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-Takes no Damage
-One player controls four characters
-Aims for fastest time
The Reason I made this run is because I wanted to see one with four players, so ¿why should I wait for someone to make it happen? I admire the precision and accuracy, but I also love to watch an “untouchable heroe” movie, so I decided to create it with that premise (sounded like a challenge). I hope this run has what is needed to entertain and amaze the viewers.
-As you might know, to complete the game you need to find all the crunchy bones inside the architectural madness called Elm street in order to feed the starving pet of Freddy Kruger "little furnace" the best local choreographic group called elm street boys Decide to take a shot and prepare their best moves to help Freddy out.
The challenges while controlling four characters are:
- Exchange controls constantly to give individual movement to each character - Manipulate 8 different buttons for jumping and punching - Calculate the course and actions of every player (falling stones suck!) - Choose the best path for each character.
Sometimes I could not avoid getting back on my own Steps, so I do. I tried to keep the action alive giving each kid his time and place to act, but in some levels you need to regroup and walk as a four-headed Monster. Some bosses could be killed faster, but I think is more interesting to use all the dream costumes to make it more dynamic. The real battle speed comes near the last confrontation with freddy, so watch it carefull, You’ll see a huge difference between killing bosses with and without four athletes.
Here it is! I hope you enjoy it!.

Truncated: People very much seemed to like the idea, and something like this has never been done before. The quality of the movie was, as already noted, not good enough.
I really hope that you go trough with your improved version, because I can almost guarantee that it would get published.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1056: chupapi's NES A Nightmare on Elm Street "4 player" in 19:01.72
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The current published movie is faster than you're movie by a significant amount. Also, for controlling 4 players thats a pretty low re-record amount. I haven't watched it yet, but I would think a four player run wouldn't be THAT much slower... Edit: Though 4 players=lots of lag yeah... Edit2: Yes, never underestimate lag. While I do think a 4 player run (on the NES for that matter) is a new and cool thing for TASing, I'm almost 99% sure you could of killed more monsters and reduced some of the lag. I can't vote Yes or No so I must vote Meh.
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I must vote yes. Despite the fact that this run can be improved a lot, i admire the courage to step up and try a 4 player movie when nobody has done before. kudos. I didn't know the nes had it... 4 players support... Watching the movie, it's fun, even though i don't know the game. I see the mistakes but i guessthey are excusable for being a 4 player movie. Untill someone comes and makes a much better one, i think this one looks impressive enough.
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I always thought FCEU does support only 2 players max in movie format. It has been loooooooooooong time I wished FCEU does have that feature so I could have done that game long time ago.
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OgreSlayeR wrote:
The current published movie is faster than you're movie by a significant amount. Also, for controlling 4 players thats a pretty low re-record amount. I haven't watched it yet, but I would think a four player run wouldn't be THAT much slower... Edit: Though 4 players=lots of lag yeah... Edit2: Yes, never underestimate lag. While I do think a 4 player run (on the NES for that matter) is a new and cool thing for TASing, I'm almost 99% sure you could of killed more monsters and reduced some of the lag. I can't vote Yes or No so I must vote Meh.
You are right, the lag screwed my timing, and since i was playing frame by frame i didn't noticed this fact earlier. When you play with four players, the bosses become stronger, you need more time and hits to kill'em, even so, the real issue here was the "look" of the fight itself, i could use the athlete at all times and i would win lots of time, but i considered it less interesting to watch, if you have four players, they need to attack individualy, so i choosed to use three customs instead of one.
