Post subject: What else do you do besides making these movies?
Joined: 11/2/2005
Posts: 198
What else do you do? I am on the basketball team at my school, I'm in our school's band, and I go to our school's school! (that's my least favorite)
A life without cheese is a life without life.
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I draw, I like being active too. Lets see...being active and having the time to spend three weeks on a 2 hour run...somehow that doesn't seem right, heh. I like to collect things. I suppose collecting old NES games in their tangeble form counts right?
Soft Blue Dragon
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Programming, learning Japanese, philosophy, and writing of the fiction variety. I try to mix the three now and then. I've also been getting into ninja lore lately... not so much ninjutsu the martial art, but ninja sorcery and other such crazyness. Yoga and pranayama, too. (I hate using sanskrit, but "breathing exercises" just doesn't sound as cool.)
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Me and 9 other crazy guys are trying to make a living with selling games, so we're making this games developing company and such but it's really hard right now because we're working on our own developing the first game so we get no money heh but i think we'll get there eventually. I'm one of the people in charge of the 3d graphics (modeling, texturing, animation).
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Pretty much other geeky hobbys, like anime (not very much though), playing PC-games, and playing roleplaying-games, you know like Dungeons and Dragons. I enjoy playing the piano too, and I guess that's not too geeky. ;) In school, I'm studying math and physics all day long. It's great, but challenging... Did I mention I like videogames?
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Sleep, anime, and work. Primarily sleep though, cant get enough of it!
Editor, Active player (297)
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Computer programming, Japanese anime, hmm, now I'm going to driving school. I do work a lot. At work, I do computer programming. Occasionally, maybe one in year, I may stumble upon an addictive game that will take weeks of my time, and then I won't touch it again. Usually those games have been SNES RPGs. I don't play games otherwise. Sometimes I do play Go (囲碁) though. I also like swimming and bicycling in Finnish summer. Recently, I've grown concerned about some Finland law-making issues. The copyright law stuff and digital rights managements (drm) are going very fast downhill in Finland, following the example of USA, at this moment. We are in a situation where laws are being made by people who don't understand the technical implications of them, and they only listen to the record industry which is already way beyond the sane business tactics (rootkit-assisted copyprotection, anyone?). (In the same political tone, I kind of hate EU. Read the linked article for one of the reasons.)
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Like Randil, I enjoy playing the piano, though I don't play enough these days. "Professionally", I play poker, and since a few days ago I'm also going back to school, studying psychology. We'll see how that goes :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I sing, play (electric) guitar, play piano and work out, that's about everything I do.
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Posts: 66
Fabian wrote:
"Professionally", I play poker
I didn't know I'd find someone else on this board that does this for a living. Very cool :) I used to play only poker for a living, but now I divide my time between poker and sports betting. I spend a lot of time playing games in general (video games, board games - especially chess - but occasionally other games, like Go). I studied computer science and finished my degree several years ago, but I've mostly only done programming as a hobby. I've always ended up stumbling upon other ways to make money (like poker and sports), so I have only spent a few months doing professional software development. It's not nearly as much fun for me as doing it as a hobby :) Other than that, I go for a lot of walks, listen to a lot of music, and sleep a lot. It is very interesting to read everyone's answers in this thread, even though they're mostly the geeky answers I expected :) Keep it up, everyone.
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Before I got into making runs, I went to school a lot. I have a degree in Computer Science and another in Mathematics. My other main hobby is making music - producting instrumentals, writing lyrics, recording vocals and mastering/engineering songs. If you enjoy hip-hop (or hate it and wish it was about something less mindless), here is a sample track: JXQ (featuring Flawless) - As I Write I'm the first guy rapping in the song. I should really work more on music, but I find myself wanting to play games more as of recent.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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todd wrote:
Fabian wrote:
"Professionally", I play poker
I didn't know I'd find someone else on this board that does this for a living. Very cool :)
I guess one might expect a forum of males in their 20's to contain a fair number of poker players, especially with the similarities between poker and speedruns in regard to strategy and analytical thinking and stuff like that. Of course, nowadays one might expect poker players anywhere with its increasing popularity :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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JXQ wrote:
Before I got into making runs, I went to school a lot. I have a degree in Computer Science and another in Mathematics. My other main hobby is making music - producting instrumentals, writing lyrics, recording vocals and mastering/engineering songs. If you enjoy hip-hop (or hate it and wish it was about something less mindless), here is a sample track: JXQ (featuring Flawless) - As I Write I'm the first guy rapping in the song. I should really work more on music, but I find myself wanting to play games more as of recent.
