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Yes, Bolse is the satellite thing where you meet Starwolf (if you didn't kill them earlier). And Sector 6 DEFINITELY has more kills. I got over 350 after not playing the game for 8 years, so I reckon well over 600 should be possible in a TAS.
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i like max kills. it's more of a goal in the game than going for speed, and i think it'd be more difficult.
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Burning Death wrote:
I've uploaded some more videos of the current SF64 champion Dimitrij Jarowoj and 2 videos of Winfried Merdes. ATTN: The players/videos are aiming for the best score and NOT fastest time. You could find them all here: http://www.superplayers.de/other/dimi/ Playthrough - 2345 Hits (305-478-230-315-269-511-237) (by Dimi) Sector Y - 305 Hits (by Dimi) Fortuna - 93 Hits (by Dimi) Katina - 264 Hits (by DarkPlayer) Aquas - 218 Hits (by Dimi) Solar - 180 Hits (by Dimi) Zoness - 406 Hits (by Dimi) Titania - 299 Hits (by Dimi) Macbeth - 306 Hits (by DarkPlayer) Sector Z - 118 Hits (by Dimi) Venom - 303 Hits (by Dimi) Training Mode - 101 Hits (by Dimi) Have fun :) !
Why don't you guys just look earlier in this thread for info. on the WR (non-TAS) path .... including a video! sheesh... PS: This game should have a high-score TAS; going for time is ridiculous.
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That link doesn't work for me though.. otherwise I'd be watching it for a looong time studying Dimi T-T It appears it was taken off.. and besides, I need a really high-scoring video. This site says top scores are around 2,300ish. I only got around 1600 my first try (this is without optimizing my route, going for all kills, but to just beat the game and get medals so I could get expert mode) and I find it VERY hard to believe that someone can get 2,409. If anyone can provide a link to those videos with 2.3k+ scores, I would greatly appreciate it. Are there glitches in Starfox? I haven't found any yet, or at least none that can be applied to in-game.
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The link is now http://www.superplayers.de/other/sf64/ Playthrough - 2508 Hits (294-493-270-331-258-606-246) (by Dimi) Area 6 - 606 (by Dimi) Zoness - 439 (by Dimi) Meteo - 508 (by Dimi) Bolse - 363 (by DarkPlayer) Sector X - 331(by Dimi) Sector Z - 118 (by Dimi) Sector Y - 341 Hits (by Dimi) Fortuna - 93 Hits (by Dimi) Katina - 270 Hits (by Dimi) Aquas - 265 Hits (by DarkPlayer) Solar - 256 Hits (by DarkPlayer) Zoness - 439 Hits (by Dimi) Titania - 334 Hits (by Dimi) Macbeth - 306 Hits (by DarkPlayer) Sector Z - 118 Hits (by Dimi) Venom - 303 Hits (by Dimi) Corneria - 341 (by Dimi) Training Mode - 101 Hits (by Dimi) I provide this information, but I still do not think this TAS will be very much different than the console score runs (This is a bad thing). Also, if you just go for time it means you will only boost in a straight line, as aiming from side to side slows you down (As far as I know).
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might be surprised. the game's not that hotly competed over (don't trust the scores from mark johnson. he was caught cheating once). i think a tas of this game would look awesome.
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frame perfect charging and pixel perfect amining can make for some interesting kills. Especialy in lvls like metos and area 6, where everything is destoryable (well mostly). And of course, expert mode increases the enemies that appear,
Player (35)
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Is Dimi playing on expert mode? It doesn't look like it, which means you could probably get around 2,800~ (I think) with all those added extra enemies, though there's going to be a lot more flying crap and stuff to dodge. -__- So the only difference in expert/normal is the number of enemies, the wing when you hit something, and.. what else? I'm eager to get expert mode and have gotten all the medals except for Aquas. I'm not sure if it's my computer or a slightly defective rom, but I can't see anything at all. My video card's a nVidia 128mb one, so I doubt it's that.. In any case, it's frustrating me to no end because I end up with 129-137 hits after the boss. If anyone could possibly provide some insight as to why I can't see (I know Aquas is dark, but not this dark x.x) or what enemies I am missing, do tell! >.< Sidenote: After watching Dimi play and get 2500 on his regular Starfox run, I'm still wondering if it's worth restarting after checkpoints because hyper lasers seem to be more effective (and last longer) than 3 bombs. Then again, I'm sure someone can correct me on this and make me look stupid, but I'm open to insul - I mean, feedback. >.> Edit: Forgot to ask if anyone had problems with mupen64 and it's input. It doesn't accept more than two keys at a time for me. So I can't spam barrel roll, brake/turbo, and lasers/bomb/torpedoes.
