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  • FCE ULTRA .98
  • contraj.nes
  • Takes no damage
  • Abuses luck
  • Uses a foreign version to save time
Please don't vote "yes" just because the time is faster!!!
It is, in fact, actually slower than the single player run. This is the Japanese version of Contra (contraj.nes) in which there are added background animations (I won't spoil where, in case you haven't seen the game, but level 8 is creepy), a slightly better ending, and cut scenes and a map in between every stage, which you won't see. You won't see them because, in this version, they can be skipped, unlike the US version which takes a couple of extra seconds every stage. By skipping these, I saved about 22 seconds, and I don't want to sound modest, but it really wasn't that much work. Personally, I think it makes for a much faster paced movie.
Apart from these differences, there is absolutely no change in gameplay.
If this were played on the US version, it would be 798 frames faster than my previous submission of 9:54, and 378 frames slower than Genisto's single player run of 9:34, putting this run at 9:40 by comparison.
As for the run, I think I'm getting the hang of this now. Every stage is faster. I saved bunches of time in Base 1 by sticking to the default weapon instead of the fire. The default damages enemies as much as every other bullet in the game, but it's just as fast as the lazer.
I also saved much time in Snow Field because of the suggestions I received from my last run for the spikey tanks. They fell about 2 seconds faster each by jumping into them instead of waiting.
As for lag, I'm happy to say there is none. By sticking to my plan of 2 lazers instead of 2 spreads, as well as alternating the shots instead of firing them simultaneously, I was able to avoid lag altogether.
Again, sorry for my stubborn opposition to the spread guns, but while they may save a touch of time, they're not effecient or predictable in the slightest in the bases and, IMO, even when they're not causing lag, they just look sloppy as hell.
Anyway, hope you enjoy this, and I'm anxious to hear some opinions :)
Oh, and special thanks to CoolBumpty for his comparison of the single player and my last runs. It helped me out quite a lot, especially knowing the bosses spawn later with 2 players.

adelikat: setting this run to delayed in hopes it will stir up some discussion.
I am troubled by some people in IRC's opinion that this run "gets a faster time by playing a different version". This is not what is going on here. The author has very conveniently given the exact frame comparsions, showing that it is comparaibly slower than genisto's run. The choice of rom is because it is more entertaining with better graphics and less black screen time.
It is my opinion that this run should be accepted because it is entertaining and is awful close in time to the 1-player version. Eventually, the use of the spread gun may prove faster (and obsolete this), but I don't feel this run is flawed for its weapon choice.
Also, I think it should obsolete the pacifist run, here is why: the 1-player is the "completes game as fast as possible" The 2nd run of this game should be the "play-around" category where the author intentionally gets a slower time for the sake of entertainment. In that category, the 2-player run trumps the pacifist run.
I no longer feel this way because, upon further examination, I believe that the 2-player run can made faster than the 1p run. As a result, a hypothetical future 2p run should obolete the 1p run instead. The pacifist run should be left as the "playround" category run for this game.
Even published along side the other two, this run should be published.
Note to publishers: At this point I am actively improving this run.

adelikat: Well, Response is good enough to accepting this run.

Bisqwit: Mr. submitter, are you still "active improving" this run?

adelikat: This may be unprecedented, but I am now rejecting this submission.
Shortly after accepting this run, I began an improved version of the 1p run. Carefully study of that 1p run and this 2p run led me to conclude that a 2p run will in fact be faster. I am now working on a 2p run. There are many optimazation that can be done.
1) Weapon choice. Spread isn't always the optimal choice, but laser and fire never are. I won't go into the exact frame counts for this here.
2) The jumping glitch can save significant time in level 3.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1052: architorture's NES Contra in 09:13.78
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Looks good!
Use the force
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Those lasers look pretty efficient. Hey, if this gets accepted, should somebody hold Select and Start throughout the credits to get the secret message?
