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When watching from the save state it desyncs right before you enter the tomb. Edit: lol raw data. Gonna watch from the beginning and see what happens.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
I dont think its faster to do the super slide in Dampes grave because of the loading screen. If the record time is 36 seconds, thats pretty fast. The game time on this one is 48 seconds and actual time is like ~35 seconds I believe. I CANNOT GET THE DAMN BOOST! SOOO F'n CLOSE!
I've been trying from the older save-state from a while back, and I've been getting close too, although I haven't been using frame advance. I dunno what else to try, maybe a different style of jumping? Backflipping, side hopping?
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I messed up, actual time is like 59 seconds. If you watch my video I just posted, thats the closest jump I have gotten yet. I am pretty sure that I have the poe coming up at the perfect angle and I just need to roll and jump and the perfect time. MWL, 36 seconds seems impossible, even with a hookshot (which I dont have) at the very end. I am still very unsure on how to super slide. Can someone give me good details on this? I am rolling into the bomb while holding z and r but I just end up getting hit or blocking the blast. Is there a certain method?
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Video looks good from reset, I dunno how much better super sliding will be on dampe's race, does TSA have a video he can provide to show how he got 36 seconds?
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To do the superslide, I'm pretty sure you have to press a to "grab" the bomb somewhere along the line... I'm not sure though, since I've never tested it myself.
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Guano, unfortunately, I really don't know much about super-sliding and can't easily help you. It's a recent discovery and I don't have access to my console anymore. I'd suggest talking to TSA yourself. Here is his TASvideos profile if you need his contact info. Any tips and advice I can obtain about this trick will come from him, so you might as well eliminate the middleman. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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you get the hylia shield at me.. and then... with and without savestate it desynchs after you port ouf of the pit :/ edit: fixed my f*king internet language sorry^^
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A slightly offtopic theoretical question: Is there any reason why it wouldn't be possible for someone to complete OoT without ever pressing the Z button? You'd miss out on a lot pf tricks and shortcuts, of course, but I can't think of anywhere the game itself requires you to press Z...
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Dacicus wrote:
Okay, here's the movie of the completed child portion (213 MiB). For some reason, the audio lags behind the video as the movie progresses :(. I have no idea why this happens, but I'll hopefully find out by the time of the final movie.
Very good quality AVI, except that there was no antialiasing at polygon edges (leading into very pronounced jagged edges) and no mipmapping or equivalent moire-reducing technique in textures. So this is a tool-assisted OoT movie? Is it just a test movie, or something greater? I didn't watch it carefully enough to notice mistakes (I just scanned it quickly, having already watched a non-tool-assisted speedrun once), but I'm not an expert at this game either. Does the final movie require a savestate to play the movie from? That would be a bad thing. Edit: I noticed that my post had an overall negative tone. I didn't mean it like that; I want to encourage the OoT TAS. It was just a few points that I noticed.
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No save state is required. As for whether this is a test run or not, I don't know. It started out as a test run, but it wouldn't be crazy to submit it. It's sort of like the Mario 64 run with 16 stars, where after the test run was done people said that it should be submitted.
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evilchen wrote:
you get the hylia shield at me.. and then... with and without savestate it desynchs after you port ouf of the pit :/ edit: fixed my f*king internet language sorry^^
Turn on Raw Data on Input, I made the same mistake =) It works perfectly from reset just so you know.
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Guano said that his WIP is no longer a test run and will be submitted after he is done with it.
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Basically, to do a super slide you need 2 things... an object to push you like a bomb or an enemy, and then an objce that you can grab. Now, I'll just tell you the one for bombs since that supplies the object to grab as well as the object that pushes. So... Pull out the bomb. Shield drop the bomb (easiest) and then backwalk so that you are just outside grab range. Put your shield up. Now, sit and wait until the faster flicker starts... the timing at this part can only be learned and is something that will take a little practice, but it is something that grows easier over time until it can be done relatively easily. Roll forwards and mash A. Link will store a groundjump and will be pushed back too while he shields the blast. That will start the super slide. Now, as long as you hold out your shield, you will be able to super slide. Let go to stop sliding. If you are standing before the blast pushes you then you rolled too early. Keep trying and you'll get it. The easy wat to do it is to use Nayru's love and then store a groundjump. They are both easy though.
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Stupid question: Can you store a groundjump instead of using the poe to get you to the ledge before you do shadow early? You can skip the forest maze by doing this, right? So why can't we do this here? Is the height too much? Store the ground jump while on the fence, and then jump from the fence?
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Okay, I just had an AIM conversation with our good friend Acryte. He said the super-slide is impractical in Dampe's race because of all the turns and the time it takes for bombs to defuse. So you're right on that one, Guano. I'm sorry. I didn't know enough about the trick and I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Stupid question: Can you store a groundjump instead of using the poe to get you to the ledge before you do shadow early? You can skip the forest maze by doing this, right? So why can't we do this here? Is the height too much? Store the ground jump why on the fence, and then jump from the fence?
It's waaay to low. ;)
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Can/will use be made of this glitch? I tried it out, and it seems to work with anything you can Check. It would seem to offer the advantage of being able to kill things without stopping, although I'm not sure what the tradeoff would be time-wise. There aren't any boss rooms with Checkable things, are there? It could make a boss fight really fast, I'd think, especially if you did a jumpslash first.
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Well, he didn't kill the hopper in one hit, so unless you can combine it with the deku stick glitch it wouldn't be faster. However if you can combine it, and the effect lasts through screen transitions it will be very useful.
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Since it's activated with a crouchstab and you use no further attacks, the power is preserved from a deku jumpslash (I tested this). It does not persist across zone changes that reset your character state, however.
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No, there isn't a use for that glitch in this run.
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Hm, it may be usable in boss fights after all. A) It works with Navi. B) Navi will talk about iron-barred doors. Not that it'd still do us ang good, though... Bosses' stun is different from normal enemies. On the ones you can crouchstab repeatedly, though, it may well be faster, depending on how fast you can set it up and get through the dialogue.
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Unfortunately, there is no use for the trick... it can't hit faster than well timed crouch stabs but requires more time to set up then a crouchstab. Thusly is serves no purpose... which is sad because it is very cool.
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mwl wrote:
Okay, I just had an AIM conversation with our good friend Acryte. He said the super-slide is impractical in Dampe's race because of all the turns and the time it takes for bombs to defuse. So you're right on that one, Guano. I'm sorry. I didn't know enough about the trick and I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that.
Well, lets see. Ive been doing the SS in the race and found out that if I throw the bomb on the ground off the ledge in the beginning and do the slide after the text, I will just slide past dampe and he will go very slow. I have not tested it in another place to see if I slide past him. Also, DK, I have been thinking that too about the bomb jump. Is it possible? How do you keep levitating after the 1st jump up?
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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Oh, really? So can you stay ahead of him for the duration of the entire race?
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Also, DK, I have been thinking that too about the bomb jump. Is it possible? How do you keep levitating after the 1st jump up?
No clue, I'm not even sure how exactly to do the ground jump... It doesn't seem to hard, though. What if you ground jump into the poe? Would that give you enough height? Or even bomb boost into the poe, if you can't do the ground jump? You'll get the extra height, but will you be able to execute a jump slash after colliding with the poe, since you've already boosted with a bomb? In theory this should give you the extra height you need, but if you can't do the ground jump, or you can't perform a bomb boost w/out damaging the poe (making it impossible to hit him and boost again) we need a new idea. AKA says he's been able to get up on that ledge. Maybe he can shed more insight on this situation? This is impeding your progress right, not the Dampe race, so we should make this situation priority...
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~