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/*- wrote:
OK, add whatever needs to be added and chew me out for going through and neglecting or blatantly stealing w/e from whomever (Algorithim Guide, Low Level Guide, This Thread, Boss Guide, SDA Thread)
You can use my LLG Walkthrough strats ;)
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Post subject: Gargoyle strategy
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/*- wrote:
-head to Gil's and then Pyramid -need good Gargoyle strategy?
You can kill them easily with Lvl3 Flare (a blue magic), which you can learn in Ex-Death's castle from a dragon which name i don't remember right now (maybe a Red Dragon or something like that). Though I'm not sure if your magic has any effect on this spell, in that cast low level characters might have to cast it few times. Btw, glad to see that this topic is alive once again. ;)
Which run should I encode next? :)
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ive included those as well. thank you all very much. could someone look for some of the things ive posted near the bottom as NEEDED and WANTED (needed is far more important, wanted is more for personal clarification), please? im going to keep multiple strategies up because i personally dont know which is faster. EDIT: is the new format more eye-friendly as opposed to the old one? i hope so. anyhow, keep posting new things! oh, and straight from the algorithm's (amended to include only spells which may be used in the TAS; blue magic BTW)
SPELL       ATT  MP  HT%  ELEM   STAT        DUR  TAR  R  SPECIAL           DF
L5 Doom       0  22    A         Dead          A   AE  Y  L5 only           4B
L2 Old        0  11    A         Aging         A   AE  Y  L2 only           4C
L3 Flare    254  18    A                       0   AE  Y  L3 only           4E
FrogSong      0   5   66         Toad          A   SE  N                    12
Flash         0   7   75         Darkness      A   AE  N                    12
DeathClaw     0  21   66         Paralyze    240   SE  N  Reduce HP to Crit 3D
Emission     50   5    A  Fire                 0   SE  N                    06
GblinPnch     0   0    A                       0   SE  N  Bonus if EqLevel  50
DarkShock     0  27   66                       0   SE  Y  Level = 1/2       51
Exploder  16/16   1    A         Dead          0  SEO  N  D=%Curr HP (Self) 2B
Missile   12/16   7   75                       0   SE  N  % on Currrent HP  07
Flare looks as powerful as ever. i imagine its somewhat altered because of levels, but its 254 damaging... so it shouldnt matter TOO much. EDIT (ive posted much already): what about BUGS? this describes how to skip Reina, or should i say the Pyramid in the third world. anyone know of any other bugs and if they can still be used in this (theres prolly some crooked cart or Disc Read tricks, but we cant really use those).
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im currently doing a rough (and not recording it because im using turbo and scrolling is inprecive), but ive noticed something. my Goblin Punches did a lot less damage than in Bocos movie. the setups havent changed. does anyone know WHY that could be happening? i just barely survived the Garula battle (******* multiple hit bastard) and Boco's treats it like a breeze (and yes, i know thats the intended purpose of these movies).
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Have you checked if your level & the boss/enemy level are the same?
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yeah. butz/lenna/galuf (blue mages) are at 3 and garula is at 3 as well. but im only doing 96 damage. oh, on the overworld, going into the menu a step before battle resets the counter. i dont know if that was in the thread or not, but if not, now it is (and if it is, ill edit it out). ill add it in tomorrow. night.
