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  • FCEU 0.98.12 Blip Patched Version used
  • No Warps or Passwords taken
  • No programming errors abused, perse..
I tried to take hits when it WAS beneficial to bumping me forwards, but not when that bumping me forward resulted in an endless loop towards death.
I tried to be as minimal as possible with collecting kids and killing enemies. As well, I tried to ensure no stray shots were fired, but 1 or 2 may have escaped ^^;;
Basically... BiroZombie's comment in the forums got me thinking.. and I essentially said.. screw this crap and tried this out and well.. this is my first ever movie ^^
I tried to go through the game as quick as possible, but I didn't use Frame Advance, as I honestly don't know how to use that.. I figured if I try again, I'll have more time to use it to my advantage. I DID Listen to all the comments in the forum and tried my best with the awkward keyboard setups and I think I've got something entertaining here.
Level 1 - I tried to zoom by as quick as I oculd, trying to leap forward and time my throwing of the shruikens to kill as the enemy comes on screen, even when they're ducking behind a crate. I go for the Power-Up kid as that's the essential part of this run. In the next level I also grab the Power-Up kid and get a weapons upgrade with it.. this is a MUST to speed through as it reduces the hits required. I didn't sit in the corner for the entire fight since I get a Life fill when I beat the boss, so I lured the fireballs over and moved in for the kill.
Level 2 - Same thing really, tried to be as smooth as I could. I tried to use the enemies and bullets to leap me forwards. The one part of 2-1 may look like it could be improved but it ended up being.. jump to early, I get bounced and then the enemy bounces me against the wall till I die. If I go too late, the same thing. That's why I don't quite make the platform. The scuba ninja level was actually fun once I got the rhythm of moving while shooting without delays..sad the first kid was a Nonus Stage :( I did try to take down the plane a.s.a.p. but I do think the other run may have had it a touch faster.
Level 3 - Not much to say here.. tried not to kill as much as I did.. so blah.. and the big part would be the final boss. With frame by frame the shots could be speedier, but I did try my best to put on a good show of it. The same with trying to sneak up on the boss and wail on him. I could never manage that extra hit before he rose up though, but I did keep in tight.
Level 4 - Or Why I Dislike FCEU While recording... I spent 45 minutes alone trying to load and save properly and back things up and FCEU crashed a ton. I did my best to move while I shot at Red Lobster.. this'd be where the awkward button placement comes in ^^;; And yeah, you'll notice I literally pause at one place in Level 4 so I can time my jump right... amazingly.. I did this right after another crash made me redo that level and I did the jump perfectly, FIRST TIME! I have to do this as the kid I try to avoid is the bonus stage... [grrr]
Of note though, is 4-1 ^^ NINJA POGO ACTION!
Level 5 - I tried jumping as best I could to avoid things and got a bit of trouble for it.. but I think I faired well.. I mean more pogo ninjas ^^ The rest of the level was straight forward... but.. I DID get an idea for the final boss... I realized the other submission, he gets hit.. so instead of that, I tried jumping.. it might be a TOUCH slower, but I personally found it more entertaining then getting hit. Oh yeah, that one screen with the stamp? It can be bypassed lickety split taking you to the game over screen faster, which is what I did. Cursed 73 frames.. 31373... it could have been unintentionally 31337 if I touched it a bit faster ^^;;
That's about it, really ^^ Other then it beats the old record by 3m22s or so, if I'm not mistaken, though I just might be, I hope this is entertaining ^^ [No Bonus Rounds should definitely help there]
SPECIAL THANKS! To BoltR who was so gracious as to help me! Without his explaining how to re-record when FCEU crashed hard, I'd never have done this.

Bisqwit: Rejecting in favor of Frenom's version. In any case, congratulations for your first movie which at least beated something. :)

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #514: Mr._Kelly_R._Flewin's NES Shinobi in 08:42.88
Emulator Coder
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I have to vote no here, because TheAxeMan posted a run through the first episode which is nearly 500 frames faster :P (8 whole seconds!!!) Anyway, Keep it up! :)
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Hehe, sorry to ruin this, it's not bad for a first try. I would rather not finish this myself, there's plenty of other projects on my desk. Anyway, this is actually a pretty simple game, great for a first-time timeattacker.
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Frame advance: just read the Faq. Link to "how to use emulator tools" or some such.
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Why aren't people doing the Genesis one, though? I mean, that was a cool game, one of Sega's original great franchises, and this port is pathetic. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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The Genesis version is a whole new game. Give me a SMS emulator that has rerecord and I would more then gladly to make a timeattack at this game. The SMS version atleast got some class then this crappy version :P
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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This looks a lot like Wrath of The Black Manta. Is that game a sequal to this?
/Walker Boh
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And this bump is just because, even though it's slower and rejected, the Pogo Ninja Action is always a good way to get a smile on a bad day ^^ Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!