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AKA wrote:
I'm a little bit embassed to say this but how do you resume recording. I tried frame advance but I couldn't toggle between it and slowdown. Just so I don't confuse I'm in frame advance.
It took me a while to figure this out too. First, make a new savestate before the point you want to begin rerecording. Then, reload the movie, and be sure NOT to check "Open Read-Only" When the movie runs out of recorded inputs, Mupen64 will begin to record your inputs in the same .m64 file. If you want to speed up or slow down, press + or -, respectively. If you want to use frame advance, press \. Keep in mind that you can't use frame advance on everything -- for example, ocarina songs cannot be played frame by frame. (Unfortunately, I have yet to find the optimal frame interval between notes.) Hope this helps and good luck.
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Is there an explanation for frame advance not working on ocarina songs?
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KroNa wrote:
Is there an explanation for frame advance not working on ocarina songs?
Well, it can't be literally true. Most likely the problem is that it's difficult to perform frame-by-frame because the buttons have to be held (or not held) longer than one would think is necessary.
mwl wrote:
When the movie runs out of recorded inputs, Mupen64 will begin to record your inputs in the same .m64 file
What? I would be surprised if that works. All you have to do is load a savestate. Waiting until the movie runs out has nothing to do with it, except that it's exactly what you don't want to do. (Why did you say to make a savestate in your instructions if you don't need to load that savestate?)
mwl wrote:
If you want to use frame advance, press \
Don't forget that you can press the Pause key afterward to resume the game at normal speed after using frame advance.
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Yeah, he just meant that you can't put in a new note each frame and have it play all of the notes you put in.
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I meant reloading the newly-created savestate.
Yeah, he just meant that you can't put in a new note each frame and have it play all of the notes you put in.
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CoolBumpty wrote:
Yeah, he just meant that you can't put in a new note each frame and have it play all of the notes you put in.
But you can put in a new note every 6th frame. Frame advance is perfect for that.
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nitsuja wrote:
CoolBumpty wrote:
Yeah, he just meant that you can't put in a new note each frame and have it play all of the notes you put in.
But you can put in a new note every 6th frame. Frame advance is perfect for that.
Yup. It would have been better if instead this was said: "Remember that the game doesn't accept input in every frame, such as when you're playing ocarina songs." Or something like that, since taking what he said literally doesn't make too much sense. But well, I understood what he meant.
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Watched the latest update from the beginning without any desynchs. Pretty decent. Did you redo part of the castle courtyard? Coming up: Jabu-Jabu: Try holding C to fire the slingshot seed instead of pressing the button twice (once to take out the weapon and once to fire it.) There are six entries on my route between J-J and Dodongo's, but most of it is plain travelling: * Zora's Ftn - Get Zora's Sapphire * Zora's Domain - Catch fish in bottle; Exit through the main entrance * Zora's River - Turn left and dive in the pool to warp to the Lost Woods * Lost Woods - Go straight; fast-fwd owl dialogue; turn right to enter warp * Goron City - Bombchu boulders; exit through main entrance on top floor * DM Trail - Turn right; blow open Dodongo's Cavern w/bomb flower; backflip down and enter Dodongo's Cavern (should be fast and easy) * SC 1: Light the dead Dodongo's eyes. Nothing a bit of luck manipulation cannot handle... * SC 18: Bottle glitch. This has to be one of the cooler tricks in the game, eh? * SC 20: You may have to hold a bombchu to blast open the floor, in which case you should take out the bombchu as early as possible. If you can somehow make the floor explode after releasing a bombchu, then it's all for the better. * King Dodongo: Jumpslash w/stick in the first attack cycle and crouch-stab in the second, while making sure to optimize your bomb throws. If you plan on doing the sword/stick alternating trick later on, you'll want to save your last stick by performing a missed jumpslash followed by a crouching stab in the first attack cycle. Again, strategy callouts correspond to the ones on the official walkthrough. Proposed C-button arrangements (please speak up if you have a better plan in mind) * Enter Jabu-Jabu to getting boomerang: Deku Nuts, Slingshot, Bottle * After getting boomerang to bombchu blast: Deku Nuts, Boomerang, Bombchu * After bombchu blast to exiting J-J: Deku Nuts, Boomerang, Deku stick * After J-J to end of child segment: Bombchu, Bottle, Deku stick By the way, sorry for the lack of clarity in my earlier post. I didn't sleep too well last apologies. Please don't jump on me for one bad post... I will have a busier work schedule beginning next week, though I'll try to check in when I can to see how this project is going. Keep up the good work.