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Mmm, all I can think is that you don't have a good weapon... You could check instructrtrepe's FAQ & see what it says, he won't mind at all if you use some info of his FAQ for the game... As for known bugs, I only know about the Steal glitch & the magic Return glitch (the one that enables you to skip Lenna/Reina). And both have been mentioned... Oh, here are some clarifications: WORLD 1 -for the guns, use Thunder Scrolls or Rods; you'll most likely learn Emission and Missile -samurai goroh's LLG notes that 4 thunder rods or scrolls will take them out and that the Terrain > Gale Cut will make short work of the ROCKET LAUNCHERS Gale Cut deals a decent amount of damage, but it doesn't KO them in 1 hit... (Well, maybe if your level is high enought...) WORLD 2 -on the bridge, the battles CAN be avoided (see a below post that has a map and a link to the site) More or less, the only unavoidable battle is the 1st one (The one with Lil' Charriots...) -according to samurai goroh's FAQ, you can learn Level 2 Old here (though it just notes level 2) from a Wall Knight. through controlling i suppose? The wall knight will reflect the magic back to your team, that's how you can learn it if you control the Tricksters... -dont fight Gilgamesh? Well it sucks, but I'm sure this will cut some time :( (Gilgamesh is the coolest boss IMO) WORLD 3 -as well, Sekmet is unavoidable; goroh's FAQ notes to blind him. -Sekmet is level 41 and heavy. would a few Dark Shocks do the trick instead, or perhaps something else? Sekmet isn't unavoidable. I just mention a strat because he's a pseudo boss (according to some people, any boss shouldn't give you exp & you shouldn't be able to escape from battle...) WANTED (more of a personal reason perhaps): How does Level 2 Old work exactly (or Old for that matter) how long does it take for a stat to decrease (levels most importantly)? For personal experience, Lv2 Old will decrease the boss/enemy level 1 by 1, at a relative fast rate (like 1-2 secs per level). I think Lv2 Old decreases the level, which produces to also decrease some status, like Mg Attack, though I might be wrong... -WANTED (again, a personal request): can someone determine what Dark Shock rounds to? such as, Dark shock on an odd number and which number it chooses (such as 71; does it go to 35 or 36?) It will round down... Points at Atomos strat ;) -NEEDED: list of unavoidable battles (such as Lil Charriots on Big Bridge) and strats for dealing with them efficently Only Goblins at the beginning & Lil' Charriots are unavoidable & will give you exp. ... For the enemies that appears on the Ancient Library inside a book, you can run & you won't need to fight (though you might wanna fight here to learn Lv 5 Doom). The Aspis on the Pyramid Desert are annoying but you can avoid them (This kind of visible enemies can be avoided if you don't look each other)... -Rods or Scrolls - Scrolls are cheaper, but remember your Magic Power effects their power. so Rods might be better for the job (only Ninjas can THROW scrolls; anyone can break) With the Steal Glitch you won't have money crisis, so I would say go for the Rods...
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EDIT: OH, and i just figured out why my Blue Mages Goblin Punch wasnt doing that much damage... i didnt re-equip them with weapons at some point. so weapons determine their power. now if he'd stop targeting Lenna and STUN became a more FREQUENT occurence, id have no problem. ok, ive added all of those; thanks once more samurai goroh. what about the Apocalypse battle? its relatively short and provides a save point to fully heal your party. use Exploder = hes dumb enough to try it out and ruin himself = 2 people dead, battle won. however, skipping him would avoid this and we wouldnt have to learn Exploder so very early on in the game (WAY back in the Byurbolos battle). as well, what about a bit of leveling up (GASP!!)? theres the shield dragon in world 2 between Lugor and Moogle Forest, or the Statues in Val Basement (is that a good EXP place, or just ABP?). its mainly because of my fear of running low on MP at a needed time (or not having enough PERIOD). if you think its a good idea, let me know and of places that might also be reasonable to gain quickly (well, after Ancients Library, because we need set levels up until that point). ill wait for input. until then, i should be working on the rough for most of the day.
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however, skipping him would avoid this and we wouldnt have to learn Exploder so very early on in the game (WAY back in the Byurbolos battle).
Exploder helps in Galuf vs Ex-Death battle, allowing you to end it in seconds. About leveling: Use BlackFlame x 5 formation to get some levels and money. Level 10 it's enough to have MP you needed for Blue Magic.
