is the state of the emulator. It's quite difficult to configure the emulator to play this run without desyncs, so the AVI is the only way for many (including me) to watch the run. I understand your feelings about this run, but please relax. This wasn't done to compete with you, and no harm was meant.
Joined: 8/10/2006
Posts: 25
Hey everyone, I've been a lurker here for a couple years and decided to finally sign up so I can comment on runs like this. Unfortunately, at the time I chose to post this, there seems to be another speedrun VS. TAS debate. I have followed the OOT thread from the beginning and have watched the entire run, thanks to everyone who helped convert this run from the .m64 to the .avi, and it was really fun to watch and showed off many things that most people would probably never even think of. This was a great quality run and was still incredibly entertaining even with all the backwalking. Mwl, AKA, and countless others put so much work into this run helping out with routes, finding out new tricks and sequence breaks, glitches etc. and Guanobowl has done a great job putting this run together even with desynchs and other problems. After so much work being done by so many people, it is hard for me to agree with anything TSA has said about how this run shouldn't have been published. Although there are possible improvements with both the emulator and new tricks in the games, you don't have to badmouth the run to get your point across. Almost everyone here has made good points about why this run should or should not be published, but they have done it without insulting entire groups of people. *end rant* Now that I'm done with that, I will focus on the positive things. Guanobowl, I cannot thank you enough for having the patience to run through this huge game and providing entertainment to everyone who has watched it and to people that will someday watch it. I hope that when another OOT run starts, you will be able to help the people making the run , either running it yourself or giving suggestions. FanTAStic job! JXQ, I loved listening to your commentary, man, it was so entertaining and funny. I think you should consider making commentaries on other runs as other people besides myself enjot listening to the opinions of a great TAS author as well as your sense of humor. I hope you make a commentary on the 2nd half of this run. Wow, pretty long for a 1st post. I know most of you will think I am a noob for writing stuff like this, and voicing my opinion in my first post, but try to remember that I have been here a couple years, I just haven't posted.
Joined: 2/7/2006
Posts: 58
remember kids, rules for anything always end up turning into a "loose guideline" dont get all yer panties all ker-fluffle now. I've enjoyed the idea of cam hacks ever since one was made for Sonic Advance. Doubtful, but any reasonable way to get the cam in this run or future runs to show the front of Link instead, since he's facing backwards most of the time anyway... or would that perhaps screw up the input of the game...
<3 time attacks
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
A camhack for an N64 game should actually be easier to do, since you could simply tell the graphics plugin to turn its camera around (when it gives it to OpenGL/whatever) to get a different viewpoint . Of course, that requires having the source to the graphics plugin, and a run that doesn't desync when using it normally. But, I don't know why so many people think the backwards view makes it boring. I think it makes it more entertaining to see things appear next to Link as he runs by, instead of seeing them in the distance as he approaches them, and it adds another thing to distinguish it from normal playing.
