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Active player (436)
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Im getting pretty mad now. When I try to watch your current run, all I get is a black screen with a timer above.. Is there something wrong with my setting?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Are you sure the ROM you have is working? Are you loading from the savestate or not? If so, try it without the savestate and see if it works. (and if you haven't already, set both controllers to 6 buttons) That's all I can think of.
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Elevator was nicety-nice. The boss was very boring. Is there no other way? Even if it means losing a couple of frames.
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Sure, but it would either still be boring or lose a rediculous amount of time.
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Joined: 2/15/2005
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Interesting, why could the Mona/Lisa trick not be used there? Does it only work when you have 2 enemies in the same place?
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Yeah. You can't do it on single enemies.
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Haven't seen an update in a good while now. What's up? This was looking very very promising.
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To tell you the truth, I've sort of lost interest in this (not to mention I was not looking forward to doing Stage 4 anyway). I may pick back up on this, but right now, I'm just too busy with stuff like preparing for college and website administration... Sorry, guys.
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That's a shame. Owell, just let us know when you can pick it up again ;)
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More bad news... Now that my summer vacation is over, the next time that I will have the time to pick back up on this is next summer. And that's just too long of a wait...by then, Gens 9c will be ancient history and my run will probably be rejected because of that.
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i dont think it would... theres no problem with gens 9c, just because there's a better recording tool doesnt mean this one is bad for publishing a movie. my ecco run was made on 9c.
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Movies are still backwards compatible. So you can continue on the newest version of Gens with the same movie. Would you object to someone else (me) picking up the project if you're not feeling like doing it? I'm not promising anything, I just want to check in case of sudden uprising of spendable time occurs.
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Of course I wouldn't object. If you get the time, feel free to continue it. Although Stage 4 Scene 1 would take forever to do (and I have a feeling it would just be a whole lot of abuse of the 2P downward attack bug)...
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Sorry for having to bump a dead topic, but if anyone actually decides to continue, go ahead and let me know so I can give you the part of the run where I left off (it only kills 2 enemies in Stage 4 Scene 1, but it's still something). I would upload it now, but I'm just too lazy.
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Give it to me. I'll just forget about it if I wait with getting it. You can email it to the usual address.
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All right, it's time for my laziness to end. I've been sitting on my butt making excuses for why I've not been doing this, such as seemingly random AI manipulation which makes it hard to tell if what I'm doing is the fastest thing or not, but now I'm going to finish this thing whether I like it or not. It may only be on the weekends because of college, but there will be progress on this run, damn it. Unfortunately, it's not going to be very fast progress. One scene every few weeks is the best I can hope for.
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Yesss, that's nice to hear. :) Good luck with it.
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Now that I think of it, will this run even be accepted when I get through with it? There's the technicality that I didn't go back and redo the whole thing when I found the 2P downward attack bug. I'm asking because Stage 4 Scene 1 is making me go insane (I mean really insane...this has been the hardest part of the run so far), and I want to know if all that effort would be in vain.
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I don't think there will be a problem as long as you don't submit it in the "As fast as possible" category, list it as a playaround which focuses on entertainment while being reasonably fast instead. At least that's what I would do. What's so problematic with 4-1?
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Well, the Goldies are a big pain in the ass. Even after I've manipulated their very stubborn AI to get between the two players, not only can they sometimes block my 2P downward attack, but they can easily avoid it, too. I eventually had to just use Blaze's directed special to knock them down at one point and try the 2P downward attack again because they were not cooperating at all. Also, all of the enemies are more aggressive, and are thus, harder to get in between Zan and Blaze. Not to mention there are just so many enemies in this scene. The car doesn't help much this time around, either. I'll just let some of the enemies get hit anyway to show off AI manipulation. Oh, and there's also a VERY annoying bug I discovered. If you grab two enemies, vault over them with one player (say Zan for this example), hit the enemies out of the grab with Blaze, then try and get Zan to jump, when Blaze starts getting hits, Zan will warp back to ground position instead of jumping for no apparent reason.
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Ooh, nice to see some progress (I call this progress, anyway :P ) at last. I wouldn't worry about whether it'll get rejected or not, I'd watch it anyway, sure it's nice to do a SprintGod and go for fastest possible at all costs, but so long as you don't visibly waste time or lose health, it's all good in my eyes. :P
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At the pace this is going at (I only have about 1/3 of the scene done), it could take me forever to complete Stage 4 Scene 1. It's been a while since I've posted an update, and I know how much people like to see updates on this site, so I'll just post what I have: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=13532 Getting those Goldies and Jacks to cooperate like they did was hell on Earth, and some of the tactics I had to use were downright crazy. I'd like to get a second opinion on this, if possible.
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Second opinion: It looks good. Don't feel forced to use the downward attack bug all the time. There are other ways to make it interesting. For example, you have your new toy the car to spice things up. A bug in next set of enemies which might be fun to show off, maybe I've already told you: you can attack the Garcias standing above the tracks, and they will fall as soon as they land from jumping down. Team attack, maybe. Or you could time it so that they jump down into the car, like in your last movie. Your choice.
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Oh, believe me, I'm going to have my fun once this bastard of a scene is finished. The ninjas will fall quickly to the might of the car and Blaze's sword dash. I also have several ideas on how to make the Yamatos very fun to watch (and in this case, it's damn necessary to make it interesting, because the Yamatos have a combined 15 lifebars worth of health) and pretty fast at the same time. On a slightly off-topic note, did anyone notice that if you attack Yamato #3 when he's about to dash diagonally across the screen, a different lifebar shows up (which is way lower than his actual lifebar)? Is there any way to deplete that lifebar for a possible quick kill?
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Bad news (well actually, good news for me, bad news for the run)... I finally got my desktop computer which was broken for 6 months online again. That means that unfortunately online gaming has once again consumed my soul. So it looks like the run is going back on the shelf for a while...or at least until my motivation to do the run outweighs my desire to play UT 2004. *dodges tomatoes Matrix-style*
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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