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I find it funny that this topic has the same number of pages as a similar topic in SDA :). @update, yea, using the save-state it desynchs, but using one of my custom save states, it works fine. I have not yet tried watching it from the beginning.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
I find it funny that this topic has the same number of pages as a similar topic in SDA :). @update, yea, using the save-state it desynchs, but using one of my custom save states, it works fine. I have not yet tried watching it from the beginning.
wich save-states? can't find them =/
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Eh, there's this one But it's probably to close to the end to be of any use...
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
I find it funny that this topic has the same number of pages as a similar topic in SDA :). @update, yea, using the save-state it desynchs, but using one of my custom save states, it works fine. I have not yet tried watching it from the beginning.
You know, I have noticed that I have yet to get a desync when loading my own save states on Guano's movie file. This is good news as since it seems to work well for us it may work for everyone (if you make your own save states while watching the movie, it won't desync when you start from them). Here's hoping!
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But does my save-state work for anyone else? It could be user-specific. Quick off topic question... Is the correct term desync, or desynch? Actually, the full word should be desynchronous (or desynchronize), right? Which doesn't make any sense. It should be asynchronous (like an IO interrupt)... Should we call them asynchs or async? Who knows, maybe the "a" prefix changes to a "de" prefix when changing the adjective to a noun.
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Andypro wrote:
You know, I have noticed that I have yet to get a desync when loading my own save states on Guano's movie file. This is good news as since it seems to work well for us it may work for everyone (if you make your own save states while watching the movie, it won't desync when you start from them).
That doesn't work for the people that get a desync even when watching the movie from the start without savestates. re DK64_MASTER: it's short for desynchronize, which is a verb. "Async" wouldn't mean the same thing at all. I say "desync" because it's the first version of it I saw and I think "desynch" looks awkward, but I doubt there's any official way to abbreviate it.
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What's the difference between desynchronous and asynchronous, then?
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
What's the difference between desynchronous and asynchronous, then?
desynch: lack of synch - music and gameplay doesn't go together properly, for example. Such as when you take a hit, you hear the hit a few seconds later/earlier, when you're supposed to hear the hit right when you get hit. asynch: absence of synch - you see the gameplay, but you don't hear the music even though it is SUPPOSED to be there. Such as when you take a hit, you don't even hear the hit sound. Well, that's what I found by using I could be wrong though.
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The way I understand it, the difference is this (I am probably wrong, though): Desynchronous = supposed to be synchronous. Somehow it has desynced. Asynchronous = not supposed to be synchronous. Not synchronous.
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hahahahahahaha.....sorry I'm f**ked up.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
What's the difference between desynchronous and asynchronous, then?
Desynchronous isn't a word. asynchronize isn't a word. When two events that are supposed to happen synchronously happen asynchronously, it means they have been desynchronized. For example, watching a foreign movie, and a subtitle appearing 5 seconds after the line was spoken. When people on this forum talk about desyncs, it means that the "movie file" which is a record of the input given does not play back properly on their system because the timing between events is different. This usually happens due to some settings in the emulator's configuration not being precisely the same as they were on the system where the movie was made, but with very CPU intensive stuff like N64 emulation, it can also happen just because of a different processor, or a different graphics/sound card. Now you know.