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 186
Are you guys so prejudiced and blind-sighted (some of you, not all) that you really think I'm a bickering because of the "TAS vs Speedrun" issue? I could give a rat's ass about that debate, it's stupid and unrelated. My entire rant is to point out this run is not as good as it could have been, REGARLDESS OF NEW TRICKS, and I asked how it was allowed to pass when some things could have EASILY been fixed (I POINTED OUT THE RUPEE ROUTE) without messing up the rest of the run. I know perfection is impossible, but strives for "perfection" is the goal here, is it not, for everyone, both TASs and Speedruns? Seriously, get off your high horses and stop being pissed I criticized your "almight" OoT TAS. What the hell did you expect, when I bash my own OoT runs to death and bash every single one for their flaws? You want me to hold your hand and say "Oh, it's awesome, best thing I've seen"? 1) OoT is boring as hell to watch 2) This run was far from what it could have been. SPENDING JUST A BIT MORE TIME ON IT would have made a big difference. Of course, I am glad to hear Guano and company are working on version 2.0 of the TAS, and I look forward to it. Sure, I love watching these things, but understand somebody has to play devil's advocate and actually point out things. If you can't handle criticism, then just publish the runs and do not have any threads for feedback. And again, anyone who turns this into me trying to start a TAS versus Speedrun thread can kiss my butt. You are making it this, not me. And when I said "serve", who the hell said serve SDA? Now I know where some of your minds are. When I said "serve", I meant to serve the community, to anyone who cares, to SHOW HOW THE BEAT A GAME IN THE THEORETICAL FASTEST WAY POSSIBLE, INDISCRIMINATE OF AUDIENCE. Seriously, some of you guys need to check your damn attitudes at the door, and stop having this damn "mental" hate against me for whatever reason. And AKA said he could beat parts of the TAS, too. I said myself or others could beat parts of the TAS. Or do you get mad at everyone who beats a TAS time? Did you guys crucify Lucid when his Solstice run beat the TAS? Stop the hate. Grow up. It's getting old.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
According to the votes not many people agree with you TSA. Majority rules 60 votes said yes and I'm one of them and I do find it entertaining. Obviously its just your opinion, but many people disagree with you. Which is a fact not an opinion according to the votes. So don't get mad when people don't like what you said. Plus, just because you and only you don't like it and get mad over it and don't want it published doesnt mean it should not be published, Guanobowl spent a lot of work on it. Don't act all high and mighty and think only your opinion matters and thats why the movie shouldn't of been published.
Joined: 4/17/2006
Posts: 159
TSA wrote:
Are you guys so prejudiced and blind-sighted (some of you, not all) that you really think I'm a bickering because of the "TAS vs Speedrun" issue? I could give a rat's ass about that debate, it's stupid and unrelated. (long rant)
If the run's bad, it'll get obsoleted. You're not going to get it obsoleted sooner by insulting the people who made it.
Joined: 6/12/2006
Posts: 368
To TSA: Your only reason for not wanting this published seems to be your ideas which were never mentioned here were not used. Who's fault is that? Just because it's a tas doesn't mean a human can't beat it.. especially in a 3D game.. but show me where a single segment speedrun can beat this time doing the same route and i'll agree that it should not have been published.
Active player (436)
Joined: 4/21/2004
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
TSA wrote:
What the hell did you expect, when I bash my own OoT runs to death and bash every single one for their flaws?
So keep bashing your own runs, the hell do we have to do with you? Again, you are not important, you are merely flesh and bone who are a good Ocarina of Time player. It ends there from a speedrunning perspective.
TSA wrote:
You want me to hold your hand and say "Oh, it's awesome, best thing I've seen"?
Nobody craved for your opinion.
TSA wrote:
1) OoT is boring as hell to watch 2) This run was far from what it could have been. SPENDING JUST A BIT MORE TIME ON IT would have made a big difference.
Listen you arrogant prick, read what I and others wrote earlier about why Guano's run lacks a few tricks.
TSA wrote:
Sure, I love watching these things, but understand somebody has to play devil's advocate and actually point out things.
Nobody appointed you to play devils advocate. The author knows the flaws of his run.
TSA wrote:
Seriously, some of you guys need to check your damn attitudes at the door, and stop having this damn "mental" hate against me for whatever reason.
Oh no my dearest, it aint "whatever", for me, it originated from here
TSA wrote:
Did you guys crucify Lucid when his Solstice run beat the TAS?
I dont think this community did since I dont think Mr. Sweeney approached a run he is familiar with like you.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Player (224)
Joined: 10/17/2005
Posts: 399
TAS wrote:
This run, in my opinion, was only put out as it is because 1) It's OoT and 2) It wanted to get out before my or anyone else's run to gain the attention.
