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I can't get the vbm file to play as a movie. Is it because I'm using the wrong version of visual boy advance?
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That's probably the reason... the older format was .vmv (iirc) You should try using at least v1.7.2 of VBA, but more recent ones are even better... AxeMan, that's really a good work... Continue like this... Personnally I think that keeping the animation is a good thing, it makes the movie less borig and mre entertaining. As you're not in a platform game, you do not need to aim for pure speed, so keeping the animations is good...
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Patashu wrote:
I can't get the vbm file to play as a movie. Is it because I'm using the wrong version of visual boy advance?
You need the version that's here: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2050&start=0
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I decided to take this up, and am currently in the middle of a test run. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/865/FE7.vbm Things I plan to change so far: Better movement and strategies in the earlier levels. More critical hits in the earlier levels. Don't get the mine in chapter 16. If I decide I want the Uber Spear, I'll consider stealing a mine in chapter 27. Take Guy's killing edge off of him earlier. Perhaps some other things I can't think of at the moment.
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Sweet! I was hoping someone would pick this up since I honestly don't know this game very well. Turning off animations is probably a good idea, at least for testing, because it makes producing the run much easier. Due to how this game randomizes, it should always be possible to convert to animations later. I like how you tried a few different tricks in the earlier levels. On low levels with iron weapons the crit chances are so low, I wouldn't try too hard to get them when it doesn't save any turns. I don't know if your kill-em-all strategy on the protect mission is worthwhile timewise, but you do get some nice advantages by powering up more characters. It looks like you have managed Eliwood's story pretty well so far. It's surprising how easily you can make the battle go your way. You had to sacrifice some stats on levelups, but hopefully what you get should be good enough. I like that you are able to powerup a decent variety of characters, though in most cases only cavalry characters are relevant. It will be very nice when you need to clear out large levels with lots of enemies. It's surprising how effective Pegasus/Falcon knights are when you can pump their stats. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this, though it definitely isn't going to get easier. But then as long as Marcus has enough strength to slaughter everyone, you are set. You've probably seen the SDA run, but I hope you find some new strategies which are only viable in a TAS.
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I have indeed seen Molotov's run currently up on SDA, and found it even more impressive than his previous run. I'm not sure what I could contribute in terms of new strategies though. Your chapter 4 strategy is probably faster than mine, but mine gets more levels which help later. I feel that the levels are worth more, considering I need Florina to fight in chapters 8 and 22, and probably 24 too. Manipulating critical hits does save time, even on the earlier chapters. If that manipulation comes at the cost of levelup stats, I will of course go for the stats at that point of the game. By the way, you were right about 3000000-3000005 being the RNG, and I thank you for that information. The numbers there are actually the last three 16-bit numbers generated so far. The next random number is a simple Z/2Z-linear function of these, as posted by "borkborkbork" in FESS3 while it existed, sometime between chapters 13 and 14 in my test run. No progress to report at this time. In chapter 24, I plan to take Vaida's spear with a mine, rout the enemy in 2 turns, then wait the rest of the time. If this doesn't stop the wyvern reinforcements, I will also block the spawn points. I'll lose Vaida in chapter 27, but I really don't need another unit in a TAS.
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Glad you could use that info on the RNG. But once you start with Eliwood, don't the stats for all characters you had with Lyn reset? If not then by all means any levels you can get early on should be good. Also, I expect that early on you will have to choose between getting a crit at under 5% and getting good stats. But if you don't level that fight or don't need the stats then it probably is faster to crit. Of course if there are lots of things to control during the enemy turn then that will also make it hard to get those low probability crits.
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Chapter 24 completed. The mine trick is a very effective means of luck manipulation. If I gave Hawkeye a handaxe, I could have done it with one fewer enemy phase. Stats from Lyn's story do carry on to Eliwood's or Hector's story. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/881/FE7.vbm
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After this latest exercise in frustration, I am considering giving Erk a few levels so I don't have to go through Jerme's map in the real run. I could have done this in 5 turns if I had a better choice of equipment, or got Marcus an S in spears earlier, but there is no way that I am going through this chapter again right now. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/896/FE7.vbm This will probably be my last update until the summer.
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After a long hiatus, I have resumed work on this run. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1435/FE7.vbm I managed to kill Ursula in 4 turns, thus stopping any more reinforcements from joining the battle, as well as getting rid of the "enemy phase" message when I routed in turn 5. I also recruited Jaffar to see if his Silencer skill is worth the time taken. The second turn would have been the most difficult to manipulate, except that I somehow got the desired result with no manipulation whatsoever. Next is CoD, and still more strategic choices. Any advice on whom I should give the boots to would be appreciated, as well as any advice on CoD or any other chapter.