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Sketchie wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
What's the difference between desynchronous and asynchronous, then?
desynch: lack of synch - music and gameplay doesn't go together properly, for example. Such as when you take a hit, you hear the hit a few seconds later/earlier, when you're supposed to hear the hit right when you get hit. asynch: absence of synch - you see the gameplay, but you don't hear the music even though it is SUPPOSED to be there. Such as when you take a hit, you don't even hear the hit sound. Well, that's what I found by using I could be wrong though.
Hmm. I was getting that inkling too. However, it doesn't fit in with the computer science definition of "asynchronous" (or how I feel asynchronous is defined in terms of what CS uses). My example is asynchronous I/O (more specifically interrupts). Interrupts function independently of the cpu clock, and can eliminate the need for polling I/O (thus keeping your CPU idle). This means that despite synchronization of CPU stages (instuction fetch, instruction decode, ALU, Memory read, Reg write) with a clock, the CPU can stall one of theses stages (assuming pipeling) if given an interrupt. I hppe I got that right, as my knowledge of computer architecture is failing, as I move toward more of an EE background (rather than CS). This isn't an absense of synchronization, it's more of something that doesn't need synchronization to function. Interrupts are asynchronous, and fit more in your definition of "lack of sync" (desync(h))as nothing is "missing". Well I guess it's a matter of semantics too. I've just never really heard the term "desynchronous" used before, because it would be correct to use "asynchronous"... Edit: I think Blublu's definition is a lot clearer :).
upthorn wrote:
Desynchronous isn't a word. asynchronize isn't a word. disagrees with the former, and I'm sure you can have asynchronized signals... _____________________________________________________________ This is way off topic. I didn't mean to threadcrap, so lets put some on topic discussion. I just want to recap why we didn't go immediately to Zora's Domain, and Jabu Jabu after getting the bottle. My understanding is that, as soon as you complete Jabu Jabu, it is noon. It is quite difficult to get to Hyrule Castle, seamwalk, and enter the castle after completing the castle. Is this the only reason? Right now, we have to listen to the owl and traverse Hyrule Field once more (to go back to ZD through Lake Hylia (see my previous question a few posts back)). This a lot of time. If we had gotten the bottle, gone to ZD (via warp), complete Jabu Jabu, and go back to Hyrule via the river (another owl conversation, maybe skippable), it would be quite tough to make it to Hyrule Castle before sundown? Is this quite difficult, if not impossible to do? The river doesn't seem that long... But then I'm probably underestimating the time it takes to get to the castle and do the seamwalk... That situation seems ideal. With the current after Jabu Jabu, what do we do? We go to dodongo, right? So, we kill ourselves (takes us Link's House), and then go to Goron City via lost woods? Does that require 1 too many bombchus? If not, then we proceed to Dodongos (exiting the City through the normal exit. If we dont' have enough bombchus, we don't kill ourselves, and enter Dodongo's via Kakiro, and listen to that keaton crap... So far, if we had 10 more bombcus (via the well) we could have gone to Zora's Fountain faster, and maybe potentially Dodongo's faster. Plus we could have left going to Hyrule Castle to some other time (since we don't go to Dodongo via Kakiro). Will getting 10 extra bombchus earlier save more time than waste? Hell, can we skip going to Hyrule Castle completely? (if we go to ZD via Lake Hylia) What's stopping us from getting the 3 spiritual stones w/out Zelda's letter or lullaby? Do we need her lullaby at all for the child segment? I think this what we were talking about earlier, needing the lullaby for the shadow temple (adult segment). Is that the only location we need it? Pity... We could skip Zelda all together... I'm just throwing out ideas, and experimenting with death and times (killing Link after exiting Dodongo's cavern at anytime will make Link start at Home at the same time, sadly... I'm sleepy now (2am).
