Post subject: Pokemon R/S/E IV calculations?
Joined: 7/12/2006
Posts: 12
I was thinking about doing a TAS for R/S/E... Except here are a few problems, that have troubled me about the game engine... -How does the game calculate how much does a Pokemon benefit from a single IV value? IV values go from 1-31, and it's randomly generated for every Pokemon. Only one problem... I'll take the example, Snorlax at level 50... It's HP is 222 with 22 EVs. I add one point in, it gains a single HP, adding 2 more points makes it gain another HP. At max HP, it's HP is 238... This is bugging the hell out of me, How much does each individual pokemon benefit from how many IV points are invested? Take another example, Bulbasaur at level 50. It's HP is 205 with 22 HP EVs. It gains a single HP point for every IV point. It also seems the IV growth is entirely different at different levels. I know it seems a bit useless for me to ask this, but this is bugging me. Im not a math major, and Im sure someone here knows the answer. Can anyone help?
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Stat = int(int(2B + D + E/4) * L / 100) + X B = base stat D = DV or IV E = EV L = level X = 5 for every stat except HP, where it's L + 10
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That formula is for the GB & GBC versions. In the GBA games the stats are calculated like this: HP =
Other Stats =
where: * A = Pokemon's Base Stat * B = Pokemon's Individual Value * C = Pokemon's Effort Value * D = Pokemon's Level * E = Normally equal to 1. 'int' means that the number must be rounded to an integer If the Pokemon's nature increases the stat by 10%, E = (110/100). If the Pokemon's nature decreases the stat by 10%, E = (90/100). As an exception, Shedinja's HP is always 1 (its Base HP is 1).
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Joined: 5/27/2005
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Nice. Since you are thinkin of making a run of R/S/E, i simply have to play it through ;). I once started Ruby (or Sapphire, don't remember which) but got bored around the time I reached the Volcano city/town. Now I begun a new game (Sapphire) with Torchic. Do you have any plans for the run? For example which starter, what pokemons are you going to catch etc.?
Which run should I encode next? :)
Editor, Expert player (2124)
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I am wondering about how different the games are to each other. I heard that Emerald is harder than Ruby or Sapphire. I did start an Emerald run some time ago but I became discouraged when I couldn't get a critical hit on Zigzagoon.
Joined: 5/27/2005
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I have understood that Emerald is similar to Yellow (of the R/B/Y series) and Crystal (of the G/S/C series). In other words, Ruby and Sapphire are almost the same with few minor changes, when Emerald is a little more different. Though, I haven't my self played Emerald, so I can't be completely sure about that.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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I've beaten Emerald before and I must say it is somewhat different from Ruby and Sapphire. One of the main differences is when you encounter a wild Pokémon or battle a trainer, the Pokémon will move or jump around for a second or two. All this really does is add more frames to the battle times. No big deal since I'm pretty sure you can disable it in the options menu. The story is different too. In Ruby your enemy is Team Magma and Sapphire it's Team Aqua. In Emerald it seems you are going against both of them. At first it seems that Aqua is your enemy but as the story twists and turns you wind up dealing with them both. You are able to get both Groudon and Kyogre in Emerald, as well as Rayquaza, Latios or Latias, Mew, Lugia, Hu-oh and Deoxys. There are also more trainers, the new Battle Frontier area, and a new champion. A couple of the Elite Four members use a different Pokémon too. Sidney (the first guy) replaced his Sharpedo with Crawdaunt and Drake (the fourth guy) replaced one of his Flygon with a Kingdra. The champion is no longer Steven but someone else. I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I won't reveal his identity. I will say he uses water types instead of steel types. Another thing to consider is there is a character named Scott that you run into from time to time. When you encounter him he just blabs for a few seconds then walks away. You never have to fight him but it's just more frames to worry about. As for your rival, he/she is still the same. You do meet that Wally guy in different spots after the first however. He is towards the beginning of Victory road instead of on the way out. That's all I can remember right now, if I think of anything else I'll post it. I hope this helps.
Guybrush: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets." Wally: "Really?" Guybrush: "No. I 'm lying." Wally: "In that case, I don't want one!" Currently working on: Nothing at the moment.
Post subject: Re: Pokemon R/S/E IV calculations?
Joined: 4/2/2008
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Morfos wrote:
IV values go from 1-31, and it's randomly generated for every Pokemon. Only one problem...
the values go from 0-31 to your dismay i recommend u go to or forums probably hav a great in-depth math calculation of iv possibilities/probabilities