• Emulator used: Famtasia 5.1
I used my own trick for dealing the most of damage as possible. I did it by doing frame by frame while testing with the fire button. If no bullet is fired, I reload this frame, don't press the fire button and continue to the next frame.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #81: Genisto's NES Contra in 09:34.12
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [114] NES Contra "1 player" by Genisto in 09:34.12
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Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I didn't feel like creating a new one. My console run of Contra just got put up at SDA, and I watched it for the first time in a couple weeks, and it reminded me of some things. There are some fairly easily implemented improvements to this run that will shave off a few seconds. All of them come in Waterfall. There is a glitch that I presume has to do with the way the screen scrolls vertically, where Bill or Lance (I love those names) can jump "higher" than they can normally, meaning they can reach ledges that they shouldn't be able to reach with their normal jumping height. Since the programmers inexplicably made it so that Bill and Lance always jump the same height and move at the same speed, that means that you will have to make two less jumps, which translates to less time. The guy who made this movie actually did it once, but later in the level. Here's the locations (that I know of): There might be more places to do it than that, but those are the two that I accidentally did on a console numerous times. Sorry if this was already posted somewhere; I did a search and there wasn't much in the way of relevant Contra discussion. Anyway, I don't know if this is already known, but if someone wanted to improve this, this would be something to consider.
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How does it work exactly? Do you need two players? Or does it just have to be certain ledges?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
How does it work exactly? Do you need two players? Or does it just have to be certain ledges?
You don't need two players; it's dependent on how the screen scrolls. I don't know exactly how it works. Here's where Genisto did it:
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So, I have a question. This run was done on Famtasia, and I've heard about how certain timings are different, etc. and how much this game can lag and so forth from the 2-player submissions. Combine that with the fact that Genisto did a remarkable job on this run, and I have to ask... Using FCEU, is this run beatable?
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yea it is, but not by more than a second or so. Lag really isn't a problem with this game using FCEU in 1 player mode. One known mistake that genisto makes during his run is that he jumps when it is not neccesary to, every time the character jumps it causes a 1 frame delay. I have completed the first stage about 8 frames faster than genisto using FCEU.
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I have seen the movie How can Genisto use the shotgun like that? very high frequency
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IRC wrote:
14:15:26| <NesVideoAgent> New reply by solepussy (PubMov: #81: Genisto's NES Contra in 09:34): http://tasvideos.org/forum/p/99893 14:18:05| <Baxter> wow... how can you be registered on the forum for a YEAR, and still ask that question
Game slowdown , I guess (no frame advance at that time, I think)
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"wow... how can you be registered on the forum for a YEAR, and still ask that question" I'm sorry,my English is so poor that I can't understand most of your discussions.So I do not come very ofen.If I come here,I usually need a dictionary. I am trying my best to improve my English
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It's not your English that is in question. It is the fact that you are familiar with the TAS runs for a year, and ask a question about one of the most generic tricks known, well, since the invention of a turbocontroller. Either that, or you just don't understand how does the shotgun work in this game.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Thank you,moozooh I 'm familiar with the forum for a year,but usually I just download the movie file and see it just for fun.I think the movies here are amazing.I love those games. Although I want to know how does the author make them,I can't understand what they said I read moozooh's word with a dictionary,I think the answer of my question is the "turbocontroller",is that the tool who make the shotgun work like that? Where can I get the tool?
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solepussy wrote:
I read moozooh's word with a dictionary,I think the answer of my question is the "turbocontroller",is that the tool who make the shotgun work like that? Where can I get the tool?
It's called "turbo controller" or "autofire". Such a tool exists in almost all emulators supported by this site. Suppose B is shoot. Then the game receives the input as pressing B every second frame. It cannot be done faster as pressing B for two or more straight frames is the same as holding B down. You can also do this using slowdown or frame advance.
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Hey, no need to demean anybody. It's an honest question.
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Hi solepussy. Two things: 1) What is your native language? 2) Why do you have the name solepussy? Do you know what the word "pussy" usually means in English?
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Truncated wrote:
2) Why do you have the name solepussy? Do you know what the word "pussy" usually means in English?
A cat of course, you dirty Swede.
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I think I am honest.I'm a beginner in emulator,but I love FC game. I came here just want to learn something from you.I want to commuicate with you who are good at emulators.Sometimes it cost me one hour to write about 100 words,but I would like to do that.I thought I could learn something Someone here are not friendly to me.Maybe you are high level players,such question will be demeaned.It's OK.See it as a joke plz. I am appreciative to the people who help me
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solepussy seems like a rather "different" name on a gaming community.
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I kind of like the name. but it might help to know what soulpussy's native language is, we have enough of a spectrum of people here there is a good chance someone would speak his language. More on topic, I did some testing on this, and it seems that it only works on cliffs that have that exact seperation distance. if we had some way of measuring the hights of the platforms, we could know for sure what places this trick will work.
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solepussy: I asked about your native language because if you have problems undestanding, there is probably someone here who speaks your language, and can help you. Guybrush: I said what it USUALLY means. :P I think people mean cat when they say pussy about as often as they mean rooster when they say cock.
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Hello!. I am "xipo", comes from the Chinese Shanghai.I am a game fans,I started NES game from 5 years old , until now already 16 years. Since having the emulator, I start making game video. But my ability is limited. I find if you fire in same frequency,you will not do the same like Genisto.Press B and press B again after one frame,is the highest frequency,but it is not what we want.I find if you use fceu,you can fire in any frequency,so I try every frequency.My conclusion is that if you fire in lower and lower frequency,you can make the same effect like Genisto,but it is very hard.Another method is you can fire with pressing left and right in the same time.
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