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well, i just did the burn fatality. i didnt do the "toasty" one edit: just tried the toasty. nothing special.
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Ok. So I suppose there won't be many freeze fatalities that will look funny enough then. The dead pool glitch is a must though. :) F,F,D, HK in order to freeze the victim. Then F,D,F,F,HP in order to pull off the rest of the fatality, quickly as hell hold LK and LP, just as in the dead pool uppercut. :) Wonder if this works with Raiden... I'll have to test.
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Ok. It didn't work with Rayden. <-- See this as a spelling correction to the above as well. I'll never learn. Hehe.
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The correct spelling is Raiden.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Rayden in MK2
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Random language lesson: The "correct spelling" is either 雷電 (thunder & lightning) or ライデン (japanese phonetisation of 雷電), unless I miss my guess, and both Raiden & Rayden are acceptable romanisations of these. However, the name would be written as Raiden under all three common romanisation systems.
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Great. I really don't like the Y in Rayden anyways. Feels better with Raiden. Let's officially carry on with this spelling. Hehe. :)
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I think they changed it in order to differentiate him from the Fatal Fury/Capcom vs. SNK character Raiden. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Yeah, so they could confuse (haha) it with the Metal Gear Solid 2 character instead.
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well, theyre very easy to tell apart raiden is a fighting thundergod and raiden is gay.
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OgreSlayer gave me this link on IRC and I decided that it's a good reference when we/someone is going to make a MK2 run. Just watch those awesome combos. I'm not sure if these combos are compatible with the SNES version of the game though, since this was pulled off with MAME. The file is about 64MB so it might be a slow and long download for some of you. http://konqrr.com/mk2/mk2konqrr.zip or http://highness.no-ip.com/mk2konqrr.zip
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For the record, it was Raiden in the arcade games but Rayden in the console games, except I think it's Raiden in MK:Deception which is console only. Why? Who knows...probably some kind of licensing conflict. There is an arcade shooter called Raiden and a Fatal Fury character called Raiden as well. Of course, those are properly pronounced "RYE-den" rather than "RAY-den." EDIT: Just watched the video, very cool. But with the power of slo-motion there should be even more possibilities. MK3 on SNES had a cheat code that offered slo-mo gameplay and I was able to do ridiculous things I could never accomplish in regular play.
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In MK3 it was rather easy to build combos. I remember Kano had an easy one with his blade attack. Half cirkle backwards and high punch I think it was. Repeat this to deal enough damage to get knocked back.
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I'm very interested in those runs, because everyone here has a "pet" game which mastered, and mine were Mortal Kombat 1 & 2. I remember being able to do really crazy things on both, though the AI on MK 2 was awful. I remember that even on medium difficult the AI didn't make throws, so you could defeat them just by ducking and making low punchs. Kintaro was always ridiculous, though Baraka could counter his stompy jump with his scissors' cut. It's also very sad that Shao Kahn could be defeated so easily with low kicks, which was the worst attack I've ever seen on those games. One of the tricks I enjoy the most when playing MK II, was when scorpion faces AI Baraka on very hard mode. When jumping forward, Baraka does his scissors' cut. Then, you warp with scorpion in mid-air and punch him. As a side note, the AI never warps when using scorpion, it has to be buggy, or something. I also demand Cage's friendship on the run. It's so cool that it even appeared on the film! Also, for a MK1 run, I would suggest playing with Johnny Cage. Though being close with Sonya on being the worst combatant, it has style, and a lot of glitchs that could be abused. He is also, along with Kano, the only ones who can defeat an opponent at full health before he/she touches ground.
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You seem to know your Kombat games DrJones. However some of your statements are wrong. Throwing is frequently used in normal mode. Atleast those time I have played the game. Sure. Not as much as in Very hard. But still. Kintaro is about as easy with every character. Just jump your self into a corner and wait for Kintaro to teleport-stomp you. 95% of the times, atleast for me, when Kintaro stops the stomping you will get pushed out from the corner and Kintaro is left there. Now, just press low punch as fast as you can until Kintaro dies. He will be stuck in the corner and can't block. :) Shao Kahn is over all very easy to defeat if you ask me. Just walking towards him and hitting high kick sort of trapps him in a loop where he tries to shadow-headbutt or what ever it is. Scorpion do warp when played by computer. But not very often. One thing that I think that I've never seen from the AI is a leg scissors though. Shang Tsung will be used, atleast if I can tell what to do. :) Since Shang can morph into any other character.
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Highness wrote:
You seem to know your Kombat games DrJones. However some of your statements are wrong.