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EDIT: OH, and i just figured out why my Blue Mages Goblin Punch wasnt doing that much damage... i didnt re-equip them with weapons at some point. so weapons determine their power. now if he'd stop targeting Lenna and STUN became a more FREQUENT occurence, id have no problem. Mmm, I'm not so sure how much you can manipulate a fight, but I've seen that if you don't attack, the enemies/boss may do a different attack... (You could try changing rows, use an item, block, ...) what about the Apocalypse battle? its relatively short and provides a save point to fully heal your party. I don't think you'll need to heal badly, but if you do, I think that if you can get enought elixirs, that would be faster than the animation of the Tent/Cottage ... (That's just an speculation, but maybe it needs to be checked...) use Exploder = hes dumb enough to try it out and ruin himself = 2 people dead, battle won. however, skipping him would avoid this and we wouldnt have to learn Exploder so very early on in the game (WAY back in the Byurbolos battle). Mmm, not sure if I tested it (I think I did) but would exploding with Mix command also work? (I don't think so, but it's worth a try...) as well, what about a bit of leveling up (GASP!!)? theres the shield dragon in world 2 between Lugor and Moogle Forest, or the Statues in Val Basement (is that a good EXP place, or just ABP?). its mainly because of my fear of running low on MP at a needed time (or not having enough PERIOD). if you think its a good idea, let me know and of places that might also be reasonable to gain quickly (well, after Ancients Library, because we need set levels up until that point). Mmm, not the strenght of mine... I usually use cheats for ABP when I play :P (and levels won't be to important, except for MP as you mention...) Anyway, you should probably wanna get the Hairpins to half the MP used by magic... (Unless they take long time to obtain...) As for the Statues on Val Basement, well you're going to have Lv 5 doom, which will kill them instantly. Not sure if you'll need badly to get some abilities, but IIRC it was a decent place for ABP, as for Exp. you should fight the ShieldDragons (they are in the castle where you can get the legendary weapons...), though you'll need at least 1 person to control it (so you won't have probs killing it...) While you get some ABP, you might wanna master 1 person with Elementalist, because of preventing damage with lava & spikes... You'll only need 175 ABP points to Master the job, so it won't take to much time... BTW, you should check how much ABP points you'll need for Mix ability, to see if it's worth getting it or is it better just using the Chemist job... As for ABP & Exp on world 3, well the X-zone is the choice, though that comes very late... (But I think you won't need to battle that much on world 3 anyway...) Edit:
bmgenji wrote:
however, skipping him would avoid this and we wouldnt have to learn Exploder so very early on in the game (WAY back in the Byurbolos battle).
Exploder helps in Galuf vs Ex-Death battle, allowing you to end it in seconds.
Correct, but you can also mix a Explosive (Turtle Shell + Dark Matter), to kill yourself & finish the battle.
About leveling: Use BlackFlame x 5 formation to get some levels and money. Level 10 it's enough to have MP you needed for Blue Magic.
For money, you'll use the Steal Glitch. You can rare steal some WarHammers from BioSoldiers, which sells for around 1,150 each if I'm not mistaken... (They appear near the Town of Jacole) Oh BTW, I now remember another bug (though it's graphical) Clonning Galuf after Atomos Battle. You'll just need to place Galuf in the 1st position...
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i have to pretty much stay in the back row for the battle because a single attack from him murders me. Lenna's the only one who has died, but it doesnt really matter NOW, but later it will (they always seem to do something different in battle). the not attacking might help. i suppose i should pick up elixirs as well as i head through the game then (to not battle Apocalypse). and im not sure if the mixture would work, but i would NOT wanna risk missing the Exploder attack. ill try it when i get there. MIX takes 45 ABP, and is the chemists 2nd ability learned. shouldnt be too hard to do, especially if i can have people alternate to that in boss battles. as for the geomancer, i could just switch jobs and switch back. if healings the problem, then i know we'll have to shop at some point (i somehow think this will happen anyways). as far as 175 ABP... thats a bit even though it doesnt seem like it (statue battles can yield either 4 or 8 ABP depending, which in best case would take around 22 battles... and thats best case). so i think maybe just switching between jobs would be a good idea, especially if we came across an enemy we wanted to learn something from on those floors (i dont know that the final will, but if i miss it in barrier, ill try and get level 3 flare and level 2 old). the hair ornaments. ones right in barrier tower, and the other one is... you guessed it... THE PYRAMID. the only person to steal from is Gogo (hahaha... yeah, i dont think so). ...i thought i had more to add, but i guess i dont. anyhow, thanks once again samurai goroh. EDIT REPLIES (i guess i take too much time typing ;)): the black flames ill have to run into anyhow for Dark Shock, so that could be a level bonus. and War Hammer's are bought from Lugor for 6400... and generally halving that is 3200, but i dont know if thats how this games system works. but even at over 1000 gil, thats a ton of money, and should buy more than enough stuff. and the graphic bug seems fun enough to look at (it may cost a second or so, but it would still be a bit of a A-HA! THEY USED IT! or WTF!? moment). and i can just see the ExDeath battle with Galuf. he saps me of all life and then i use and exploder and do 0 damage (if Exploder damage = current HP; i think it does) and hes defeated. ...or that might just be me.
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/*- wrote:
i suppose i should pick up elixirs as well as i head through the game then (to not battle Apocalypse).
I think you should look for an enemy where you can steal an elixir, because they cost A LOT...
/*- wrote:
(i dont know that the final will, but if i miss it in barrier, ill try and get level 3 flare and level 2 old).
