• Recorded with FCE Ultra 0.98.13 (nitsuja)
  • Length of movie: 19563 frames (5 min 26 seconds)
  • Aims for the fastest possible time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Pacifist-run (doesn't attack or kill a single enemy, except for the last boss)
This game is generally disliked by gamers, and I can understand how they're thinking. The game itself may not be very good, but I do think it makes a nice TAS. This run is 1 minute and 21 seconds faster than SeNn's run
There are many tricks that are used in this run, I'll briefly describe some of the stuff that's going on so you as the viewer will understand some more:
  • Protection from Evil: This spell is used a lot of times. It makes you invulnerable for a short period of time, which allows you to jump through enemies. You will see me use this a lot of times.
  • Cure light wounds: Used only once, this spell restores some HP.
And I'd like to thank the following persons for helping out in various ways with this submission:
  • SeNn for his submitted run, I take the same route as he did and I use a lot of the same techniques. I'd also like to thank him for answering some questions I had about the run.
  • Guybrush for tips and for following the process of this run.
  • Zalien for his tips on the green fish guys (or whatever they're called)
This run was pretty fun to make, it didn't take very long, and there weren't any extremely difficult places where I got stuck in it. Although the contols are pretty crappy, so it took quite a lot of rerecords to frame-perfect the menus.
And last, although it may seem that the run doesn't end where it's supposed to, wait a few seconds and you will see that I'm teleported out of the dungeon! I hope you enjoy this run!

Bisqwit: Submission file replaced. Also, fixed the broken link in the submission text. Read Text Formatting Rules for help in making links and other formatting.

adelikat: This game is incredibly hard. I can understand that it might be interesting to see it finished for the people who have played it, but it makes for a very unappealing movie for the average viewer.

adelikat: Accepting for publication to the Vault

nanogyth: Published

Active player (411)
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Do you think the movie is well done? Imo, yes. I don't know if it's perfect since I haven't played it that much. Did you like watching this movie? The game itself is a fiasco. I can't vote yes. It's not Randil's fault for sure... Though, he could have chosen a better game.
Player (95)
Joined: 6/25/2005
Posts: 122
Phil wrote:
Though, he could have chosen a better game.
Aw, come on--this game is not only bad, it's nearly legendary how bad this game is (e.g, http://www.seanbaby.com/nes/w20-02.htm). It's also not the only it's-so-bad-it's good submission out there. Super Pitfall, Deadly Towers, Fist of the North Star and Legend of Kage all are both in Seanbaby's list of worst 20 NES games ever and the list of published NES TASes. I'd like to see this published if only to have an .avi of this piece of garbage get completely thrashed. (I'm not sure why Seanbaby hates Legend of Kage so much. It's not a masterpiece, to be sure, but I thought it was pretty fun. Of course, the only reason I had LoK was the Legend of Zelda was sold out and when Mom went shopping to suprise me with a NES for Christmas, well, she was a bit misled by some idiot salesclerk. I didn't mind at the time--I saw the completely awful TV comercial for the Legend of Zelda that featured some wierd guy saying the names of Legend of Zelda monsters in a shrieking, nervous high-pitched voice and was convinced that Legend of Zelda had to be a terrible game. I wasn't convinced that LoZ might be a fun game until I read Nintendo Propaganda, er, Power.)
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seanbaby's list isn't reliable. Deadly towers , Legend of Kage, Hokuto no ken(not Fist of north star, they are not the same game), Pro wrestling, MUSCLE and Renegade were all good games I agree with him that Giligan's Island, Bad street brawler, Mighty Bomb Jack, Chubby Cherub and Heroes of the Lance Imo, Renegade should have been replaced by Target Renegade. I think I will do my own list of games that I have played and think they are awful.
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Phil wrote:
seanbaby's list isn't reliable. Deadly towers , Legend of Kage, Hokuto no ken(not Fist of north star, they are not the same game), Pro wrestling, MUSCLE and Renegade were all good games
(Oh. Oops on the North Star game.) Well it's his list--bit hard to call an opinion unreliable. Are you refering to Pro Wresting (that one was fun if you had a second player, even if one player mode tended be repetitive) or Tag Team Pro Wrestling? Tag Team Pro Wrestling is on Seanbaby's list; Nintendo's Pro Wrestling isn't. And, while I wouldn't call Deadly Towers the worst NES game ever, Deadly Towers was still pretty bad--it got quite a few bad reviews from critics and players alike, even though it's a cult favorite in some circles. Oooh, you stepped on the wrong pixel! Off to the dungeons you go! (Gauntlet II was the worst NES game I had the misfortune to buy or rent--nice voice effects but the rest of that port stunk. The AI was so bad that the game offered zero challenge.)
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Instructions to substitute a submitted file (only for minor changes in movies after the submission): Send me the following information: - The new movie file (pack it into a ZIP file, then send me an URL to it or the actual file) - Which submission is in question (the # number from the thread title is most useful, 915 in this case for example) - Why should I accept the request (how did the movie change from the submitted one) Do not omit any of the information. Contacting: IRC, PM or E-mail. (These instructions are now also found at http://tasvideos.org/SubmissionInstructions.html.)
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Bisqwit: I sent you an E-mail with the updated FCM-file, as well as all the other information you wanted.
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Phil wrote:
Imo, Renegade should have been replaced by Target Renegade.
Target Renegade owns Renegade :O EDIT: After watching this run, I found that I was bored. Yes the game is crappy, but crappy games can make good TASes. How is this the case though? Most of the movie is you running from point A to point B and occassionaly walking through an enemy. The route planning is interesting but not interesting enough to carry the run. The crappiness of the game makes it difficult to control, which makes it impressive that you were able to perfect it, but I fail to see how that makes the movie interesting. Is there something I am missing? What interesting elements of this game make it publishable? I hope to get a little extra feeback before voting or deciding anything. EDIT: On a second watch, I think this game is not impressive on TAS standards. The game has little more to offer than running from point A to point B. Voting No.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Posts: 757
As horrific a game as this is, it was absolutely phenomenal to see it be whipped so hard. I can honestly say, this would be a difficult feat on a real console, even when one knows what they're doing! The game sucked, but the playing made its quick end tolerable. It's pushing Meh from crappiness, but gets a Yes due to pwnage. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2181] NES Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance by Randil in 06:18.40