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Why don't you make a Trick movie only? This Won't be TAS in anyway.
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...hmm.... the contents in that guy's web are very odd... :P personally i made screenshots that are just exactly to a game screenshots. and this guy... example: if i discover that, it'll be 2 choices: 1º dont tell it even the agent mulder :P 2º RECORD IT!! and get famous by an avi file :P otherwise... a few emulators like, FCEU get the wrong header smb roms, but you start from lv 0-0 ... ok, those are parts of game junk, as a programmer i can tell 2 things. ^^ lv -1 could be: 1º the super secret of nintendo, a conspiracy of pentagon... blah blah blah :P 2º a glitch that leads to an starter testing map (could be for test normal maps engine, and then later in an advanced developed mario bros- a testing map for the swimming engine, and it is pure junk of the game develop. until further investigations, thats what i have to say xD! anyway i'll ask my friend shigeru miyamoto :P
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call it how u like, as i said if i go to fo w3 it'll not be a TAS :s so, i dont knoww how to call it. but the idea is a glitch movie.
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Enrai wrote:
call it how u like, as i said if i go to fo w3 it'll not be a TAS :s
No TAS? So you play it on real console? This site is only for TAS movies. TAS = Tool Assisted Speedruns. This means not, that you must play it as fast as possible. When you play it for entertainment it will be ok too. As long as you make the movie with Emulators, SaveStates, Frame Advance and all these things. When you just make a great movie, it will be ok too. I will watch it for sure, because it sound very interesting. But you can't submit it to this site here and it will not uploaded here I think. A TAS means only, that you play it with Emulators and use all options the Emulator has. It does not mean as fast as possible. Sure, most movies plays for Speed on this site, but in the past there were already some movies which only play for entertainment. So when its great enough I think it has a chance to be on this site too.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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MattyXB wrote:
Enrai wrote:
call it how u like, as i said if i go to fo w3 it'll not be a TAS :s
No TAS? So you play it on real console? This site is only for TAS movies. TAS = Tool Assisted Speedruns. This means not, that you must play it as fast as possible. When you play it for entertainment it will be ok too. As long as you make the movie with Emulators, SaveStates, Frame Advance and all these things. When you just make a great movie, it will be ok too. I will watch it for sure, because it sound very interesting. But you can't submit it to this site here and it will not uploaded here I think. A TAS means only, that you play it with Emulators and use all options the Emulator has. It does not mean as fast as possible. Sure, most movies plays for Speed on this site, but in the past there were already some movies which only play for entertainment. So when its great enough I think it has a chance to be on this site too.
lets see... i know the meaning of TAS, but the thing here, is that he told me "do a tricky movie, not a tas" ok is not speedrun. so, no is tas. is TATM (¿¿??) tool assisted tricky movie? :P otherwise, it will be tool assisted, but no speedrun, because of the w3 but, in the other worlds it will be the normal speed of a time attack ^^ and yes, i'll play it in FCEU, and will have a fcm movie.
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That made sense.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bisqwit wrote:
The vine is one way to accomplish it -- you can get very far to the right side of the screen that way, but you can also accomplish it by letting the game move Mario inside a wall without the screen scrolling.
Indeed. Here's how I always used to do the trick back in the day: 1. Get the powerup right before the first 3 goombas, if you're small. You'll need it for the brick-punching. 2. Punch a column 2 or 3 high in the ceiling of the narrow brick hallway with the 3 goombas. (Punch out only one brick, and you can't get footing when you try to get inside the wall; punch out all 4 bricks in the column and you have no ceiling to force you to the right.) 3. Shrink yourself with one of the goombas. (You DID let them live thus far, right? :p) 4. Scroll the column you punched out about 1/4th or 1/3rd off the left of the screen, then head back to the left and jump up the column. When your head hits the ceiling, start holding left and jumping repeatedly, and you should be pulled to the right, into the rest of the wall. 5. Wait until you're ALMOST (but NOT all the way!!!) to the right edge of the screen, then begin walking right. (If you didn't listen to me, and you DO end up all the way to the right edge, hold right and jump repeatedly to force yourself back to the left a bit.) 6. The level will scroll as normal, except with you farther right than normal, and you can proceed to the bonus room pipe and enter it to go to the warp zone. (Just DON'T be walking or running as you go down the pipe; that will cause the screen to keep scrolling as you go down the pipe, and if the screen goes far enough to trigger the invisible sprite representing the regular bonus room pipe destination, it WILL cancel the glitch. -_-)
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Here is a stupid glitch :P as i get mini fire (fiery) mario ^^ here is the bug, if u do the mini glotch in 3-4 (as i do) then in 4-2 there is no life (as start i tough that i miss the brick -lol-, but then a few times after i realised that there's no life) :s
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I was initially going to offer some ideas/suggestions in this thread. But after finding this VirtuaNES 0.92 movie on Mana's site during my search for SMB1 rom hacks last night: (the parentheses in the filename mess up the link, copy and paste instead) ...well, you might as well just drop whatever you were planning, because this insane monster of a glitch video gives even the old Crazy God Technique a run for its money...<_<'
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I think my Virtual NES Emulator is to old, because it always desync in Worl 2.1 with every ROM I try. PRG0, PRG1 and PC10. But to this point it looks great. The funny thing is, I already download the movie file near over a year ago. Not sure why I found it or how anymore.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
Emulator Coder, Player (69)
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I played it in FCEU, and it desynced in 2-1 for me too. Looks great, and i wish I could see more.
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Post subject: Crazy SMB1 idea: "different but equidistant routes&quot
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One of my favorite tricks "back in the day" took advantage of Super Mario All-Stars SMB1's new "switch players' turns on level completion, not just life loss" feature. I'd play a 2-player game by myself, taking Mario down the 3 and 8 warps, and Luigi down the 4 and 7 warps. Along the way, in 3-1 and 7-1, I'd collect 128 lives from the shell-stairs trick. And, as long as both players died an equal amount of times (preferably zero =P), both players would arrive at world 8 on the same turn. In effect, it was a cool and quick way for me to get a maxed-out 2-player save game. XD I also enjoyed DeHackEd's "two games, one input" run of Mega Man X1 and X2 when he did it; especially the side-by-side AVI is fun to watch. Also entertaining for me was the recent "SMB1 race" video where the two speedrunners showed off and beat the game at roughly the same time... ...You guessed it, folks. I just thought up a crazy combination of the above concepts. =P Some as-fast-as-possible TAS's would be made of some different paths through the game. Preferably paths of equal or similar level amount, as I will now list from longest to shortest:
no warps: 11112222333344445555666677778888

