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Well stop forbidding them then!!!! It's not that hard!!!! Or is it????
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Well stop forbidding them then!!!! It's not that hard!!!! Or is it????
I think it has to do with copyright issues and stuff.
"When all else fails, hit it with a sledgehammer." "I know Kung-Fu!" "No, you do not. You're an idiot."
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Yes well if people would stop copyrighting stuff we'd all be fine!!!!!!!!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Sorry dudes, it's still a few days away. The lasers at the third Zeebetite were ridiculous.
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Results of the prediction contest: Predictions: Spider-Waffle: 16 seconds Arc: 42 seconds Actual improvement: 43.30 seconds Winner of the $1,000,000 prize: Arc
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Arc wrote:
Winner of the $1,000,000 prize: Arc
/me gives Arc a ninja sandal.
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Over half a minute improvement? *applause*
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More awesomeness. I loved "bouncing" away the Metroid in Tourain with a well-timed bomb. Could you explain what you do to Kraid? I love watching it but I still don't get it.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Looks to be nothing more than a rapid firing of the Ice Beam.
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a rapid firing of the Ice Beam.
I am also holding down Left.
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Insanely excellent work here.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I give Arc a ninja sandal.
What is it with you and ninjas???
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Post subject: Re: ninjas
Editor, Active player (297)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
/me gives Arc a ninja sandal.
What is it with you and ninjas???
I may have watched Naruto quite much. When I was planning the publication of the Rockman movie, I remembered the phrase "ninjas need to think beyond normal" from Naruto, and I thought it's very fitting.
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.............Y'know, that was my first guess.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Arc, please say your planing to do a door glitch run eventually. :)
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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You are hte only person who cares about the stupid door glitch. I'm pretty sure most people would rather see a 100% completion of the game before a glitch run. As he said before, if you're so interested in the run, do it yourself. *Goes back to lurking in the shadows*
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I'd like to see the door glitch happen. I remember reading about years ago in Nintendo Power. It was one of the first real "glitches" I ever heard of. Still, I think Arc has bigger fish to fry. And yes, I would be more interested in a 100% run.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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I just really like to see things completed as fast as posible.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
I just really like to see things completed as fast as posible.
So does everyone else but your the only one who seems to believe that your way would be faster. Maybe you could put together a movie to show him (it doesn't have to be perfect) if your route has potential. He's done several runs of this game now so I think he has a pretty good idea of what can be done. But if you can prove to him that a different route is possible then he might consider redoing it. Otherwise, why should he waste time doing something which he believes would be inferior?
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I'd like to do this, but first I want to make sure Arc will do a door glitch run, assuming it could save time.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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?I?m? ?n?o?t? ?w?a?n?n?a? ?s?o?u?n?d? ?r?u?d?e? ?n?o?w? ?b?u?t? ?h?a?v?e? ?y?o?u? ?e?v?e?n? ?t?r?i?e?d? ?t?o? ?m?a?k?e? ?a?n? ?o?w?n? ?t?i?m?e? ?a?t?t?a?c?k??? ?I?t??s? ?L?O?A?D?S? ?o?f? ?w?o?r?k? ?a?n?d? ?t?i?m?e? ?b?e?h?i?n?d? ?m?o?s?t? ?o?f? ?t?h?e?m?.? ?A?n?d? ?a?s? ?f?a?r? ?a?s? ?I? ?k?n?o?w? ?t?h?e? ?d?o?o?r? ?g?l?i?t?c?h? ?j?u?s?t? ?t?a?k?e?s? ?y?o?u? ?t?o? ?"?s?e?c?r?e?t? ?a?r?e?a?s?"?,? ?o?f? ?c?o?u?r?s?e?,? ?i?f? ?i?t? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?s?a?v?e? ?t?i?m?e? ?s?o?m?e?w?h?e?r?e? ?i?t? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?c?o?o?l? ?b?u?t? ?a?r?e? ?y?o?u? ?s?u?r?e? ?i?t? ?w?i?l?l??? ?W?h?y? ?d?o?n??t? ?y?o?u? ?t?e?s?t? ?i?t? ?o?u?t??? ?A?l?s?o?,? ?I? ?d?o?n??t? ?k?n?o?w? ?t?h?i?s? ?g?a?m?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?g?o?o?d? ?s?o? ?I? ?c?a?n??t? ?t?e?l?l? ?w?h?e?r?e? ?t?h?e? ?g?l?i?t?c?h?e?s? ?t?a?k?e?s? ?y?o?u?.?
/Walker Boh
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Honestly, you seemed obsessed with a door glitch run. Why not do it yourself?
Player (177)
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So what does a "100% run" entail here, anyway? I know that in the first two Metroids, you can only have one beam at a time; each beam you obtain replaces the one you had before. You can't have both the Ice Beam and the Wave Beam at the end of the game. So what counts for 100%? Do you just need to grab one of the beams, since you'll always end up with only one anyway? Or do you need to have gotten both the Wave Beam and the Ice Beam within the same game? I also recall that the first Metroid has two places where you can get the Ice Beam. Do you need to visit both? (I forget whether the beam items regenerate or not. That could factor into it too.) Maybe you could grab one of the Ice Beams, grab the Wave Beam later on, then grab the other Ice Beam to finish the game off. Someone just needs to set down some sensible rules for this so we know what to do.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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The second Ice Beam is in Norfair among several missle upgrades. One could gather up the lot on the way out after beating Ridley. Check out Eggie's map at GameFAQs
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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IIRC in this game and in the second there are also extra E-tanks and missile tanks.
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