I could include an exception in Agent Slash to permit videos.google.com referrals through without the nag page, but I don't feel like implementing it with very high priority.
I have a question, just curious so don't take it the wrong way, but is there a reason to not automatically forward all requests without the trailing slash?
Just curious.
I have a question, just curious so don't take it the wrong way, but is there a reason to not automatically forward all requests without the trailing slash?
I hate seeing two lines in the access log every time people go to my page.
And I hate it when people write the broken link somewhere. Most servers are courteous enough to redirect the bad link to the proper page, but I don't like it.
There's one right address. As per usability recommendations, I am careful to ensure that every time I move pages around on my site, I make proper redirections to ensure that the old address will not stop working; it will take to the new page.
That's why http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jutut/nesvideos.html still works, for example. Even this works: http://tasvideos.org/changes.html
But I do not want to do the same effort for addresses that never existed in the first place. If I starts supporting those false addresses, I would need to maintain the redirections for also those false addresses when I move pages around.
imaginary log wrote:
But I do not want to do the same effort for addresses that never existed in the first place. If I starts supporting those false addresses, I would need to maintain the redirections for also those false addresses when I move pages around.
Ah, gotcha. Thanks for explaining your reasoning :)
Well, I notified Google through two channels. I doubt the change will happen quickly, but heres hopening it happens eventually!
Wow, Google has actually already gotten back to me requesting more information.
I sent them a very detailed response immediatly.
Looks like they may actually fix this quickly.
I also pointed out the problem that if you arrive at a video after searching for a term present in the URL, such as "nesvideos", the bolding of the search term in the description destroys the link as well.
There have also now been over 100,000 views of our videos so far :)
Someone should get back to adding videos. I am swamped with school/work right now, I'll try to get back at more videos in the near future though.
Thanks for your detailed reply! We appreciate you bringing this to our
attention, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
As for the issue of bolded search terms interfering with hyperlinks, we're
aware of this problem, and our engineers are looking into it. We hope to
have it fixed soon.
Google Video, like other Labs projects, is a work in progress. We thank
you for your patience, and we hope you will continue to visit to see our
additions and improvements.
The Google Video Team
Joined: 5/1/2004
Posts: 4096
Location: Rio, Brazil
I just noticed google videos now has a "gaming" genre, so it would be best to change all to that genre isntead of "animation" and use that genre when submitting new videos from now on.
Joined: 3/13/2004
Posts: 1118
Location: Kansai, JAPAN
FODA wrote:
I just noticed google videos now has a "gaming" genre, so it would be best to change all to that genre isntead of "animation" and use that genre when submitting new videos from now on.
Hmmm, does this really count as "gaming" and not "animation?" After all, we've always called the process "movie making" rather than simply "playing." What is Red vs. Blue considered?
Huh, board didn't email me when the post was updated...must resubscribe.
I've been meaning to upload a few more of my favorites. Plus a few that are up have been obsoleted. I don't know if anyone ever changed all the genres to "Gaming", but that needs to be done. Also, the links should be changed to the new domain name.
I'll try and get some more time to work on it. I have been extremely busy with work and school lately. If anyone else would like to contribute to the project, and someone else in the forums can vouch for you (I am not very familiar with the people in this community), I'll give you the login information (other people have it as well, such as FODA and Bisqwit).
I still think having the videos on Google Video are a good idea:
• Increases Exposure to our videos
• Allows people to start watching immediately with no download (in fact I think a "watch now at google video" should be added on this site to videos on google video)
• An archive if anything happens to this site
• probably more good reasons I am too tired to think of
So far almost 800,000 videos have been viewed and almost 20,000 downloads have occurred on Google Video. And that's only with the 54 videos uploaded by me and a couple others. So I think it is a worthwhile project, I just haven't had time to work more on it.