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I enjoyed the run and respect your attempting four players at once (What other games than this, World Cup, and Super Off-Road use the 4-Player option? I had one of those little triangle devices m'self) It's hard to notice the lag I understand, and most of the time it seemed there was little you could do about it. You can't kill steel blades coming out of the ground. The boss fights could have been improved, and you admit it, but personally I'd rather watch them get owned hard than to watch a guy get an extra second or two without taking any damage. A great run otherwise, it was fun to watch you play with the four people individually. I'm not quite sure whether to give it a yes or a meh, though, since the 1 player version is faster as well. edit-- Nearly all of those games are sports related, so they probably wouldn't make good TASes. I considered a 4-player TAS of World Cup a month ago but that's all entertainment and no 'game' really. --edit looking into it yeah this is the only game that makes a decent TAS in the traditional sense. Anything else would just be a big play around movie.
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Yes, because it is a 4 player run. No, because it is sloppy and it does have lag which makes it boring. I am voting meh but it's closer to NO than YES. And it's strange that Freddy does have 4 times more bones(When they are putting bones in fire) than in 1 player run which would make him a Super-Giant. lol
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Snake Rattle n Roll called, they want their sound effects back. I don't really understand this game, so I can't say if it's played well or not. It doesn't look like it's played optimally at first glance to me. It may be 4-player, but I don't think it's that entertaining - however, it is impressive from a technical standpoint.
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I liked the run. It's really sad that there's been so much lag, but many times you just can't avoid it. Maybe you can improve the lag reduction... But I really enjoyed watching this run, so you got a 'yes'!
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I must give you a credit for 4 player run, incredeble! But this run isn't so enjoyable to because of the lag, and I bet you could have reduced it by killing some enemies. This seems bit sloppy. I'll vote yes-like meh because this has 4 players.
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Congrats on attempting a 4-player run, I've been wanting to see one for so long. So please don't give up on this, but I am voting no. 1) Lag, lag, and more lag. While some lag will be unavoidable, it could be GREATLY reduced. 2) I never saw you utilized all 4 characters! Most of the time they were bunched up in groups of 2. Effectively it is a 2-player run at that point. Many times, there was no reason to do that except to make it easier for you to make the TAS. This is never a good reason for any decision! 3) It could be done so much faster. I would save a minimum of 2 minutes could be saved. 4) keept trying. This is a great test run. Now go back and examine it more closely and see what you can do to reduce lag and get through sections quicker. Concentrate and having all 4 characters be independent of each other. Show a few situations were they are all working together to accomplish a goal much faster than 1,2, or 3 players ever could. I WANT to see an improved version, please!
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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I made some tests about reducing lag by killing every monster i could, and i saw a 60 frames (aprox) difference in a 1000 frames scene. that's about 2 seconds. I would like to improve it, but i need more time (my wife and kid need me too!) because this would mean to start over from the very beginning. I have the feeling that this run will inspire a more experienced and accurate Speed Run creator to upgrade it very significantly . i have started a new version of it, even so, im not sure is someone will do it sooner. i will enjoy the upgrades a lot, now more than ever.
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But the movie is longer than 2000 frames total! So I think you might save more than two seconds!
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Phil wrote:
I always thought FCEU does support only 2 players max in movie format.
Although that might be true for FMV, FCM supports 4 controllers.
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Although it's a novel implementation (nobody has made a 4-player movie here before; we haven't yet even had a true 3-player movie either), I think I will have to vote "no", because there seems to be many obvious improvements that can be done. Speedwise: Kill enemies earlier so they cause less lag. Avoid bumping against walls, use the characters more optimally. Stylewise: Let each character act uniquely, don't group them together. Still, I want to congratulate you on going ahead with that challenge.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Although it's a novel implementation (nobody has made a 4-player movie here before; we haven't yet even had a true 3-player movie either), I think I will have to vote "no", because there seems to be many obvious improvements that can be done. Speedwise: Kill enemies earlier so they cause less lag. Avoid bumping against walls, use the characters more optimally. Stylewise: Let each character act uniquely, don't group them together. Still, I want to congratulate you on going ahead with that challenge.
first of all, i need to thank you for creating this site, since the first moment i got here, i enjoyed this concept every single second! About my movie, i accept its lack of planning and i will do my best to upgrade it, i think i will need to avoid the "no damage" feature to please the audience here. my wife is going to kill me! (im the cook of this house you know?) thanks to all for viewing and sharing you opinions about this movie, i feel very flatterled and satisfied. NOTE:I you notice some "engrish" in my posts please let me know. this is not my native language.