  only 2: 112222333344445555666677778888
  only 5: 111122223333445555666677778888

 2 and 5: 1122223333445555666677778888

  only 3: 11333344445555666677778888
  only 6: 11112222333344666677778888

 3 and 5: 113333445555666677778888
 2 and 6: 112222333344666677778888

  only 4: 1144445555666677778888
  only 7: 1111222233334477778888

 4 and 5: 11445555666677778888
 3 and 6: 11333344666677778888
 2 and 7: 11222233334477778888

  only 8: 111122223333448888

 4 and 6: 1144666677778888
 3 and 7: 1133334477778888
 2 and 8: 1122223333448888

 4 and 7: 114477778888
 3 and 8: 113333448888

 4 and 8: 11448888
I'm really hoping that there'll be two paths here that both can be finished on or near the same frame. Reason being: when it comes time to encode the FCMs into AVI, there would be one AVI showing both of the paths being run side-by-side, like DeHackEd's X1/X2 movie or the SMB1 real-time race movie. And for added "exciting race" effect, this "Super Luigi Bros." ips patch that I made recently could be used. It switches around all instances of Mario and Luigi. So one half/path of the AVI could show Mario and the other half/path Luigi. :) Thoughts?
Joined: 3/7/2006
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Sounds cool and entertaining. I would certainly watch this.
Voted NO for NO reason
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Sounds like a great idea. Please start TAS:ing. :D
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I'd be interested in either of these two routes, since they're both fairly short and diverse.
 4 and 6: 1144666677778888 
 2 and 8: 1122223333448888 

 4 and 7: 114477778888 
 3 and 8: 113333448888 
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I don't understand. Do you plan on making one movie that plays the same game two different ways? That's impossible, you know. Edit: Oh wait, I get it now. There would be two different movies, then. Okay.
Joined: 11/26/2005
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Wow, I can't believe you found it! :O
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Besides the two routes Inzult suggested, I think this one would be interesting as well:
  only 4: 1144445555666677778888
  only 7: 1111222233334477778888
It's a bit longer than the other two, but all of the levels in the game would be played at least once, which might make it more interesting to watch. The only downfall is that both levels 7 and 8 would be done twice and at the same time, instead of just level 8. It seems like there might be a lot of places that could be done in two (or more) entirely different ways without losing any time, however. Being able to see these both in tandem could be very entertaining to watch.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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Unless you can finish all stages in the same amount of time you'll have to introduce waiting/suboptimal running in one of the movies to keep them the same length.
Joined: 6/27/2004
Posts: 55
Or use the minus world glitch in 1-2 and warp to world 5. 1st goes 1-1 to 4-2 >warp> 8-1 to 8-4 2nd goes 1-1 to 1-2 >warp> 5-1 to 8-4 The only minus is that the 2nd one has to go 3 same stages with the 1st one. Maybe synchoronize the frames and use the same input on 8-1 to 8-4 (while keeping randomness in mind). Or even do a thing that was done in one gradius experiment. (Use diffrent color layers for diffrent player) so 2 movies would be stacked on top of each other (only for 8-1 and 8-4) in the AVI and would show the randomness. But the only problem is that when it differs, its gonna be a mess.
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Oasiz wrote:
Or use the minus world glitch in 1-2 and warp to world 5. 1st goes 1-1 to 4-2 >warp> 8-1 to 8-4 2nd goes 1-1 to 1-2 >warp> 5-1 to 8-4
I was unaware of this glitch. Very cool. I completely second this suggestion if it turns out that 1-3 to 4-2 happens to take the same amount of time as 5-1 to 7-4 (you could probably watch the full run to get a good idea).
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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oh, i betcha i could do this... but they used glitches... i got 3 coins while trying this, i never thought of jumping off a goomba to avoid some coins. i also had a cooler method to get to the pipe in 8-4 and to the vine in 4-2. oh yeah, i forgot, in that game i was trying to get the least amount of points i could. which made me get the least amount of coins i could get. i finished the game with i think 1,200 points. sometime i guess i will make a speedrun of me playing mario and getting no coins, it'll be pretty cool. i dont know when i could do it though...
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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Bladegash wrote: Some random ROM hacker later confirmed this is how you get the ending, but I can't seem to find when or where this was posted.
I recall that being posted on Sardius' boards (defunct for ~2 years) a long time ago. You may be able to track down Ballz through the lostlevels community.
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Wait... is the Duck Tales ending unused, or just impossible to get? I mean, if you do manage to do the impossible and finish with no money, does the ending actually show?