This weekend's progress. (right click, save as)
Boco, I am aware I couldve done death mountain much better,,, however this is my first TAS ever, so I was more or less just getting used to how everything works right around there,,, I planned on hexing in a better death mountain run (the whole thing) after Ive finished the whole run,,, if I just edit that up until the Up+a, it wont affect the timing for the rest since it resets at that continue screen,,, unless I screw up the hexing, hehe.
Actually, now that I think about it, Ive probably lost enough frames here and there to warrant a whole new version of this,,, maybe later though, I'm far too into this to want to start over now, I'll finish it first and then see how I feel afterwards...
As for what I've added in this WIP,,,
Ive done palace four and five. The fourth took me three tries. First time I forgot to get reflect (oops!), the second I didnt have enough magic to get past the fourth (and subsequently fifth and sixth) locked doors,,, went back to end of palace three and took magic levels instead of the attack,,, this means I will finish the game with 7/8/1 instead o 8/8/1,,,, oh well.
Palace five went allright, I couldn't get a good falling block rooom (for the key) without waiting at least 75 frames,,,, so I ended up getting the one behind the red knight in that room instead. Spent the better part of an hour on Gooma, until I was able to finish him in one jump.
I'll be done this much sooner than I thought,,, enjoying it far too much to slow the pace!
Lastly, I am very, very drunk as I type this, so If there are many spelling errors n stuff, please kick my ass, I likely deserve it.