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This run is just to far back from the current published movie. although I would like to see a 4 player movie published. Try improving it further and then more ppl will vote in your favor. Brave by you to make this run and if you should make another effort I wish you the best of luck.
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Voted no. While the concept is novel, all throughout watching the TAS I got the feeling that not everyone was doing what they could have been doing. (Probably had something to do with bunching them up in groups of two.) That kinda killed the flow of the movie for me. Btw, while I don't know that much about the game, isn't it possible to kill off a character or two when they're lagging behind and still keep the bone? Besides, it doesn't seem right that not one person dies in the game, seeing as it's based on a horror movie and all. ;p
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I also voted no. Aiming for pure speed through this game, it seems that a multi-player run could be a lot faster than a single player, especially considering that there are multiple paths through certain areas. However, I don't think four players is necessary. Considering how the game lags, two players would probably be optimal; you'd be able to traverse multiple paths, and have the minimum amount of increased lag. And, as adelikat mentioned, a lot of times you treat the four players as two groups of two... in these parts you are essentially doing a two player run, just with a lot more lag. When the game isn't lagging, it does seem to be fast paced, which would make it interesting to watch. Although the idea of a four person run is very appealing, unfortunately the game lags to much to make it feasible. But even if the game didn't lag so much, I'm not at all convinced that a four player run would be any faster than a two player run; it doesn't seem like there's ever more than two paths to take.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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Anon wrote:
Voted no. While the concept is novel, all throughout watching the TAS I got the feeling that not everyone was doing what they could have been doing. (Probably had something to do with bunching them up in groups of two.) That kinda killed the flow of the movie for me. Btw, while I don't know that much about the game, isn't it possible to kill off a character or two when they're lagging behind and still keep the bone? Besides, it doesn't seem right that not one person dies in the game, seeing as it's based on a horror movie and all. ;p
sometimes is more effective to group the characters to avoid hits, but this is clearly cuting the whole meaning of a four players run, ill try to keep em more far from eachother, and seek more individual activitie (killing everything on scene i guess). if you kill one character, it respawns in the exact same spot he died, so you cant make use of "death as a shortcut", when they die you can´t move from the actual scene until they respawn again.
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primorial#soup wrote:
I also voted no. Aiming for pure speed through this game, it seems that a multi-player run could be a lot faster than a single player, especially considering that there are multiple paths through certain areas. However, I don't think four players is necessary. Considering how the game lags, two players would probably be optimal; you'd be able to traverse multiple paths, and have the minimum amount of increased lag. And, as adelikat mentioned, a lot of times you treat the four players as two groups of two... in these parts you are essentially doing a two player run, just with a lot more lag. When the game isn't lagging, it does seem to be fast paced, which would make it interesting to watch. Although the idea of a four person run is very appealing, unfortunately the game lags to much to make it feasible. But even if the game didn't lag so much, I'm not at all convinced that a four player run would be any faster than a two player run; it doesn't seem like there's ever more than two paths to take.
In fact, two players is all you need to make a faster movie than the previously published here, but my intention was to control four characters at the same time, that's the challenge i seek. the lag suck, that's stated, but maybe if i focus less in taking no damage and more in destroying every enemy to avoid lag, i could make it look more active.
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chupapi wrote:
if you kill one character, it respawns in the exact same spot he died, so you cant make use of "death as a shortcut", when they die you can´t move from the actual scene until they respawn again.
Ouch. So much for jumping in pits and reappearing elsewhere on the screen. :S
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I made some adjustments, i have played just the first scene in the first house (now i could get in to the first house! this should save me some time) i would like to get some advice about my performance, is this allowed?
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Chupapi: Yes.
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how should i? upload the file somewhere and post the link?