You might wanna check the earliest way to get the blue spells FAQ... BTW, I don't think you'll use Lv 4 many times, but maybe it's worth to check if it will come handy later...
/*- wrote:
War Hammer's are bought from Lugor for 6400... and generally halving that is 3200, but i dont know if thats how this games system works.
Right, you sell it for half price :P . Mmm, maybe their normal Steal item was around 1,150 (Haven't played the game lately...)
/*- wrote:
and the graphic bug seems fun enough to look at (it may cost a second or so, but it would still be a bit of a A-HA! THEY USED IT! or WTF!? moment).
The glitch will only happen when Zeza dies & Galuf is waiting for him outside the cave... This glitch happens because Galuf temporally leaves the team & the 1st person takes place as the other player...
/*- wrote:
and i can just see the ExDeath battle with Galuf. he saps me of all life and then i use and exploder and do 0 damage (if Exploder damage = current HP; i think it does) and hes defeated. ...or that might just be me.
Mmm, I can be wrong, but I believe you'll need at least 1 HP to kill yourself (I might be wrong there...) BTW, does this strat counts as a glitch?
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EDIT 3: gilgamesh on the Big Bridge has been the biggest challenge yet. ive updated the walkthrough/outline once more, including dragon power (+20 levels! damn!). as well, im wondering if anything should ever be bought as far as weapons/armors are concerned. perhaps running shoes in mirage before n-zone? (and rememeber, money is not a problem). i picked up some stuff at lugor just because. it would be more impressive to never get any weapons/armor, but that might not happen. well, discounting rods/scrolls. hmm... i wonder how well shurikens and pinwheels will come into play? they do a good number of damage, and ninjas have high agility. another thing, what about MUST LEARN abilities? are there any? MIX, BLUE and CONTROL came to mind (im not gonna entertain the idea of something as high up as 2-swords or x-fight, so forget it). as well, gil toss might be useful at some point. Thieves have Secret, Flee and Dash (the first is useless because of save states and for-sight). Ninjas have Twin and FirstAttack (just throwing it out there). Hunters have Aim. Geomancer's Earth/Terrain (prolly not... we'll just keep those guys for floors where damage is taken) Bard has Hide. i wonder about anything else being useful too. maybe, maybe not. EDIT 2: ok, im not having TOO much trouble running from battles. only 2 instances have occured thus far i had trouble with. one was Garkimasa in Worus Basement. he had to attack and kill someone first before we ran. the next was the Sand Bears of Sand Tides (3 TIMES THIS HAPPENED! thank god someone lived). so, why there and not anywhere else? oh, and just now a Hydra in the ruins... the jerk just had to Poison Breath me before, didnt he? EDIT: i just performed the infinite item glitch. the battle axe resells for 325 gil. i didnt try for the Hammer because i was getting hammered by the three enemies (haha). however, i think i found something better. back at Ship of Graveyards, you can gain ethers from Undead Rusks. and not just 99, but 255. selling all those at once 191250 gil resold (750 a pop)! ladies... gentlemen... i believe we've solved our financial problems. im off to buy some rods and scrolls! does anyone have any suggestion in the way of armors? like what would be beneficial. since post-garula, ive had 3 blue mages and a thief; only switching to 3 thieves and a ninja for infinite items. OLD POST: i checked the Blue Mage learning thing. you might wanna inform him some of those spells can be learned earlier (the barrier tower ones im picking up). im not sure if Exploder = ExDeath dies vs Galuf counts as a glitch, but it would be funny as hell, especially with such low HP. perhaps i should give Galuf a wall ring in the battle beforehand to ensure he'll have HP for ExDeath (i think he starts by double casting Fire and Ice 3 back to back). oh, and ill also gain somewhere in the neighborhood of < 300 ABP (a third of it in the N-Zone) during the course of the game. this is from all battles excluding Shield Dragon and other extracirricular things. the page i used is at RPGClassics as far as Elixirs, the options are: -Garkimasa (Worus Basement) -Tree Segments -ExDeath (forest & Castle?) -Gigas -Pantera -Rock Brain -Sol Cannon -Whirl Demon -White Flame -Zephyr Zone -Zuu (!!!!) *for random encounters, im not sure where ill encounter some monsters, so i might not be able to use ALL those sources. Zuu! yes... hes right around Karnak... unfortunately, Elixirs resale is a measly 5 gil (bastards!). in any case, those are my options. i just got past where Bocos video was. of course, my time is 20 minutes more because its done mostly in real time and with Turbo (= extremely less precision). getting Level 5 Death was a PAIN. but battle manipulation is somewhat simple and less precise than i thought (defend = physical attack, steal = level 5 death; some stuff like that).
