I started working on this may 3rd. However, because I didn't have Microsoft Visual Studio, and couldn't compile, I didn't actually get down to real coding until May 13. Up until then it was just browsing through source, making lists.
Anyway, you can grab it here:
The zip file includes the win32 EXE, the modified sources, and an explanation of the changes made, but no patch file, as I do not know what the source Linux coders are working with looks like.
There is no Linux binary, as I do not have a Linux machine to dev on.
I suggest recompiling this on your machine, because it was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio Express, and who knows what crippling features they included. I would also note that for some reason, my compiled EXE is nearly three times the size of Nitsuja's. I don't know why this is or how to fix it.
Or perhaps some kind soul with better MS Visual Studio experience will compile a version which doen't have that problem.
Fixed a bug which broke Load State if 32X or Sega CD weren't started. Updated link.