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Looks good, using lasers ftw. Also, for anyone looking for "contraj.nes", this game was actually called Gryzor is Japan, so the rom you need is Gryzor (J). EDIT: Maybe obsolete that 1P pacifist run with this run? 2 player run is more impressive.
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I voted No. Why? 1. You used a different ROM than the previous author (yes, I understand why you picked a different ROM) but generally, if everyone would pick J ROM:s because of shorter/less cutscenes and whatnot is wrong. Because your audience are mostly from USA and Europe. 2. It is slower than Genistos run but here is the problem. Which run should we compare your run with? You are using two players and Genisto used one. I would vote yes if Bisqwit would accept another category for this game, namely, a two-player run.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
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AngerFist wrote:
2. It is slower than Genistos run but here is the problem. Which run should we compare your run with? You are using two players and Genisto used one. I would vote yes if Bisqwit would accept another category for this game, namely, a two-player run.
Why are you trying to compare this with anything? The other two runs are obviously a different category, and this wouldn't obsolete either of them, unless I'm misunderstanding something. I liked it, although it would be nice to know if the Waterfall jumping glitch/trick worked or not. The author didn't do it, but I'm curious if he tried it out at all. There's at least four places you can do it, which means four less jumps, which might cut the time down enough to be faster than the one player run. Anyway, this was very entertaining, and the wormy Alien's Lair was pretty dope. :) Voting yes. 2-player Contra is sorely lacking from this site.
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AngerFist wrote:
You used a different ROM than the previous author (yes, I understand why you picked a different ROM) but generally, if everyone would pick J ROM:s because of shorter/less cutscenes and whatnot is wrong..
This is like voting "No" because a movie changed from PAL to NTSC because the extra ten frames a second could be used to get closer to the goal faster. (not voting)
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AngerFist wrote:
I voted No. Why? 1. You used a different ROM than the previous author (yes, I understand why you picked a different ROM) but generally, if everyone would pick J ROM:s because of shorter/less cutscenes and whatnot is wrong. Because your audience are mostly from USA and Europe.
What about rockman 3? It was picked over mm3 just because of the faster intro screen. What it wrong with that?
2. It is slower than Genistos run but here is the problem. Which run should we compare your run with? You are using two players and Genisto used one. I would vote yes if Bisqwit would accept another category for this game, namely, a two-player run.
[/quote] huh? you would vote yes If bisqwit would accept another category? Isn't that why this is being submitted? Are you voting no because you think it it trying to obsolete genisto's? this makes no sense I will watch this, and probably vote yes: 1) a 2-player will probably not be faster than 1-player run. This run comes awfully close; much more than I would expect possible. 2) this really should obsolete the pacifict run as it is become increasingly unecessary. If not though, a 2-player run should still be published (resulting in 3 runs for this game). *goes to find the (J) rom of this game... EDIT: watched, easy yes vote! The (J) choice is much better as it adds better graphics. The less waiting between the levels is a big plus too. In addition this 2-player run blows away previous attempts Things I especially like: 1) subtle differences of path of the 2 players. There is one spot where they are unvoidable "stuck together" but you had one go under a platform and another go above. Both are equally fast but separating the two helps show off the 2-player aspect just a little more. Someone not thinking probably would have ahd them both do the same thing. 2) insisting on not using the spread gun. Some have complained about it but I love it. Spread gun is too obvious, messy, and less creative. 3) level 1, getting both players on the exploding bridges = :O
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adelikat wrote:
What about rockman 3? It was picked over mm3 just because of the faster intro screen. What it wrong with that?
I still do not like using [J] ROM but Vatchern picked it and I had to accept it. And:
AngerFist wrote:
Because your audience are mostly from USA and Europe.
adelikat wrote:
you would vote yes If bisqwit would accept another category? Isn't that why this is being submitted?
Yes I would vote yes but its like you said:
adelikat wrote:
Are you voting no because you think it it trying to obsolete genisto's?
