Post subject: A gratuitous Windows-XP-Is-Evil post
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Location: Göteborg, Sweden
?Y?e?s?,? ?t?h?i?s? ?r?a?n?t? ?i?s? ?w?o?e?f?u?l?l?y? ?o?f?f?-?t?o?p?i?c?,? ?b?u?t? ?I? ?w?a?n?t?e?d? ?t?o? ?g?e?t? ?i?t? ?o?f?f? ?m?y? ?c?h?e?s?t?.? ?V?e?r?y? ?s?o?r?r?y? ?f?o?r? ?a?n?y? ?w?a?s?t?e? ?o?f? ?t?i?m?e? ?i?n?c?u?r?r?e?d?.? ? ? ? ?M?y? ?t?a?l?e? ?b?e?g?i?n?s? ?e?a?r?l?i?e?r? ?t?o?d?a?y?,? ?a?s? ?I? ?w?a?s? ?e?x?p?l?a?i?n?i?n?g? ?t?o? ?n?e?w?-?r?e?g?i?s?t?r?e?e? ?I?n?v?o?k?e?r?,? ?a? ?f?r?i?e?n?d? ?o?f? ?m?i?n?e? ?e?v?e?n? ?o?f?f? ?t?h?i?s? ?f?o?r?u?m?,? ?w?h?a?t? ?h?e? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?d?o? ?t?o? ?i?m?p?r?o?v?e? ?h?i?s? ?l?i?t?t?l?e? ?M?e?g?a?m?a?n? ?X?-?r?u?n?t?h?r?o?u?g?h?.? ?F?o?r? ?t?h?e? ?p?u?r?p?o?s?e? ?o?f? ?b?e?i?n?g? ?e?x?t?r?a?-?c?o?n?v?i?n?c?i?n?g? ?(?f?i?n?e?,? ?a?n?d? ?f?o?r? ?s?h?o?w?i?n?g? ?o?f?f?)?,? ?I? ?d?i?d? ?a? ?[?U?R?L?=?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?w?w?w?.?d?d?.?c?h?a?l?m?e?r?s?.?s?e?/?~?k?a?r?s?c?h?/?M?e?g?a?M?a?n?X?e?r?o?1?.?0?.?s?m?v?]?q?u?i?c?k?,? ?n?o?t?-?e?n?t?i?r?e?l?y?-?o?p?t?i?m?a?l? ?r?u?n?-?t?h?r?o?u?g?h? ?o?f? ?t?h?e? ?i?n?t?r?o? ?l?e?v?e?l?[?/?U?R?L?]? ?w?h?i?c?h? 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We already knew that :p
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view > list done. ppl should learn to optimize their windows :\
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Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence... :p For the sake of informing the populace: Phil - You misunderstand me completely. I have the right codec; obviously, as I encoded the file myself in the first place. The problem is having the avi corrupted when uploading and the gracefulness with which windows handles corrupted video files. Also, this was meant as an annoyed rant, not a request for help - though I appreciate the sentiment :) qFox - My choice of view is entirely separate from window's silly preview window. To note this, select whichever viewing style you wish, mark a video file and hit the close-cross of your side bar ("explorer bar", according to explorer). Note what's in the little box marked "Details" in the replacement side bar.
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Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Didn't I tell you? Windows's a bitch. ;) Oddly enough, a strange thing happened to me this day. Yesterday I could re-size, re-arrange the Snes9x window at the best of my leisure. Today, however, it simply won't cooperate with me. True, it still works. Though only in fullscreen mode. Anyone know how to fix this or have experienced similar problems?
"When all else fails, hit it with a sledgehammer." "I know Kung-Fu!" "No, you do not. You're an idiot."
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It's amazing how many people have problems with XP. I've never had any :) I feel so special :)
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It's not XP bothering me so much as the previous windows versions. I still remember Win95 *shudders*
"When all else fails, hit it with a sledgehammer." "I know Kung-Fu!" "No, you do not. You're an idiot."
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oh that left side preview panel? that doesnt ever last longer then the first time i open explorer in a fresh installed windows its slow, its useless, and its slow. i thought you meant the thumbnail preview, i believe he does that for movies as well.
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Xerophyte wrote:
Phil - You misunderstand me completely. I have the right codec; obviously, as I encoded the file myself in the first place. The problem is having the avi corrupted when uploading and the gracefulness with which windows handles corrupted video files. Also, this was meant as an annoyed rant, not a request for help - though I appreciate the sentiment :)
I know it is not the codec problem but windows is trying to create thumbail so that link explain how to desactivate it. Btw when this happen just kill explorer.exe and reopen it.
Joined: 5/17/2004
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Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Phil wrote:
I know it is not the codec problem but windows is trying to create thumbail so that link explain how to desactivate it. Btw when this happen just kill explorer.exe and reopen it.
O_o . . . note to self: knee-jerk responses are bad. Just noticed the topic of the thread and didn't bother to read the posts in it. Sorry, and thanks.