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/*- wrote:
Im wondering if anything should ever be bought as far as weapons/armors are concerned. perhaps running shoes in mirage before n-zone? (and rememeber, money is not a problem).
- Well, if you're going to use Jump, maybe some spears (though you'll use it for the 1st time to "hide" from Titan's Attack...) - Maybe some shields to raise Defense & Evade... - If you're going to use GP Toss, then steal useful weapons to equip & sell the rest... BTW, do you think that buying the expensive rings worth? I think they gave you good magic defense, so that might come handly...
/*- wrote:
Ok, im not having TOO much trouble running from battles. only 2 instances have occured thus far i had trouble with. one was Garkimasa in Worus Basement. he had to attack and kill someone first before we ran. the next was the Sand Bears of Sand Tides (3 TIMES THIS HAPPENED! thank god someone lived). so, why there and not anywhere else?
Mmm, if you have a Thief to dash, you can use the flee ability... If I'm not mistaken Faris will be the fastest, so she might be best for Thief... (Though I guess that's what you're doing, right?) Just curious, why did you needed to go to Worus Basement? Was it only for money or for also for getting the Elf's Cloak...? BTW, if you need help, you can also try asking on GameFAQs FFV forum. There are several people that knows really good this game... (Like all the questions that are still unanswered...) Also, if you wanna test some fights (or avoid them), here are some codes (though I know that you can't use them for the run :P) 7E0B5600 No Battles 7E0B5601 Instant Battles
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EDIT 3: eh, i didnt run into any monster who had level 2 old in barrier tower. by freaky coincidence, the # of battles before opening a chest MIAB affected the MIAB (i almost crapped myself when i saw those Yellow Dragons... but i shoulda captured instead of reloading... dag nabbit!). and as far as effectively killing the Red Dragon, hes undead, so level 5 doom and doom potions do nothing. Ice Rods do a little damage, and i could even wait out using MIX until hes L3'd himself enough. theres 2 encounters... one for the blood sword and another for the hair ornament. EDIT2: well, the red dragon will only cast on himself, so i need wall. so i can mix one up w/ dragon fang and phoenix down. now, how do i kill him efficently (i might use this instead of a wall knight for level 2 old as well, since im at level 12 for all but Faris or Galuf). EDIT: i was thinking of something for the Tree Segments. ill take Dark Matters along as well, because im not sure if they will auto counter with a powerful spell when Death Claw connects or if its the moment of death. in any case, this was always a pivotal moment when playing the game normally, so im all wired up for it (not to mention the all consuming black hole that is Atomos!). ORIGINAL POST:
samurai goroh wrote:
- Well, if you're going to use Jump, maybe some spears (though you'll use it for the 1st time to "hide" from Titan's Attack...) - Maybe some shields to raise Defense & Evade... - If you're going to use GP Toss, then steal useful weapons to equip & sell the rest... BTW, do you think that buying the expensive rings worth? I think they gave you good magic defense, so that might come handly...
jump is used once against titan and thats it. GilToss did about as much damage then against him as a Sand Bear did. you mentioning Hide made me think of (instead of Dragoon Jump) to use a Bard's Hide; but that requires ABP. the coral ring could be used for Twin Tania definitely (he does Tidal Wave at one point). besides, i could just take time in world 1 and gain a bunch of money via the ethers (200,000 gil...*drools*).
