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This classic ninja game gets beaten at the hardest level, with no damage taken, in less than fifteen minutes. This is how a true ninja moves.
Please refer to this great wikipedia article for information about the game itself, such as the Ninjitsus being used or the appearances of Spider-Man and Godzilla:

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1141: jhp's Genesis The Revenge of Shinobi in 13:35.22
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Just a quick question. Have you seen this submission? It might help.
Joined: 8/1/2006
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Location: Stockholm
huh. actually, i haven't seen that movie until now! well, i find it somewhat boring, a lot of times he just runs through the levels, not even killing anyone or anything. plus, there are so many things that i do faster and better in my run -- it isn't just about the five seconds, mine is also a lot more entertaining to watch. see for yourselves. i don't think this game can be TASed very much faster, and i feel my run deserves to be published until someone does a better job. i hope you will agree.
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Did you, by chance, read the thread to see why it was rejected? You make the same "mistake".
Joined: 8/1/2006
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i don't agree with some of those mistakes; the taking damage for instance would make you lose the POW power-up, slowing the run down by greatly increasing difficulty of bosses aswell as some enemies. (also, there are some of those mistakes that i don't even make in my run.) my run is by no means a perfect one, but it's still an improvement comparing the two, timewise and entertainmentwise. too bad i didn't know about the other one until now, otherwise i'd be more aware of all those issues. to my defence i just want to say that this is my first TAS and i'd be happy to start from scratch making an even more perfect run.
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Well, I watched your run and it is indeed much better than neofix's run. I really have no complaints in terms of quality. The boss fights looks much better especially. Still, I don't find this game very interesting. Its not bad, but not very good either. I am not sure how to vote.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Hmm, a tough one. I'm not a fan of no-damage runs, and I think you could be more reckless in this aspect of the gameplay, such as killing enemies at the last possible frame or taking damage to save time (please correct me if there are no known ways to do this in this game, although it seems highly improbable). You can also pickup additional shurikens (at least I think so) and dispose of some of the enemies (mostly those who spawn behind you, such as in the bridge level) without turning around and slowdowns. Also, can you use your ninjitsus more extensive? Can any of them save a few frames at bosses? Still, your style is good and I believe you can run this game frame perfect, providing it is indeed not so hard cause the physics are quite simple here, and no serious luck manipulation is involved. Good luck. As for this run, it really is nice, but it also spots some obvious (albeit very small) improvements, such as the aforementioned slowdowns. Make this as fast as possible without any unneeded slowdown, clean the known errors, and it will surely get published. As for now, a meh from me.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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>I'm not a fan of no-damage runs, and I think you could be more reckless in this aspect of the gameplay, such as killing enemies at the last possible frame or taking damage to save time (please correct me if there are no known ways to do this in this game, although it seems highly improbable). You lose your x3 damage multiplier whenever you get hurt, so going unscathed all the time is probably the right thing to do. It's the same thing in Shinobi 3. Anyway, I think that the best thing to do is probably to take the best parts of this and the previous run and make a new one, with all the improvements that were suggested last time. The thing that bothered me the most was probably the turning around to shoot enemies. That should be avoidable somehow.
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Okay, I tried a lot of things for this movie not to desync but I failed. Does anyone know if there was something particular for the run to be played correctly, other than setting the controllers to 3 buttons, using gens 9g, 9f or 9c or disable the sound? Thanks in advance, I would like to TAS this game, so I need to see the movie. EDIT : My bad, it actually is a different rom used than the one I have. Sorry, I found the problem. REPOST EDIT : Okay, I just don't know if it is going to be useful, but just in case of, here's what I noticed, I hope jhp is going to improve this run, and if not I'll continue the half of 1-1 I did a long time ago. First of all, getting 50 shurikens in the beggining doesn't make me say this was played on the hardest difficulty. It could have been for entertainment purpose, but in the beggining I see you killing the enemies at no particular distance, instead of killing them at the last possible frame. Now here's a review for each stage. Stage 1 : Pressing start so round 1 could start was slow I think, because I didn't see the picture that represents round 1 although I can see it with a well-timed start. 1-1 : Killing a lot looks cheap to me, I don't think it was necessary, jumps don't look well-timed in the beggining and you don't make dance samurais (I do that in my TAS, you will see). I thought you could have been hit by the dog in the end, but as you can't get the pow in 1-2, you did the right choice. 1-2 : Haha, I had that idea of dancing with the ninja too... but didn't you try to move between the bamboo spikes? I have a question : how is it possible to turn back and activate the lever (or something that tells you "GO"), when you're not near it? Other than that, good ideas. 1-3 : I think each shuriken you throw is a little bit late compared to a possible "perfect" run, but I'm not sure. 2-1 : Not that great, considering that you tone down the difficulty by killing everybody IMO. 2-2 : Too bad you didn't take the fastest way : If you get hit there is a POW in the end of the level if I recall correctly. The dancing was awesome though, and so was the secret jitsu (I wanted to do that in my TAS). 2-3 : I think it was perfect, very good. 3-1 : Not that bad, but, as always, I don't like the killing a lot, plus it caused lag. And, near the end, didn't you try to get bump by a man so you could have a better time? I'm sure getting bumped when reaching the exit is faster. 3-2 : Good one. 3-3 : Good boss fight, I'm sure it was perfect. 4-1 : Again, it's looking good, but try and see if getting bumped by the flamethrower guy could have been faster. 4-2 : Perfect I think. 4-3 : Perfect too IMO. 5-1 : Very good, but it would have been more entertaining if you were killing people here, but again, that's just what I think, it's not objective review. 5-2 : Everything seems to be made for you not to waste time with those ladies, but I too want to say that there could be a way =/ . However, at some moment you make a double jump so you reach the foreground, then another double jump so you reach the background again, but the only thing you do is avoiding the car, which doesn't look nice. 5-3 : It does look good, but is the first version of RoS different from the third one about boss life? That boss battle looked really fast compared to Neofix's movie. 6-1 : NOOO, why using Ikazuchi? didn't you try to find a way out? You don't need pow until 6-3, I'm sure you don't, so you can get hit and get the pow during 6-2! and what's that turning back before the end? Good dance though. 6-2 : Hehe, now that killing people is entertaining to me, very good run on that one. 6-3 : Nothing to say 7-1 : lol turning back to kill the flamethrower. 7-2 : Good but, as Truncated said in Neofix's, several times, you push against the walls when falling next to it. Isn't there any acceleration? If so you should fall a bit away and press forward so that you just miss it. 7-3 : Awesome that you ran out of shurikens in the end. I have some questions though, are the damage from the sword and the damage from a pow shuriken the same? And is the luck manipulation about the boss the best one? Answering my questions would be really helpful, but it would be better to have them answered here