Former player
Joined: 5/22/2004
Posts: 462
Right now I'm drudging my way through my last year of high school whist working at the local KFC. Once I graduate I will work full time to raise money for my mission. Following that, I will most likely head off to a university and am looking to become a pilot right now.
Player (86)
Joined: 3/8/2005
Posts: 973
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Ok well. I wake up in the morning at 7:30 AM on weekdays for school. I then go for 3 hours and come back to my house for a meal. Then at 12:20 PM i'm back to school for 2 hours. Then i come home, and i usually play Maple Story/TAS/Megaman1/Megaman2, and listen to eurodance music. After i eat my third meal, i usually watch TV and chat on IRC, and sometimes tas.
Former player
Joined: 6/25/2004
Posts: 607
Location: Maine
I'm a big anime fan, longtime gamer, and I hang around the Mega Man fan community. I'm also quite a deviantArt addict. =P I also like meeting people on the places I hang out at. Feel free to send me an IM sometime. I also like to travel. And I'll make a more interesting list later, I suppose. I don't know how much more interesting I can make it. I'm boring, dammit! XD
Joined: 2/19/2006
Posts: 40
Location: Oakdale, CT
I'm a Clinical Data Analyst which means that I sit in front of a computer for 40+ hours a week and look over copious amounts of clinical data to ensure that everything is reported right and there is nothing discrepant about the data. (I work for a company that handles the data of a clinical trial for pharmaceuticals). Aside from my work I play Texas Hold'Em pretty regularly; I golf whenever the weather allows it; I enjoy watching movies put together by you guys here showing the completion of the games I remember from my childhood; I've made a hobby out of chemistry and love to mix things and see what happens. (I've even put together a collection of the elements that make up the periodic table). I also enjoy going to a shooting range and firing off a few rounds from a revolver or rifle.
Former player
Joined: 3/8/2004
Posts: 706
Joined: 8/31/2004
Posts: 298
Location: Falun, Sweden
I'm ST for a LARP saga in Falun and that's a full-time jobb. I go to school but only 50% so that doesn't kill me. I have a girlfriend and that takes up time, I tell ya.
Bein' away for like five years, and not a single new post in the ZSNES forum... :'-(
Joined: 4/4/2004
Posts: 66
Deviance wrote:
I play Blackjack professionally (counting cards etc.).
Three pro gamblers on one small forum that's not a gambling forum? What are the odds? :) I'm glad to hear that card counting is still viable. I don't do much myself due to my focus on the sports marketplace and poker, but I do notice more and more continuous shuffling machines lately.