Yeah, maybe because it's OoT, but definitely not because of getting attention of your or whoever else's OoT speedruns. First versions often are sloppy in a way or another, but they give motivation for others to make a better version. The tas looks good for a person who hasn't speedran/played it much. Like me.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
TSA: I agree it could have / should have been better. But I disagree that it would have taken "just a bit more time" to do it. I'm amazed that it was finished at all and that it was published. Getting a run out there makes it easier for other people to improve it in the future, and some people found it entertaining to watch, so I don't see how it's hurting anyone to have it published.
TSA wrote:
Seriously, some of you guys need to check your damn attitudes at the door, and stop having this damn "mental" hate against me for whatever reason.
I'm sorry, but there's more attitude showing in that post than in everyone else's [earlier] responses combined, which is really only aggravating the situation. Just ignore it if someone is flaming you or whatever.
Former player
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The run isn't perfect, and I think that's a legitimate reason enough to keep it as a WIP. However, it's still the best OoT TAS out there and most people found it entertaining. I'm glad it was published and made into a video that I could enjoy. Future runs will no doubt obsolete this run, but I think it's a great starting point worthy of publication. Also, you shouldn't let TSA's trollbait get you all bent out of shape. Also, it would be nice to hear some thorough, constructive remarks instead of hostile ones.
Joined: 8/1/2006
Posts: 40
TSA wrote:
Stop the hate. Grow up. It's getting old.
Damn, the pot calls the kettle black. It's the old saying, put up or shut up. You've got nothing to compete with Guano's run; your run is almost twice the length. If you're so insistent on this run being imperfect, why don't you do a better one yourself? You should stop it with the childish sour grapes attitude and shut up, or make a better run yourself and put up. Oh, by the way, your view is in the extreme minority, as the votes show.
Player (224)
Joined: 10/17/2005
Posts: 399
compucomp wrote:
You've got nothing to compete with Guano's run; your run is almost twice the length. If you're so insistent on this run being imperfect, why don't you do a better one yourself?
He's working on an improved version and note that you are comparing a new TAS with an old speedrun.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
Joined: 4/17/2006
Posts: 159
Morrison wrote:
The run isn't perfect, and I think that's a legitimate reason enough to keep it as a WIP. However, it's still the best OoT TAS out there and most people found it entertaining. I'm glad it was published and made into a video that I could enjoy. Future runs will no doubt obsolete this run, but I think it's a great starting point worthy of publication. Also, you shouldn't let TSA's trollbait get you all bent out of shape. Also, it would be nice to hear some thorough, constructive remarks instead of hostile ones.
This run was fun to watch! Let's see another!
Joined: 8/1/2006
Posts: 40
Bablo wrote:
compucomp wrote:
You've got nothing to compete with Guano's run; your run is almost twice the length. If you're so insistent on this run being imperfect, why don't you do a better one yourself?
He's working on an improved version and note that you are comparing a new TAS with an old speedrun.
I know TSA's run is old, and done on a console. However, it still shows that he's got nothing right now, and therefore has no right to whine. "Working on an improved version" doesn't show anything. If I said, "I have been working on my jump shot. Soon I will be a better shooter than Ray Allen. Damn, Ray Allen is a horrible basketball player," would anyone give a sh1t? No. Until I prove on the field that I am better than Ray Allen nobody will regard anything I say as anything except whining. When TSA demonstrates his improved run that obsoletes this one, he can bash it all he wants, because he's put up his goods.
Joined: 5/3/2004
Posts: 1203
TSA wrote:
somebody has to play devil's advocate
Nobody has to play devil's asshole. (I had to learn this lesson, too, brother.)
Joined: 8/10/2006
Posts: 25
TSA wrote:
Sure, I love watching these things, but understand somebody has to play devil's advocate and actually point out things. If you can't handle criticism, then just publish the runs and do not have any threads for feedback.
