Post subject: SMB3 - Frogsuit Only
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Yes, I'm insane for trying this. I'll be going through normally tonight to see just how many spots that I physically CAN'T get through in the Frogsuit. The first Fortress in world 4 and the first Fortress in world 6 come to mind. The way I see it, I have two options. I can get all the Frogsuits I can and just go through the levels as normal. If I'm forced to abandon the suit, I'll re-equip another after the level. Or I use the Cloud and phase through these levels. For the world 4 Fortress, I can use the Cloud from the first Hammer Brother fight to pass it over. But I can't do that for the world 6 fortress, as it guards a lock that requires opening. As it stands, I'm going directly from level 1-3 to world 3, doing the first two levels normally, and then getting and staying in the Frogsuit as long as possible. Trouble is, as of now, I've only played through to world 6's first Fortress. I know I can pick up two Frogsuits in world 3 and I'll have a single Cloud after world 5 (Since you get one from beating the world and all...) If I can make it to world 6 with both Frogsuits intact, I'll have to lose one in that dumb Fortress because the automatic lift takes you through a spot that's only as high as Small Mario. Hence, I can either duck or BE Small Mario through that spot. Even with a Starman active, I can't bounce through without losing the Frogsuit. I've tried maaany times. So it's a necessary evil. Meaning that after that point, I cannot lose the remaining Frogsuit to be taken from me. And as I've been told, world 7's gonna gimme hell. So I have to try and save my remaining Cloud for there. So in the end, I need to know two things. How many Frogsuits can I get in the whole of the game - and where? and How many Clouds are available in the whole of the game - and where? Since I don't have the patience to control games with my keyboard, this is being made in VirtuaNES 0.78 without slowdown. I figure I can make this work well enough without it. And the dumb thing hops along slow enough as it. It don't need any help. >>; Anyways, help with the Suit/Cloud issue will be greatly appreciated. And now that I've blathered on endlessly, back to the self-imposed hell I've jumped into. X.@ [Edit: Oh my god, my wrists! x.x Bwuh. I needed more items or more skill, one of the two. Levels 7 and 8 are very Anti-Frog, yo. I used all three Clouds I had there. And I was totally out of Frogsuits by that point. I beat world 7 alright, despite... and I got to the numbered levels of world 8 before I realized that I wasn't going to make it to the end. x.x; 8-1 proper has a Small Mario-sized space. And the Fortress isn't friendly to Frog Mario, either. Combined with the fact that I've NEVER been able to beat that dumb thing normally. So I needed one extra Frogsuit and one extra cloud. Or one extra Frogsuit and a lot of practice. xx; Either or. I ended on a sad note, cowering in a corner of the fortress after attempting to make it through, Frogless and useless. The final time is a lengthy 1:07 and I used 552 rerecords. Ah well. Maybe someone else will feel psychotic enough to try this. Someone with good Famtasia skills. Now then...time to sit here, watch Whose Line on Comedy Central... and try to get my right hand to stop aching like mad. @.@;]
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yes this is a rather crazy idea to say the least. i would'nt attempt anything like this myself but if done right it could be very cool to watch.
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lol :p goodluck
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You are awesome for even conceiving this idea.
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Yeah, this idea is t3h sh1zzn1><0rz. o_O You doin' American version or Japanese? Japanese immediately shrinks you upon a hit no matter what powers/Kuribo's Shoes you have. Might be more exciting...~_^ As for a list of frog suits, here are the ones I can remember: World 2: In the hidden Toad house next to the Fire Bros. World 3: Just about every Toad house has one, I think. At least 2 or 3...also two in the 3-5 and 3-9 bonus rooms. World 7: The last two Toad houses are of the frog/tanooki/hammer variety.
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World 7 has 'em, huh? *winces* World 7 is my biggest enemy at this point. Right now I've got the following list made: Clouds: Beating W2, Hammer Bros. in World 4, Beating W5, Hammer Bros. in World 6. Suits: One in W2, 4 in W3 (First two M.Houses, then two on the first island - the secluded fifth house only has mushrooms/flowers/leaves ><) That extra Cloud in W6 is important, since I am just completely crap at the W8 Fortress. >< W4's Fortress needs a Cloud to pass, since it's got a Small Gap. If memory serves, BOTH W6 Fortresses have Small Gaps, too. So that's two Suits lost. But I'll pick up a Cloud from the Hammer Brothers. World 7's the biggest pain in the ass for me, though. Both Fortresses and level 6 give me a hard time. I'm gonna work on getting through level 6 without a Cloud, as I passed over both Fortresses and then that level in my last go, since I wasn't aware of the Cloud from the Hammer Brothers. Ach, managing my items is a pain in the butt. ~.~ But I WILL succeed! It may not be very graceful, but I WILL succeed. [Edit: SUCCESS! I made it to Bowser and whipped him in the Frogsuit! I even had one extra. ...Because I thought I didn't have ANY left, so I picked up one in World 7. ^^; Whoops. Lesse, what're the final stats... Time: 1:12:34 Rerecords: 305 Crap, 200+ rerecords less than the last time X.x; And I made it through level 7-6 with the Suit intact. Victoly! Now then... where to put it? c.c Can I submit .vmv files, or should I just find some webspace that allows offsite linking?] [Edit2: Arc's been kind enough to host it. So... And now I can give my hands a break. I welcome anyone to beat my time, as I'm certain it wouldn't be hard. Lord knows VirtuaNES isn't the best for this kinda thing. But I stuck with it and got it done. That's good enough for me. c.c]
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Cool. I gotta see this. :) What emulator and rom versions is the movie for, though? Oh, and for little stuff like this, is pretty good...signup is free and anonymous, since it's specifically designed for little stuff to post on message boards like this. The total account size limit is about 5 MB, but that's to be expected...^_^
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I second the emu/rom question. Obviously a VirtuaNES video, but i get bad CRC stuff with both standard US versions, and the Japanese version of the game.
