The other option is redoing the run from after Jabu. Instead of warping to the Lost Woods, you'd ride the river down to the magic bean, and warp to the Desert Colossus area to plant it. Then, you'd do a deathwarp and enter the Lost Woods from the forest, while skipping the owl dialogue on the way to Goron City. Still not quite optimal, but it's already very good. Plus, you'd save another five minutes in the adult portion of the run.
If not, the time you spend traveling after Dodongo's will probably exceed the time saved in Spirit by going directly to the Mirror Shield.
It's up to you to decide whether five minutes saved is enough reason to spend probably five hours or more redoing what you've already done. We're just here to cheer you on, whatever your choice is.
AKA, do you have a video showing how to collapse the statue? Otherwise, the rest is pretty much as shown by TSA.

* SC 1 - Entry Courtyard - Get 1st Small Key (See
Note 1)
* SC 2 - Main Chamber
* SC 3 - Stalfos Battle (Need to defeat for upper-level Stalfos to appear); Get 2nd Small Key
* SC 4 - Inner Courtyard -
Perform Mega Boost
* SC 5 - Block Puzzles - Push and climb
* Unlock two doors en route to Stalfos Battle;
Do two text skips (See
Note 2)
* SC 7 - Upper-level Stalfos Battle; Get Fairy Bow
* Play the Requiem of Spirit
Note 1: I'd recommend comparing the time needed to get the small key in the entry chamber (SC 1) versus the room with the wallmaster (SC 10). The wallmaster can be defeated very quickly with a jumpslash and spin attack. Most people on SDA believe that the entry chamber is slightly faster, but no one has actually timed the two rooms.
Note 2: Climbing the ledge is not necessary for the second text skip, and is in fact slower. You should hug the wall, jump to the center platform, and jump again to the locked door.
Iron knuckle skip
Everything else is pretty much the same as in TSA's video.