Wow I'd never have guessed you were a rapper! Explain something to me who knows exactly nothing about this and don't fully understand: Is it you who have made this song? The lyrics? The music? Also, slightly unrelated, what does "rite of passage" mean? Edit: Bleh I figured it out. I'm stupid and I'm working on no sleep here. Never mind me in the corner.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Experienced player (760)
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Posts: 3132
Fabian wrote:
Wow I'd never have guessed you were a rapper! Explain something to me who knows exactly nothing about this and don't fully understand: Is it you who have made this song? The lyrics? The music?
Sorry, the terms I used above probably aren't understood by those who aren't in music (whoopsie!). I made the music with a beat sequencing program that lets me take samples of instruments and put together my own score to them. For instance, I have some sample piano keys in C note, and strings, different drums, etc. I wrote the lyrics of the first two verses and the hook (chorus) of this song, and that is me speaking those parts. I recorded them with my computer and microphone. Even though you figured it out, a rite of passage is like a personal journey that someone takes before moving to a later part of their life.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Joined: 4/4/2004
Posts: 66
JXQ, I am very impressed. I can't seem to stop listening to your song. About poker: I remember there was some discussion about poker in an old thread, and some others here did play. But not many people play for a living, so I'm always interested when I find another one of us.
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Yeah that was what I suspected, it's just that whenever someone says something to me in english (stupid foreign language!) that I'm not 100% sure what it means I'm very quick to second guess myself, so was just making sure. Anyway, I think it's really impressive, and I almost wish I knew anything about hip-hop so I could have a more qualified opinion. I will of course be looking out for you in the singles charts and when you become famous brag endlessely that "I knew him before the fame!". Oh yeah. Edit: todd, it's a good point that while many play poker, a lot fewer play for a living. Out of curiosity, what games do you usually play, and where? If you don't mind sharing, of course.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I'm studying, I work in a french company of telecommunication... Beside that my main hobbies are the following : Playing the piano, playing the bass guitar in a metal band with some friends (and playing the keys sometimes), watching animes and reading mangas... I also like web design... I'm also into MTG card game... and sometimes I play RPG (especially Vempire TM...), the rest of the time is spent with my girlfriend... That's how my life is going right now... and I hope that it won't change (or not so much) because I like it as it is...
Not dead yet... still very busy... damn...
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Yup, I'm also into that MTG card game. Forgot to mention that, though I only play it online these days.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I watch anime and read manga and comics. Like Bisqwit, I enjoy swimming. I also start studying Japanese. And of course I go to school.
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Location: Finland
Right now I just sleep, work and eat. I live with my girlfriend so I also spend a lot of time just hanging out with her. If I sometimes have any free time I spend it by watching TV serie like Babylon 5, Lost, SG-1 etc. Once I've completed my civilian service (which is basically just 13 months of work with no pay) I'll start studying to become an English teacher at the university of Helsinki.
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Work, drawing, drinking, listen some metal music and sometimes i play pc games :D
Current Projects: ???
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I'm currently going to "The Reykjavík Technical College". I'm this close to graduating: () so I'll be out pretty soon, yay! Other than that, my life is pretty good at the moment. I finally got my Sega Saturn mod chip and I've been having lots of fun with that (combined with a Sega Saturn, of course). I listen to music, etc, etc. You've heard it all before so I'll say no more.
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Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Besides doing TAS'es I study "computer science". Trying to learn how to program and much math. I don't know if it's ultimate for me but that's what I do. On my free time, besides the TAS'ing, I like to play WarCraft 3 and just recently I've started World of Warcraft too. I don't know if I will play WoW utterly much though because I think that's dangerous to school stuff ;) I also like to collect games, and I have about 140ish something NES cartridges and a bunch of SNES, GB, PS1 and N64 games. I don't have infinite money though so I haven't bought any new old games for awhile. I also like to read and write, but gaming tends to come first.
/Walker Boh
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Mostly work and anime. Lots of anime. Every once in a while I bring out my MTG decks, or play some game, but yeah, mostly anime. Anime anime anime. And some more anime. In fact, I'm having anime for breakfast right now. (~The best part of waking up, is anime on your screen~)