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Post subject: Streets of Rage 2
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OK, I heart Sprint mention he's doing a Mania mode timeattack. Leaves me pretty psyched, seeing as his SoR1 movie was awesome. Now, I don't remember exactly, but I think he said he'd use Max. This would definitely be the right move...for legitimately beating Mania Mode he is arguably the best character (him or Axel), and with the power of savestates and slow motion his speed won't be a problem. He also has a couple moves which benefit GREATLY from said timeattack methods: 1. His tackle (forward+A). I expect to see much, MUCH whoring of this against bosses. Why? Because if the whole thing is blocked, it deals some of the most brokenly high damage I have ever seen (over two full lifebars or somewhere near that level of stupid). So, I would imagine, you could manipulate it so that bosses who can block do so to this move, every time. Shouldn't be that hard, they block most of it often when I play... 2. The third move in his punch combo (the hook). As you may or may not know, you can get 3 or even 4 hits out of this move. Definitely something I could see being helpful since you could get it to happen whenever you want. If you need something to finish them off with after this, you can go for a grab combo into jumping powerbomb if they have a lot of life left, or just turn around and do the B+C if they only have a bit. That's all I've got, don't remember anything enemy-specific besides tricks which would be worthless in a timeattack... Good luck, Josh.
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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1) Only three bosses can block: Barbon, Zamza and Shiva. Shiva always blocks with no damage, so he is no target. The other two block sometimes with no damage, and sometimes with damage but no stun (this is the version we're after). It works best on Zamza, where you indeed can chop off one lifebar or more in one move. Barbon usually blocks with decreased damage and falls after a while (I haven't quite worked it out yet). Both ninjas and kickboxers can block, but they take no damage. 2) The hook gives three hits if you're at point blank, face to face with your target. It only gives four hits if you're actually inside the enemy (after a jump + attack down usually). This is all in my faq by the way. It's almost mandatory if you're making a run. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/genesis/game/6774.html Now, which is faster, Axel or Max? I really don't know. Max is stronger but worse against many enemies at a time. Although I love to play him, I usually go with Axel if I'm to get trough Mania alone. But when I play mania, I play safe rather than fast, so who knows? Maybe even Skate or Blaze could be faster. My bet is to go with both Axel and Max though :)
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Yep, I was expecting you to come into this thread right away. =) And you are right, I forgot about BEAH KNACKAA and its ability to hit multiple enemies. Definitely a big help for Axel. The best thing Max has to help him in such situations is the ability to use swinging weapons to hit both behind and in front of him. I can see the katana being of use in a timeattack, not sure about lead pipe with its lesser damage. The atomic drop hitting multiple enemies could also be very good. But yeah, a clear weakness for Max. Blaze I really don't see being a good character for this, but Skate...I forgot he can actually deal some damage. His rear grab attack hitting multiple enemies is also something which could be put to much use in a timeattack. Still seems to me like Max would be the best timeattack character because of his strength, but there are indeed other possibilities... Oh yes, just remembered something. How do you consistently get that trick at the end of level 2, the one where you only make one Jet appear and nothing else (that was it, right?), to work? I've gotten it once or twice, but never otherwise. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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>Yep, I was expecting you to come into this thread right away. =) Heh, what can I say? I'm an absolute sucker for Streets of Rage. :) About the jets, yep, I get it to work basically all of the time. Here's how: Walk forward, and turn around and walk left as soon as the music stops and you hear the sound, it should be around the middle of the screen. If you're unsure, try reversing a few times before the middle, closer each time, and will eventually get it right. With a save state this should be no problem. Skate has a quick throw in both directions for toppling enemies, his running head butt is very fast and packs a punch, and he's the only character able to run, which might help since this is a time attack. Well, most of the time the game scrolls automatically, so it's just a matter of how fast you can clear the enemies. But there are some areas where you can just run. Yes, Axel's GRANDAPPAAAH is the best move in this game, exceptional for mowing down large quantities of enemies and getting a knockdown fast. AND you get temporal invincibility. Axel is not very fast with some bosses though. Max is definitely faster at Zamza, Abadede and Bear. It's a close call, I think we'll have to experiment some. A two-player attempt would get the best of both worlds.
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I'm at the end of Level 7 now... I'm thinking that the quickest way to kill the robots with Max is to group them in the middle of the screen and repeatedly combo them as they get up. Certainly not easy, since at least one of them tends to turn up behind you to greet you with a DONK. If I can't get it to work, I'll just resort to slashing the edge of the screen with the sword... ...I could do with Axel here, a bunch of GRANDAPPAAAHs would take them down in no time :)
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If you can combo a lot of enemies at the same time with Max that would be cool. That is for practical purposes impossible in real gameplay. Hm, yes. Axel rocks the robots pretty easily. He can corner them to the left and do the allmighty grandupper over and over. I've actually gotten this to work in a real game too, and since they rise so quickly they all go down in a matter of seconds. You still have the sword all the way up? That's cool too.