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DK64 the lullaby is probally the most essential item in the game its absolutely necesscary since magic is required for using the light arrows. Its also needed for the boat room in Shadow and most certainly the boss key room Spirit since glitching through the door would be no good. You can't get lullaby after the ganondorf cutscene has been triggeed and I also think that the drawbridge is always raised after the three stones have been attained. The only way possible to get the lullaby with three stones would be to leave the map and fall into the uber water environmen and from there on in swim past the drawbridge and rise up to where the trainsistion point is beyond the drawbridge.
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Going down the river plus walking a decent bit in Hyrule Field will most likely take longer than simply walking around the house in Lake Hylia and walking along the bridge to talk to the owl. And we're not one bombchu short. The bombchu to get into Goron City is taken into account. Maybe you're thinking that a bombchu will have to be used in one of these locations: To open Dodongo's Carvern or just in the entrance: There are Goron's Crop there To open up the cave to talk to the Great Fairy: It's possible to seamwalk and get over the cave entrance, then jump off and jumpslash to enter the cave To open up the Well's supply of bombchus: That will be skipped and instead bombchu bowling will be done to get bombs for the adult portion. Although, was a bombchu used to get onto the Graveyard cliff, or was it a normal jumpslash onto the poe? Well, either way it should be possible with normal bombs, but that might make it even harder. And if there's another run, we can test out that backwalking speed up, though it may not make enough of a difference to make Jabu Jabu possible before Zelda.
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Taking the owl to Hyrule Castle isn't the quickest way there I timed this manually quite some time ago and its approximatley 10 seconds slower to take the owl because of the long dialougue which can't be speeded up. The owl was used because time doesn't flow during diaglougue sequences which was much to my surprise.
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I'm a dumbass. I forgot about the great-fairy... So we do go through the lost woods to get to Dodongos! That's good. I'm still wondering if it's faster to get another 10 bombs from the well can completely skip bombchu bowling since: 1. Saves us a trip across Hyrule Field 2. Bombchu Bowling takes a while too! 3. Bombchu boost to skip owl dialogs 4. No seamwalk/glitching to get to GF So, here's how it could go: Starting from Child Spirit: Child Spirit - Death - Links House - Hyrule Field - bombchu boost past owl (if possible) -Lake Hylia - Fishing - Gold Scale - Bottle - Zora's Domain - Jabu Jabu - Warp to Lake Hylia (from the river outside ZD) - Hyrule Castle (through owl @ Lake Hylia) or if you have time, through the river, skipping the owl dialog - Zelda - Well (get bombchus) - Death Mountain - Dodongos - Great Fairy. We don't even go through the lost woods now. It does take a while to get bombchus from bombchu bowling... And w/extra bombchus we don't have to glitch to GF, and we can potentially skip owl dialogs... Any opinions or fallacies with this route?
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I can't find any fallacies, but it's hard to say if your route's faster unless these three questions can be answered: 1. Is the Well really faster than Bombchu Bowling? Bombchu Bowling requires three goals, and each bombchu can be released before the previous wall has completely destructed. With any luck it can be done in under 1'30". Plus, the ground jump saves at least another 30". Having seen videos of the Cucco Dive on Youtube, I'd estimate that at least two minutes are needed for the diversion (begin with cornering the Cucco). 2. How much time is wasted by going to Dodongo's the conventional way? Going to Dodongo's through the village gate is much slower than going through the Lost Woods because of the 1-2' guard dialogue (none of which can be fast-forwarded) and the overviews of each area that you're forced to watch when you enter them for the first time through their main entrances. You'll want to do the seamwalk on DM Trail anyway, because climbing the skulltula wall takes quite some time. 3. Can the Castle Courtyard be reached in time? The biggest bet is the river and the trek across Hyrule Field. You don't know if the castle gates will be open when you make it there. Otherwise, Zora's River downstream (you can skip the owl) + the short trek to Hyrule Castle should be faster than backwalking all the way to Lake Hylia and to the owl. *shrug*