samurai goroh wrote:
Mmm, if you have a Thief to dash, you can use the flee ability... If I'm not mistaken Faris will be the fastest, so she might be best for Thief... (Though I guess that's what you're doing, right?) Just curious, why did you needed to go to Worus Basement? Was it only for money or for also for getting the Elf's Cloak...? BTW, if you need help, you can also try asking on GameFAQs FFV forum. There are several people that knows really good this game... (Like all the questions that are still unanswered...) Also, if you wanna test some fights (or avoid them), here are some codes (though I know that you can't use them for the run :P) 7E0B5600 No Battles 7E0B5601 Instant Battles
Worus Basement was mainly for the money (much like Bocos movie demonstrated... for getting Ice Rods). i forgot the pot on the far left (but i havent had much trouble with that). as far as Flee, Faris just KEPT dying, so i had to revive her over and over and she never got ABP (well, she did a few times, but not enough to learn Flee). and i was thinking of using Reina instead, because im planning on skipping her in the third world. but Faris is almost always first to attack, so i can see that being useful. ive been stopping by the forum as of late as well to see if anything was answered. ill prolly end up making my own topic and getting chewed out because of it, but oh well. as far as findings go, i dont think you can change the next battle in a dungeon at all. the only thing you can do is manipulate pre-empt and back attack (which is done by waiting, but i havent tested how long). as well, the battles seem somewhat pre-determined. like, i went to sand tides, fought a sand killer so i reloaded the state. i left tides, came back and then fought the same enemies. i forgot to test if avoid battles on the world map would affect this or not. also, i fought some statues in Val Basement to gain some ABP for MIX and CONTROL. it went quite well until i ran into a streak of 4 ABP fights, which ate up 20 minutes. and ive run into some funny things with Gilgamesh. in the first fight as Galuf, i noted in the Walkthrough what basically happens and it is just that drop dead funny. on Zeza's Ship, he dies from a doom potion and then calls Enkidoh who doesnt show:
React:Death & Alone{
     No Interrupt{
          Display Text: Gilgamesh:  Enkidou!
          Display Text: I'll leave the rest to you!
          Reverse Polarity
          Display Text: Enkidou...
          Display Text: Hey, don't leave me!!
this guys a riot, and id have never known that conversation even exsisted. but i have some unfortunate news. i got a job (well, good for my financial fix, but bad for helping more on the walkthrough of this game). so... yeah... im not gonna have as much time to devote to it here in a few days. so ill try and finish it and HOPEFULLY someone can use it to do a full run of the game. oh, and i know its April 1st as well (i was reminded of this early in the morning by both Phil and Bisqwit's respective vids), but im not joking about my job (at least i dont think any potential employer would be so cruel... would they?). i was planning on making maps of the game at some point as well now that i know about the screen shot feature (i had to throw that in there).
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You can't skip Reina meaningfully. You have to have her to get the Airship which you need to enter the Cleft of Dimension. So you can pick her up later than normal, sure, but not never.
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ah... i miss read the post entirely. oops... well, good thing i didnt alter things TOO much during gameplay. well, what about getting the black chocobo and going to Mua and then heading to the Pyramid? im currently stuck on halicarnaso. i went through and brought some running shoes, but thats not the problem. the problem is, hes a physical guy, not a magician, which is why i kept running into problems in the first place. im gonna grab golem now to take away this problem. his damn frog attack still pisses me off though. so far, im using a summoner for that. i cant seem to get dark shock to work on him though. i know the next 2 battles (well, thats the end of the game then) should be easy considering the strategies. im still not sure about hali though... but ive gained enough information to somewhat complete the walkthrough. just adding up the money should be the only difficult part. so i think im gonna put this on hold for a while. ill provide my savestate, which should work. the translation i was using was one with an IPS patch... i cant even remember where i got it its been so long ago. savestate savestate-step right and battle halicarnaso, though you dont really stand a chance. i went and cheated to gain some money to make up for a missing hairpin (theres 4, sorry, i was rushing). the shurikens are there for test purposes. most of the game has been completed, just halicarnaso/twin tania/ex-death remaining. dont mind the time, i had errors where i had to back track or turbo through cutscenes. its not accurate is what im trying to get at.
NAME: Halicarnaso
LEVEL: 97                              EXP: 0
HP: 33333                              GIL: 0
MP: 5000                               SPEED: 40
ATTACK: 65                             MAGIC POWER: 250
ATT. MULT: 12                          MAGIC MULT: 99
EVADE%: 0                              MAGIC EVADE%: 66
DEFENSE: 10                            MAGIC DEFENSE: 20
STATUS IMMUNITY: Dead, Stone, Toad, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, 
IMMUNITY: Control, Catch
SPELLS: Dynamo, Dispel, Haste, Shell, Holy, Kurururu!
CATCH: Can't
DROP (ALWAYS): Nothing                 STEAL (COMMON): Light Staff
DROP (RARE): Elf Cape                  STEAL (RARE): Aegis Shield
     Set V00=00
Set V00=01
Change Target:Whole party
React:Summon Magic{
     Display Text:   focusing power!
     Change Music??