Thats the impression I got when he compared his run with Genistos run. tmont, thats also why I asked which run should we compare his run with. Maybe it is a mistake comparing so I withdraw from that statement. But my argument for switching ROMs still stands and I think XKeeper understood my point.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I could agree with your point if this game had a bunch of japanese text and you couldn't tell what is going on. In this case there is nothing that makes this hard for a US/european to follow. In fact it has better graphics and less black screen waiting time. It is better in every aspect without taking anything away. This certainly wouldn't obsolete gensito's but rather the pacifist run (hopefully).
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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adelikat wrote:
I could agree with your point if this game had a bunch of japanese text and you couldn't tell what is going on. In this case there is nothing that makes this hard for a US/european to follow. In fact it has better graphics and less black screen waiting time. It is better in every aspect without taking anything away.
Thats a valid point. I'll just shut up :)
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I can see how the confusion could come from the text in the submission, but I'm quite sure there was never any intention for it to obsolete anything, which has already been said (just wanted to add that I could understand how it could be interpreted that way). For me, every major concern was addressed, and the only way I could see this run being improved by more than a few seconds would be to use the spread gun, which of course would change everything both for better and for worse. Anyway, I voted yes. =) I wonder why the Japanese and US versions are so different, though. It's rather baffling. The Japanese version is definately better as a whole (unless the animation adds in lag, then it might not be for a TAS), but the US version has the appeal of nostolgia. I think it's good to have one run of each version.
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Japanese version: Gryzor (I didn't notice Tombad's post....D'oh!) Well done, and fun to watch! I love the sound in this game of a boss or wall gun taking damage (doiiiiing!)
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Voted yes. It was fun to watch and I just looove Contra. Great job!
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What is the main goal of this movie? If it aims for fast time, then I will vote no. It is so obvious that it does have flaws.
adelikat wrote:
2) insisting on not using the spread gun. Some have complained about it but I love it. Spread gun is too obvious, messy, and less creative.
Yes, it is so obvious that the spread gun is worst than lazer gun. Too much. Everyone would think it could change 5 balls in one bullet that does 5x damage. It is so much slower and doesn't required skill. We should remove Genisto's run.
adelikat wrote:
3) level 1, getting both players on the exploding bridges = :O
It isn't so extraordinary. It's not quite so hard but required practice to do it on NES hardware.
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Are you sure it's actually called Gryzor? I think it's called Contra on the title screen. Maybe the GoodNES list is wrong.
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No, it's written in japanese and it's really Gryzor.
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Are you SURE? I don't want people going around calling it "Gryzor" if that's not really what it says.
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The rom I have is called Gryzor (J). I think we need a new 1p run, using this ROM. It's better in a lot of ways. It wouldn't be the first time either. I think the SMB3 run switched ROMs because one version had faster transition between levels or something like that. Besides, it would also obsolete a Famtasia movie. :) That said, I have no idea what to vote on with this movie. It looked pretty good, but I think it can still be even faster. I will refrain from voting for now while I think about it.
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I don't mean what the GoodNES d00dz say, I mean what the title screen of the actual game says! Or the box art, if you have the box too
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Phil wrote:
No, it's written in japanese and it's really Gryzor.
No, it's written in Japanese and it's really Contra. (here you can see the three title screens of the arcade version.. the Japanese is clearly "KONTORA") Gryzor is the European name for the games that weren't censored to add robots. So the Spectrum, C64, Arcade versions are Gryzor, and the NES version is Probotector. In Japan the series is Contra.
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Heh, that page claims it was renamed from Gryzor to Contra rather than the other way around. What should I believe?
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Well a lot of people just got CONTRA-BANNED in this topic.
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I thought that term was contraband!
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In 1987 Konami released Gryzor, a platform shoot-em-up with two familiar-looking heroes. In the same way that Nemesis updated Scramble, Gryzor could be regarded as an evolution of Green Beret. In the US, the game was renamed Contra, presumably to cash in on the publicity surrounding the Iran-Contra scandal.