I played all of them on a PC, so it could be that on SNES those glitches aren't available. About Kintaro, the version I played is famous for crappy AI and Kintaro being almost impossible to beat, something that was fixed later, as the FAQs I've read mention.
Highness wrote:
Throwing is frequently used in normal mode. Atleast those time I have played the game. Sure. Not as much as in Very hard. But still. Kintaro is about as easy with every character. Just jump your self into a corner and wait for Kintaro to teleport-stomp you. 95% of the times, atleast for me, when Kintaro stops the stomping you will get pushed out from the corner and Kintaro is left there. Now, just press low punch as fast as you can until Kintaro dies. He will be stuck in the corner and can't block. :) Shao Kahn is over all very easy to defeat if you ask me. Just walking towards him and hitting high kick sort of trapps him in a loop where he tries to shadow-headbutt or what ever it is.
When I played, I miss sometimes when using high kick, but by using low kick the problem disappears, at least for me. The rest of the strategy against Shao Kahn is the same. Very easy, compared with the I-never-lose Kintaro.
Highness wrote:
Scorpion do warp when played by computer. But not very often. One thing that I think that I've never seen from the AI is a leg scissors though.
That's the first time I hear about that, I'm very surprised about this.
Shang Tsung will be used, atleast if I can tell what to do. :) Since Shang can morph into any other character.
It's the best idea, but I dislike how Shang Tsung plays on MK II, though all his three fatalities rock! By the way, on MK III, he becomes a very strong character. I've won countless times against human opponents just by running and throwing them quickly. It's so fast I rarely need to morph into someone. Still, he can be stopped by Sub-zero's ice clone. Of course, the run + throw strategy could also be done on MK III with Smoke, which is too fast even for Sub-Zero, and the main reason he's banned from our house tournaments. Good luck with your video!
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Haha! Well.. Almost every character has a juggle of some sort that could be used. Sector for example can use his teleport punch over and over in order to juggle. Kano has his blade attack which he can corner his opponent with. This thread should go about and get more concrete. Like talking about how to perform 100% combos etc. When to morph and to what character etc. The pool area is bound to have Sub-Zero deep freeze and glitch uppercut the opponent into the pool. Forward, Forward, Down, High Kick. Then Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, High punch (this triggers the fatality where he normaly shatters his opponent in a million pieces), but instead of shatter the opponent, quickly hold low punch and low kick. This makes the opponent go into the pool instead. Even though the background is shaded as it would normally be during a fatality. :) Anyways... Concrete strategies and hints so that we can begin the recording. :)
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My brother just messaged me about a wicked idea for Mortal Kombat 2. He told me it might be possible to meet Smoke, Jade and Noob Saibot after eachother. His theory went like this: Make sure that the stage before the "?" is the portal stage. Play as Kung Lao and do the spinning forcefield thingie (Up+LK) to make Dan Forden appear (the guy who shouts TOASTY!). Press down+start to enter the fight against Smoke. Beat Smoke using kicks only. This would in theory take you to Jade as the stage is still before the "?". Make sure that the Jade fight is your 50th in a row. Kill Jade and you should be transfered to Noob Saibot. If you ask me it would be OK to use a cheatcode in a TAS to manipulate the starting stage and the proper ammount of wins so that this can be pulled off as the time goes by as normal. What do you guys think?
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You could probably do Smoke and Jade without cheat codes, although I don't know how easy it is to manipulate a starting stage. I personally think that would be just as cool...Noob always seemed like too little for too much work, to me.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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You can manipulate the starting stage by dying. However it's almost unavoidable to use cheatcodes. Since you can't win 50 times in a row without using twoplayer mode first. And gettting the required ammount of wins is not satisfying in a TAS.
Active player (255)
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I thought these games desynched endlessly when attempted.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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And why do they do that?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I don't know exactly why, but I tried UMK3 for the Genesis and it desynched the moment the battle started. Something about randomness each time you start the game. A similar phenomenon can be seen in Eternal Champions (also a Genesis fight game).
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Eternal Champions is a good game. :) I think some of these options solved that issue: # Use WIP1 Timing # Allow Left+Right/Up+Down # Volume Envelope Height Reading # Fake Mute desync workaround # Sync samples with sound CPU Fake mute or VEHR I think it was... However the sound became entierly crapped. But the game is synced if I remember correctly.
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Right on. Xavier is my favorite, he kicks ass in that game. Too bad none of those options are available in Gens...however, now that I look at it, there's a SNES version of UMK 3. You might just see a Shang Tsung run from me sometime in the future...it may not be uber, as I don't have much MK experience, but it'll be something.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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