I like my "thank you"s in monetary form.
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Since I don't have the patience to control games with my keyboard, this is being made in VirtuaNES 0.78 without slowdown.
>> About the rom, though... I honestly have no idea. I've nabbed around four versions in the past week before I actually paid attention to the fact that mario3-full-tokushin.fmv was for the Japanese version. x.c; Wasn't using a typical naming scheme, either. Just 'smb3.nes' x.x
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rom used : Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG1) [!]
hello world !
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There are several clouds you are missing. I haven't played the game in ages, so sorry if my info is a little blurry. From World 3 and onward, every time you use a magical note block to boost you into the clouds, the level will end with giving you a Cloud. There's a magical note block in the level in world 3 where there are those green guys throwing spikes at you. There should also be 1 or two of those in world 5. I forget all the locations, sorry.
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I'm redoing the run, folks. This time using a bit of slowdown. And I'm gonna do it in pieces. Partly because it saves wear and tear on my nerves, partly because it saves wear and tear on my wrists. I've got the first two worlds done - the Hammer Brothers decided to play hide and seek with me, though, so I had to do an extra level. And I forgot that toad houses DON'T make them move. But it didn't add much time to the overall, so to hell with it. I got lucky that the Hammer Brother not in-between the castle and pyramid was holding the hammer item. 74 rerecords, 9:58. Hopefully the rest of the levels will go as fast.
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74 rerecords, 9:58. What's this supposed to be, a speed run that displays skill or a speed run that's supposed to be perfect? It doesn't make sense to have something in between. At 9:58 your re-record count should be at least in the 1000s. I've got the first two worlds done - the Hammer Brothers decided to play hide and seek with me, though, so I had to do an extra level. And I forgot that toad houses DON'T make them move. If the hammer bros. don't do what you want them to do, why don't you just affect the randomness? That's what re-records are for. Also, if you forgot something and did something wrong you should just do that part over instead of leaving in the mistake.
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It's my first time using slow-motion. This first time through's just helping me get accustomed to it more than anything else. After the pain of world 3, I definitely wouldn't be able to use it. For one thing, I messed up and turned the Hammer-carrying Hammer Bros. into a white airship. I've done that twice now - someone remind me what the hell's causing it so I can avoid it in the future. I'm also making precise counts of items so I don't waste extra time getting stuff I don't need. In version 1, I had a small arsenal of extra crap I didn't need, including an extra frogsuit. This'll do for now, though. I've got precisely SQUAT planned this next week, so I'll be churning out things fairly quickly, I hope. As for the low rerecord count - why should it be in the thousands? Providing everything goes as I want it to - and I'm not claiming version 2 here has by any means >< - it doesn't make sense to rerecord more than necessary. I'm certainly trying to do the Koopa Kid fights a bit more interesting than they were last time, and I'm able to time my jumps better when things are slowed down. A few worlds are just slow and painful, no matter how I run them. Usually the auto-scroll levels. But with the extra frogsuit I picked up last time, I can't help but wonder - would skipping world 2 entirely and doing the first two world 3 levels suitless be better? I'd be missing an extra cloud and frogsuit that I'd have to make up elsewhere. I'm pretty confident in finding suits, but those clouds are lifesavers - usually in world 7, which is sheer hell as a frog.
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As for the low rerecord count - why should it be in the thousands? Do you plan on getting through every level as fast as possible? Do you plan on making it look very fancy? Do you plan on making every single movement at exactly the right frame to shave off miniscule amounts of time? If you barely use any re-records it's not going to look very good.
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It looks fine, because I know the game very well. It's a frogsuit run, chief. 'Fast' runs with a frogsuit do not exist. You can play grabass with the enemies and boost your hortizontal jump slightly, but it isn't so important that I need to jump on just the right enemy at jump the right time. The whole run's based on the fact that a frogsuit run -looks- interesting. Mainly because of how horrible it is on land. There's NO point whatsoever in thousands of rerecords to do simplistic things, chief. It's a waste of time, pure and simple.
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BombAHead wrote:
I messed up and turned the Hammer-carrying Hammer Bros. into a white airship. I've done that twice now - someone remind me what the hell's causing it so I can avoid it in the future.
Get a multiple of 11 coins, make the last two digits of your score that number / 11 * 10, then end the level on an even time unit. Example: Coins: 44 Score: 572340 Time: 132
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Just remembered something. You get a special power up if you go into the World 5 tower level a second time, it might have been a cloud...
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Frogsuit run! Frogsuit ruuuuuun! ><
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It's all about the hammer suit, guys
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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How about a run while using the GG code KKKZSPIU? :)
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Michael Fried wrote:
How about a run while using the GG code KKKZSPIU? :)
Isn't there a rule that (basically) says "no GG/etc. runs"?
Player (86)
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Id say a cool competition would be a rockman run with no rerecords(sorry to anyone trying to use bisqwits techneques :) ) Id like to see how this would turn out.. i done it in 30 minutes on my old computer (that was before i knew about rerecords and trying to beat Morimoto's 22 min) so.. i think this would be a cool challenge!
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They could.. but wheres the satisfaction? this is nothing to be published or anything so.. why not have a little fun! even though if you run a movie a little slow, you can see the screen kinda make a little " Blink" where a rerecord was done. ive seen it on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
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Michael Fried wrote:
How about a run while using the GG code KKKZSPIU? :)
What does that code do anyways?