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I'm glad to see you're working on this run again and it looks good as always. I'm a bit doubtful about whether or not going down the right side of Chapter 26 is a good idea, since all the enemy killing sucks up time. I doubt Jaffar will prove to be of much value, since you can manipulate critical hits anyway. Personally, I'd test a 2 unit strategy on this chapter. One person carries Jaffar out of fighting range and the other person grabs Zephiel plus the Boots and hides in the same room (possibly with no weapons equipped). As for future chapters, I'd highly recommend saving your Bolting uses for the Final Chapter. It's too bad you didn't grab the Hammerne, but 4 Bolting uses still makes for 4 dead bosses at the end. I know the Warp staff goes without saying, but Athos warping is really fun. As for the Boots, I'd try Heath or Florina. The mine trick strategy for Victory of Death is absurdly cheap and with +2 movement on your flying unit of choice (that is capable of lifting a promoted Eliwood), it might end even quicker. Since you have Jaffar anyway though, you might want to give him the Boots so that he can keep up with your mounted units.
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I'd tentatively suggest eliwood for the boots, due to earlier throne seizing. Though you can rescue, so maybe heath/florina is better. Dang it! I actually had a little bit of free time, but now you've encouraged me to fill it up with fe8 TASing.
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cheetah: There are two "seize throne" chapters left, sort of. Chapter 28 (technically not a seize throne chapter) has enemies which will probably get in the way, and chapter 30 is large enough that I will have Florina carry Eliwood to the throne. Molotov: I couldn't know my strategy was going to be so slow until I tried it. I'll improve it in the real run. I can't see many places where Jaffar would benefit from extra movement though. My tentative plan is to give Florina the boots, but this isn't set in stone yet. I'll do CoD and the rest of the game after I make a final decision on this as well as whether to get the Warp staff. I'd guess that the extra movement as well as not entering the region labeled B may be worth it in VoD, but B is avoidable even without Warp. (Warping doesn't trigger those regions.)
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How does one get the warp staff in FE7? I can't remember. Also, do you have any bolting at this point? That'd make it a lot easier in Eliwood's promotion level: just bring Pent along to clear a path for Eliwood. Vioctory or death...I recall there being some mountains that flying units could fly over without being molested. Then just uber spear critical limstella. All of this is based off of my hazy memory of your previous update, as I haven't had a chance to watch the most recent one.
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Chapter 27 completed. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1563/FE7.vbm The only hard part remaining is Light part 1.
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I didn't think chapter 28 was long enough to deserve its own update, so here's chapter 29. Lack of foresight in choosing weapons caused the rout in chapter 29 to take 3 turns instead of 2. Annoyingly, there is an unskippable (without SRAM) 8.5-minute scene between chapters 28 and 29. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1620/FE7.vbm
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Very nice. Victory or Death will probably be fairly easy to optimize, what with a warp staff and flyers. Light will be a pain, probably. You can't really rely on just plowing through those enemies like you can with normal ones...good luck on that, at any rate.
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I can't plow through those enemies? I beg to differ. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1627/FE7.vbm Total movie length: 1h48m46s29f. Displayed time at final save: 1:48:40. I welcome any suggestions for my improved (and hopefully submittable) run.
Joined: 8/3/2004
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Impressive. This run almost radiates pure luck management. ;) Also, you managed to post the final movie while I was watching the previous incarnation, ah well, fast-forward, here I come. Looking forward to seeing the submittable run knowing it will be even more awesome than this.
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Why can't this run be submitted? It seems fine to me. I haven't noticed any mistakes.
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cheetah 7071 wrote:
Why can't this run be submitted? It seems fine to me. I haven't noticed any mistakes.
First, I didn't cancel enemy attack cursors until the end of chapter 12, and I didn't use B to move until chapter 14. These alone cost me a few minutes overall. Second, some of my strategies were suboptimal. For instance, I should have manipulated more critical hits early, and I should have blocked the spawn points in chapter 4. My strategy got better later in the game, but there were some things I tested (e.g., recruiting Jaffar) which cost time and didn't compensate by saving any time later.
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Ah, I see. I did frameskip through most of Lyn's route, so I didn't notice.
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Lyn's mode completed 17126 frames (4m45s26f) faster than my test run. Any comments are welcome, especially suggestions for improvement. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1841/FE7.vbm I use a bug to move my characters places they aren't supposed to go, usually on top of my other characters. I'll need a name for this bug if I am to mention it in my submission comments. (EDIT: saved 150 additional frames on chapter 10)
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Due to a bug posted by VincentASM on FESS, I saved an additional 1166 frames (19s26f) in chapter 9. The preparation for optimal use of the bug goes back to chapter 6, so any savestates you may have after that won't work. People who don't like Lyn's normal mode will enjoy this trick. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/2205/FE7.vbm I'm still foolishly hoping for a better chapter 8 manipulation, so at this rate I'll never reach Eliwood's mode.
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It was rather amusing to see you skip Wallace's promotion. Too bad it isn't possible on a real GBA...
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