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Recorded with VBA-rerecording 1.72. and I do not remember switching any option from default. No warps or passwords used The only programmng eror used is that one attack may hit several times when you turn left-right No hits nor deathes are taken Getting 100 points and no damage in every mission was top priority, Saving time was not primary objective Movie is recorder on HARD difficulty. As the hard mode is not unlocked by default, game starts "from reset", not from "power on" Weapon use is limited to melee weapons and knuckle's weapon tossing. In 15 mission(in cyberspace) there are only 36 enemies on the way and 37 are requied to get 100 points so I HAD to make one enemy reappear... Double jump and Rolling chips are combined as soon as they are available, they do help to save some time...

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1059: zefiris's GBA Mega Man Zero 4 in 50:55.87
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I think this is actually the Mega Man Zero 4 run mislabeled. That's why it was canceled so fast.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!