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Magician (US) for NES. Emulator used: FCEU 0.98.12 blip, NTSC
Doesn't use warps or passwords (not possible), doesn't use death to save time (not possible). Takes hits to save time, and plenty of them. Manipulates luck.
I decided to go back and improve this one again. This is my third submission, and is 19 seconds faster than the last one. Some of this improvement comes from frame-perfect menus and boss fights. I didn't really understand how frame advance worked when I made the earlier versions, so I used slowdown instead. Now that I know how to do it properly I wanted to fix that. I also found a tactical change that really helped and it accounts for maybe 10 to 12 seconds of improvement.
Magician is a pretty obscure and wretchedly hard game that I've always liked. It's an action game with some RPG elements. It keeps track of food and water, which the player has to stay on top of, and the spell system is pretty neat. All the spells are available either for purchase or to be found, but it's not necessary and you can enter them in manually, which I do for the vast majority. I also skip several sidequests that give hints as to some of the puzzles, as well as puzzle points. As a result, I don't get the best ending.
If you play around with the game at all, you'll note that if you enter an unknown spell in the spell screen, it usually kills you. The way this works is that any unknown spell has (I think) a 1 in 4 chance of giving you any of three death animations, or healing you 20%. Even the same unknown spell will do different things different times.
I was about halfway through level 6 and much too low on health to make it, so I backtracked to level 4 and luck manipulated to restore my health using this trick. This cost me virtually no time, since on level 4 I was able to fit it into an inventory visit I already needed, and really set me up to be more aggressive taking damage in later levels, so it worked out very well. In level 8, I also refill my health using this trick, instead of casting shield spells to keep me alive against the final boss. This is worth about 5 seconds in and of itself.
I am able to move faster throughout by using the Jump spell, and Fleet Foot in a couple spots. This costs mana, and I can't just jump through the game nonstop. Planning the route is all about mana management and having just enough to get past the various bosses so that all the rest is used on gaining time or other required stuff. Also, the game scrolls text slowly, but entering the inventory makes it all appear as a block. I often time my inventory visits to avoid text scrolling. In a few instances, it's faster to go in and out of inventory to scroll text even if I'm not changing spells or items.

adelikat This is a well planned run, but unfortunately it fails to deliver. This game doesn't seem to entertain the audience, regardless of how fast and well planned it is.
It is certainly a game that requires you to be familiar with it before watching the run. Unfortunately, no one is. Sorry, but rejecting

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #920: Slotermeyer's NES Magician in 10:59.95
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I want to begin with pointing out that I haven't played this game, so that may affect this vote. Those who have played this game might find this more interesting. I'm voting Meh on this. Here's what I thought was good in this movie: 1. Menus were handled really fast. 2. Boss fights looked good. 3. No obvious mistakes or waiting periods. But the thing is, I found this movie plain boring to watch. I fast-forwarded through most of it, since it often involved a 30-second period of walking, without anything happening. As I saw it, about 75% of this movie was just watching you walk forward without anything happening. Not very exciting... I didn't quite get the story either, as I understood it, you walk a while, enter a house and do something there (I have no idea what happened in there), walk some more, fall down a well and supposedely learn some fly spell, walk some more, learn some new spell, fight some boss etc. So to put things short, I believe this movie is almost as fast as possible, but I really didn't like the fact that there was so much boring walking in it. So good job, but I thought it was a bad game-choise. This might just be my opinion on this, though, I believe someone who has played this game will like it a little more.
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I'm going to vote meh on this as well. Although it looks like you had good planning and procedure, I wasn't really impressed with the game itself. I watched the whole thing at 200%, only stopping at the first and last boss. Even with it going twice as fast, I wasn't really interested. Also, I think the movie paused a frame before the credits rolled on my computer, so I had to unpause it myself. Would have voted no, but the title screen was too funny to turn this down completely. Meh vote.
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Well, it's rather interesting concept as a game. Unfortunately, it's done with a lousy color scheme which makes it look washed down and uninteresting. It's also more or less obscure for any viewer that watches it without having played it. Like the voters before me, I'll go for meh, mainly because I still found it somewhat interesting and it's well played. Also, it isn't too long a movie.
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What happened to this submission? The first one for the same game, in 11:40, had 5 yes votes, the next one had 3 yes votes, and now when he improved it again, it still got 3 yes, but also 5 meh. What do the people who voted yes to the previous submissions think about this one? Is it less interestingly played in some way? First submission for reference:
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Another meh here. I found the game fairly dull to watch. The jumping made it more interesting. I wish it were possible to do it more. Like rpgs, it is problematic because all the text blows by too fast to be read. Therefore a person who hasn't played the game before (like me) has no idea what is going on. Further more, most of the game was a lot of walking to the right with little or no action. It looks well planned, taking as much damage as possible, managaing mana, etc, so that keeps me from voting no. Did you test thoroughly the "floating" spell? There is on ledge that you float down on near the end. Shortly after, you drop straight down. That ledge looked taller. If it was, wouldn't it be faster to "float" on that one instead? I don't have any other suggestions for improvement. I think if this were proven frame perfect I still would probably vote meh though.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Man, haven't thought about this run in a while. I'm not sure why the latest version should be getting so many Meh votes, though I understand that hardly anyone has ever played the game. This run is probably a little more sparse because I was able to cut out several inventory visits, meaning I stay on the playing screen for longer stretches. This might make it seem a little less active, perhaps? As for the Fly spell, it costs more than a second to go into the inventory screen to change spells or items, so unless I need to make a change for some other reason it's best to just drop. The spots where I do fly down from ledges I can switch to that spell at (virtually) no time cost because I'm already needing to enter inventory for some other reason.
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Well, I watched this after never seeing this game before. The game looks pretty bad but the run is good as far as I can tell. Since I was in the mood for it, there was enough to keep me entertained enough for 11 minutes. I can imagine this run being fascinating if I was experienced at the game, but it doesn't look like that would include many people in the world.