Both mwl and AKA, while greatly helping the run, have criticized the run, but they weren't so mean about it and they actually pointed things out that were wrong with it, which you have not done. Rather than just insulting people, try pointing out exactly what could have been done better like telling him how Dampe's race could have been better or how traveling across Hyrule could have been faster. The reason people are mad at you is because you are criticizing the wrong way. Try reading you previous messages from Guanobowl's point of view and hopefully you can understand why everyone is upset with your statements. Btw, this isn't a flame or anything, I'm trying to give suggestions to you and hopefully stop this war. I also believe other people should stop insulting TSA, as that will lead to more arguing and more flames.
Joined: 8/1/2006
Posts: 428
A couple of points: A)Both sides are entitled to their opinions B)Both sides have voiced their opinions C)Both sides are now arguing over each other's opinions D)This thread is for discussing the run, not selected opinions. Therefore, I suggest you move the discussion to the "Off Topic" forum.
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Guybrush wrote:
L4ayer, aiming for fastest possible speed usually means aiming for perfection.
HAve to disagree, since some fastest routes take damage, die and so forth. Perfection would be fast, full completion, no death, no hit. Bottom line is, Guano worked hard on this TAS. He suffered through route changes, glitches, and alot of things that woulda made any other TASer quit. Is it Perfect? NO! N64 emulation and attacking is still an art in progress, and, the number of WIPS and published movies show that. Mario wasnt beaten in a day, it took years to get where its at. Of course, it can be improved. But every video on this site can be improved. That has been proven before and it will be proven again. BTW Great Job. I actualy am 1 outta 10 million people that dont like this game. Its definatly not on my top10 games, but i enjoyed seeing you skip the water temple. (THANK GOD) I look forward to a improvement and a Majora's run
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 186
I'm typing up actual constructive criticism for the run, and sending it to Guano and I'll post it publicly. But I am giving the TAS the full amount of attention I give the other runs, but this is a longer run, so it is taking me some time to break it down. That is why I have not posted the comments yet. I'll probably watch the video 4-5 times more before I really have them done. So please be patient, I have "helpful" cricitism coming. Hopefully it helps Guano or whoever out. To whoever compared my 4:57 run to the TAS, you broke the cardinal sin of speedrunning. Do not ever try to fricking compare "skill" with the two. A TAS shows a different type of "skill" than a speedrun. If you start debating this, it will end up in a flame war...
Player (36)
Joined: 9/11/2004
Posts: 2624
Honestly, I agree with TSA, this run is sub-par. No offense to Guano though, because Mupen is FUBAR, and he came across frequent desyncs. Still, quite a bit of things are very improvable, and were known about before Guano got to that point in the game. If this were any other game, it wouldn't have been published.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
TSA wrote:
I'm typing up actual constructive criticism for the run, and sending it to Guano and I'll post it publicly. But I am giving the TAS the full amount of attention I give the other runs, but this is a longer run, so it is taking me some time to break it down. That is why I have not posted the comments yet. I'll probably watch the video 4-5 times more before I really have them done. So please be patient, I have "helpful" cricitism coming. Hopefully it helps Guano or whoever out. To whoever compared my 4:57 run to the TAS, you broke the cardinal sin of speedrunning. Do not ever try to fricking compare "skill" with the two. A TAS shows a different type of "skill" than a speedrun. If you start debating this, it will end up in a flame war...
Yes, I definatly agree with that with speed runs and TASes cannot be compared. But I know most of mistakes also 1. Didn't do the super glide as child Link, but it was too late for him to do that. 2.Didn't use the bomb jump in Forest Temple. 3.As for bottle adventure stuff he wasnt going to do because he was doing mwl's route. I think these 3 are the major time savers that we know of and anyways people are always finding new glitches. you can't expects guanobowl's tas to be perfect because its the first tas and its was first meant as a test run. He just wanted to do it to get it out there because there wasnt a lot of 64 tas runs. <Halamantariel> well in my opinion TSA expects TASes to be absolutely perfect But go ahead and help him out but he is working on other TASes He is probably well aware of most of mistakes but he was in a hurry to get it out and finished.
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