     Strong Fight
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/*- wrote:
ill provide my savestate, which should work. the translation i was using was one with an IPS patch... i cant even remember where i got it its been so long ago. savestate
How long is this run? (in-game time...) Also, how do I play the file? Do I need to change it to a smv file?
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oh, theres no movie file, just the save state. the in game time is somewhere over 8 hours. as far as using it, i dont know if the ROM and savestate name need to match up or not, but just F1 after opening the ROM. it should work.
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So, the file is to help you out, right? I'll check it out now :) Funny, I needed to put the savestate where the game is & not where the emulator is, otherwise it opened the zsnes save file. (I didn't knew they where compatible...) EDIT: Mmm, my LLG strat is to kill her (him?) by leveling her up to 255, but you don't have any Dragon Fang... Does Dark Shock works? Otherwise I think you'll need to berserk her & have Golem to protect you, but currently you haven't...
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EDIT3: BEATEN! dark shock took quite a while to pull off. im wondering about that spell now. anyhow, first that, then he got OLD'd, then Kiss of Blessing and Finally (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)... ex-death falls to the might of LEVEL 5 DEATH! theres some rumbling afterwards, flashy light and finally the starfield that reads "In, the Beginning..." so refinements are needed (namely against Hali, since i think its just RARE that Dark Shock works on the higher up levels). EDIT2: TWINTANIA... HAHAHA! you dont need coral rings, just running shoes. that w/ Bard's Hide. then, i sent someone out one by one (because he killed them off) until it said charging up for gigaflare! break and BOOM, thats all to that folks. hahaha. oh geez... that almost made me feel bad for that abomination Dark Shock has been unsuccessful. the Leveling up seems optimal (aside from constantly dying since his attacks are so powerful). you can always teleport out and head to dragon valley and get such things (i have several times, but for different reasons). funny, i was just thinking with all that money you could get, to just go buy some MagiShurikens since Ninja's are so quick. damn that frog spell. EDIT:took 14 magishurikens to do him in. they all did over 2000 damage (cant say the same for Fire3 w/Fire Rods). but that tallies 350000 gil. add in running shoes and coral rings, and its 750000. equipment? (black hood/circlet/black robe/black costume) and its 862000. not that getting the gil is hard. just note that every 191250 = another stealing ether from enemy battle. oh, the battle went like this... -7 magishuriken -frog'd -4 maiden's kisses -more magishuriken -dynamo -more magishuriken i wasnt keeping count, but 18/4 = 5 round. very fast though, i had running shoes on.
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/*- wrote:
EDIT: took 14 magishurikens to do him in. they all did over 2000 damage (cant say the same for Fire3 w/Fire Rods). but that tallies 350000 gil. add in running shoes and coral rings, and its 750000. equipment? (black hood/circlet/black robe/black costume) and its 862000. not that getting the gil is hard. just note that every 191250 = another stealing ether from enemy battle.
Mmm, if you had the Dragon Fang, it would take you only 3 rounds by leveling him + Lv 5 Doom... If you have money crisis on World 3, then either go to Phoenix Tower to steal (the enemies have great items) or Steal from Sekmet (I think he had I good item, though it may not be profitable...) If you need to go to steal on Phoenix Tower, then it may not be a bad idea to perform Leena's glitch, get the black chocobo & leave it next to the forest, so you can access him with the full party... If you go to the tower, then you can get 100 ABP from each pot-like enemy, just manipulate them so that you only give them 1 elixir... Oh, if you do, you can skip all level fights but the last one, though you won't need to take the Summon... (because of the long cinema, unless you can't use the jikuu magic exit, which I doubt...) Oh, congrats to finish the game :D
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i was thinking of how those 2 compared back and forth. i made note of it in the BIG post i have (your strat is best, and there are monsters that you'll run into where you'll be able to steal Dragon Fangs; so its not a problem). Dark Shock may actually work, it just takes longer (it did w/ ExDeath). Apprehender is a pain as well. Dark Shock may work as well, but that damn Wind Slash... Hide, maybe?
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Level 97.. so +10 =107, +20 =127, /2 =63, /2 =31, /2 = level 15. 5 actions.
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Boco wrote:
Level 97.. so +10 =107, +20 =127, /2 =63, /2 =31, /2 = level 15. 5 actions.
Does Dark Shock works with him?!? Yet another reason to obtain those Dragon Fangs... It may be repetitive, but would that strat be faster with other bosses? And now that a guide has been done, who will make it a movie?
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