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Post subject: Video Game Music
Joined: 5/31/2004
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Do any of you guys collect and listen to VG music? I have a huge collection of video game mp3s and I always enjoy them. Alot of great songs exist in games that I have never played. So if you have any favorite tracks from any game please tell me about them.
JXQ's biggest fan.
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I go to www.vgmusic.com and take midifiles to make ringtones for my cell phone and for friend's cell phones. But yeah, the music in video games is just great in a lot of cases. Example (I don't personally know much about it) Final Fantasy must be incredibly good because they often have full on orchestrial concerts of it. The first one in the new Disney concert hall in the LA area sold out before it was even in the box office (online preorder). I've never played any final fantasy game, but thats impressive enough. In high school my drumline did some songs from duke nukem for its wgi show. I took the midi file and gave it to our instructor who mutated it into a piece suitable for that kind of music. Blah blah.. video game music is good. I have a tiny collection of it too. (Mega man and sonic)
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There's a lot of websites out there featuring remakes/remixes of video game music. Here's a few: http://www.ocremix.org http://www.vgmix.com http://www.minibosses.com http://www.neskimos.com
Do Not Talk About Feitclub http://www.feitclub.com
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I wrote a remix for Dr Wily's castle levels from mega man 2 a couple years ago. Sooo here it is. http://www.neopolitanmusic.com/nuke/modules.php?name=Zina&op=modload&file=index&l=8&p=Stuff%20Mike%20Made/Mega%20Man%202%20-%20Wily.mp3&m=1 (Made the link into a streaming mp3)
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Not bad. Got any Mega Man 1 music?
Do Not Talk About Feitclub http://www.feitclub.com
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Naw, I did heat man too but it didn't turn out good at all. I do have MULE though. Which is a game I loved so much when I was younger playing on my Atari 800! http://www.neopolitanmusic.com/nuke/modules.php?name=Zina&op=modload&file=index&l=8&p=Stuff%20Mike%20Made/Atari%20800%20-%20MULE.mp3&m=1
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Nice one, i'll actually keep it. ocremix.org is my favorite because they have the remixes, and they also have the originals. The originals is really what I am after. They are awesome.
JXQ's biggest fan.
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The question was which individual tracks do we like, so here are some of my favorites: Chrono Cross - Dragon God Chrono Trigger - Enhasa Dance Dance Revolution - Follow the Sun FF7 - Anxious Heart FF7 - Main Theme FF7 - OWA FF9 - Kuja's Theme FFT - Delita's Theme FFX-2 - 1000 Words FFX-2 - Real Emotion Kingdom Hearts - Simple and Clean Lunar - Luna's Boat Song Streets of Rage 2 - Spin on the Bridge (whole soundtrack is good) Suikoden 2 - Due Fiumi Suikoden 2 - Gregminster Theme Suikoden 2 - La Mia Tristezza Suikogaiden - Vol 1 Intro / Currents Suikogaiden - Vol 2 Intro Xenogears - Grahf's Theme Xenogears - Small Two of Pieces Xenosaga - Last Battle I wonder if the .hack games have the awesome music from .hack//SIGN? If so count that too.
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There's one game that I know the entire soundtrack to off by heart, yet have still never played the game... and that's Jet Set Radio Future. ^_^ I got the soundtrack when it was released and listened to it so much.
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I enjoy the music in the Sonic series of games the most. This includes the classic Genesis titles, the Adventure series, Heroes, et al. Adventures 1&2 and Heroes all have very awesome final boss themes.
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It is my opinion that Final Fantasy III (VI) has the best video game soundtrack ever. Followed by Chrono Cross, Some tracks from FF7 and FF8, Chrono Trigger, Symphony of the Night, Super Mario RPG, Ikaruga and some others. I like remix too like Relics of the Chozo (remix of Super Metroid Soundtract), orchestrated haunted version of One Winged Angel, and others from OCRemix.
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I own several soundtracks. I also have probably around 20gigs (maybe more?) of soundtracks in mp3s. Not to mention huge nsf, psf, spc and sid collection. Gyms suck, so I don't have them. And I don't mean that gym music sucks, but the format sucks. It doesn't sound anything like the original Genesis music. From rather new albums I would recommend checking Silent Hill 4 and Hitman 3. No specific songs, the whole damn album :) EDIT: damn this side scrolling annoys me.
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I like the music from the Doom games for PC. ^^
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ridge racer revolution tekken 1 tekken 2 soul blade (edge) streets of rage 1 streets of rage 2 journey to silius gun nac doom f-zero (snes) battletoads+double dragon tmnt IV turtles in time pushover batman (nes) contra (nes) just to name a few :)
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on OCremix I just figured out how to listen to the whole soundtracks of games. They are in rsn format so you need some special player to listen to them. Whats kinda wierd is that all the original tracks are REALLY long. I am talking like 400-600 min sometimes!!! Thats pretty crazy... When you export them you can clip them though.
JXQ's biggest fan.
Post subject: Video Game Music by Rob Hubbard
Joined: 5/21/2004
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Video game music inspires my entire musical career actually. Alot of it is really good. In particular theres a composer by the name of Rob Hubbard who was a programmer and the musical coordinator for a number of games. He was the guy who did the music for Skate or Die. Its music was revolutionary at the time because it was the first video game to use a real guitar sample for the guitar solo. His technical knowledge and musical proficency allowed him to create it. He also wrote music (amazingly good music) for a game on commodore 64 called Auf Wiedersehen Monty. Damn good music my friends. http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/tcworh/rh_aufw.htm http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/tcworh/
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See if anyone can recognize these 4 midis I made. I had pretty much no experience before the first one, and each of these goes both in order of me making them, and order of bad to good. The last two are pretty much exact duplicates of the real songs. You will have to copy and paste the urls- clicking them will not work. http://agile333.tripod.com/midi.mid http://agile333.tripod.com/midi2.mid http://agile333.tripod.com/midi3.mid http://agile333.tripod.com/midi4.mid
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midi2.mid is The Moon from Duck Tales but the others are unknown to me. Good job, though.
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K, yeah I only know the duck tales one.
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Wow, people still use midi files! Sheeis, I can't even play those files without mucking around a bit first... hang on. Edit: no, I only recognize the second one (Duck Tales) although the first one sounded somewhat familiar.
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What? I love midi files! They're so small.
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Hoo... I used to have a 40GB drive full of game music, but it died on me the week before I got my new burner to back it up :( Right now I've got about 20GB on my main drive. River City Ransom has been the one I've been playing a lot lately :D
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Bob Whoops wrote:
What? I love midi files! They're so small.
That's because they don't store instrument information. A far better solution is .IT or .S3M or if you're doing game music, .NSF or .SPC or &c.
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Blublu wrote:
Edit: no, I only recognize the second one (Duck Tales) although the first one sounded somewhat familiar.
The first one is from Ironsword, Wizards and Warriors 2.
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