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Finished at last! >>Edit: GMV deleted. Just get it from the site<< I'd say more, but I can't be bothered. Just watch the damn thing :)
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Will do as soon as I get home.
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Wow...just WOW. One of the best things I've seen to come from this site, kudos to you! -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
Joined: 3/31/2004
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Wow..., best run i've seen so far, you even managed to max out the score, i have a feeling that the time you achieved won't be beaten for a long time. Best.. Run...EVAR! (for now at least ;P)
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I gotta say this is much more entertaining that the SoR1 run. Great job :D
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Very very good. There where some times I got the feeling it could have been done faster (probably you tried, but anyway): 1) You often punch after doing elbow down, before you grab. Why not grab directly? 2) You sometimes jumped left with the atomic drop instead of right, when there was no visible reason. (at least to me) In any case, this has convinced me fully that Max is the fastest character. The crowd control is superb with the drops. You used some of the "only get one boss", did you get them from my faq? :) (insert plug)
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Most of the punches are there to deal a little bit more damage before knocking someone down (e.g. Donovan: one extra hit means the atomic drop finishes them off instead of leaving them badly wounded). Sometimes it was useless though, and I couldn't be bothered to go back and change it. As for jumping left with the atomic drop... most of the time that was for grouping purposes. It really doesn't matter which direction you go as long as you keep up with the screen while it's moving. If you do fall behind, it's nothing a tackle or a few slides won't fix. As for the "only get one boss" trick, someone told me how to do it against Jet when I rented the game about 10 years ago. It didn't take too long to figure out that it worked in other places too :) I did find out quite a few things from your FAQ, though. The R.Bear trick for example, which I adapted to work with atomic drops :)
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It's cool that different people discover the same tricks independently. I really liked the Bear fight, that and how you smashed the Jets was TEH BETS!!!1 I was thinking of running this game myself but now I just don't see any good reason to do so.
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ok, call me dumb, but how the hell does the atomic drop works? grab, press c then press b? that is a throw! i did 3 atomic drops in 100 tries, i give up :P btw, i saw ur moves list on gamefaqs truncated, but it doesn't say how the jumping throw differs in command to the atomic drop...
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...you have to grab from behind
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lol yes, thats not like a difficult move... just grab behind :) it allows you to make the most damaging throws/moves (the one jumping and breaking the back, and the reverse one )
hello world !
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My faq DOES say that. So I guess I'll call you dumb :P
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:'( i didn't find it you can call me blind!
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now i found. but... sometimes simpler is better. why don't you make a resumed part instead of explaining what every move does? it's much faster for the casual gamer to read ur faq and quickly find what he's looking for instead of scrolling dozes of screens.. (wich result in missing the info). i love when a faq has something like this: MAX: Regular combo - B repeatedly Hammer punch - Hold B and release Slide - Forward, Forward, B Mule Kick - Hold B and press C (repeatedly if desired) Knuckle bomb - A Thunder tackle - Toward+A Jumping Hammer Punch - C, then B Drop Kick - Left+C or Right+C, then B Elbow drop - C or Left+C or Right+C, then Down+B Flurry - Hold From front, Toward+B Bear Punch - Hold From front, B Brain Buster - Hold From front, Away+B Jumping throw - Hold From front, C or C+Left or C+Right, then B German Suplex - Hold From behind, B Atomic Drop - Hold From behind, C or C+Left or C+Right, then B
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I did it the way I did because I wanted to analyze the moves, how much damage they did and when they were good to use, not only list them. Anyone could do that. I guess I could have done a resume at the end or start, but it seemed clear enough anyway. Maybe an idea if I make an update though.
Post subject: When to stop recording
Joined: 8/12/2004
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I watched the SoR2 video and at the ending, the guy playing puts in his initials, which I didn't really think was needed, but it got me thinking. Okay, let's say I'm recording my video, and I'm at the final boss. I walk up to him and press Attack. Now I can just stop recording here because no matter which buttons I press now, the same thing will happen. Or, I can let my attack connect, watch the boss fall backwards or whatever, then stop recording. Is it okay to do this? I always thought the first option was better, since the videos are supposed to be short, but does it really matter if there are a few extra frames at the end where nothing's happening? In other words, when I reach the end of my movie, should I stop recording as soon as possible or can I relax a little and wait a while before stopping?
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Its up to you. Most decide to end it as soon as possible. Its debated though.
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You can stop the movie at the 1st frame of you move.
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