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Set two inputs to the same key. Problem should solve itself.
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Hi again, I'll start a SF64 hits run soon. I am a friend of Dimi and the one who has captured all his vids :D. So I knew a lot of SF64 from him and all his vids. Restarting after some checkpoints is the only way to get the highest possible scores in Titania, MacBeth or Bolse because of respawning enemies/objects. There are not THAT much more enemies in expert mode, just on a few planets. But I've forgotten which planets and how much enemies exactly, but well.. Dimi knows it for sure ;) . Dimi's first 2500+ run which is captured was done on normal mode because on expert mode if you accidently crash into an enemy you instantly loose your wings and laser-upgrades. Katina is hard enough to get a decent high score, so on expert mode you're doomed if you crash once. So yes, Expert mode would result in a higher score (Dimi's current WR stands at 2556 on expert mode) but you need to get all 15 medals first in normal mode on emulator :/. Does anybody has a complete file ;)? I can play with my gamecube pad on my PC, it's impossible to get anything good just with keyboard right?
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It's great to hear that you will be working on this :) There is an input plugin you can use for a keyboard / mouse combo. Im not sure of the interface but nitsuja knows it well.
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asteron wrote:
It's great to hear that you will be working on this :) There is an input plugin you can use for a keyboard / mouse combo. Im not sure of the interface but nitsuja knows it well.
Actually, you don't need a plugin. If you're using the mupen rerecording version, there's a setting where you can bind your mouse (x-axis up+down and y-axis up+down) or if you can't do that, you can bind it manually. Great to hear you're working on a SF64 run though! =P I almost have a completed game file, and I can send you that once I clear Bolse, Katina, and Venom. (Argh, gotta do ANOTHER whole run just to clear stupid Katina..) Anyhow, glad I'll have a good source of help if I ever get stuck, and hopefully vice-versa. =)
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Well, editting my post wouldn't have been a good "bump" so here it is. (Sorry for the double post, btw) Progress so far: - Completed regular mode and gotten expert mode - Played through to find "optimal route" - Found only 2 programming "errors", but one hasn't been tested, and the other is +11 hit for a boss if killed fast enough that I sort of noticed on my own. Alright, so now poses the big question. How should I do my TAS? I'm set on a high-score run, because a pacifist speed run would look pretty boring. This is what I'm aiming for, but I'd like a general feedback on whether or not it's a good idea, so here it is: - Takes no damage - Aims for highest hit count (no locked-on laser blasts) - Does not use targetting (Press start and then R, and you won't see a targetting box, although that doesn't mean it can't lock on) My "optimal" route is slightly changed, since Katina is MUCH better than Fortuna, so for those who are new to the thread: Corneria (Alternate route, will switch back to Meteo) [Goal: 330 hits] Meteo (Going for warp, but I'll head back to Fortuna) [Goal: 540 hits] Katina [Goal: 300 hits] (Will attempt no-friendlies killed and perfect accuracy) Sector X [Goal: 360 hits] MacBeth [Goal: 320 hits] Area 6 [Goal: 700 hits] Venom [Goal: 205 hits] (+10 if Andross gives hit too, but I don't think he did.) Grand total: 2755 (The record set by Dimi on Expert mode is 2556.) How's that sound? Also, am I allowed to start from expert mode? It'd be greatly appreciated since I've been using savestates the whole time since I can't work the save game feature. gg. >.>
Joined: 6/14/2004
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I can't find any flaws in your route, and your goals are good. I'm glad you aren't going to take death at checkpoints, it would just look sloppy, and it's not worth taking the damage and dying just to get those few extra points. During gameplay, try to avoid excessive use of the turbo and brake, instead only use it in a few situations, such as if it helps you hit more enemies, or when there's nothing happening like the points between switches in MacBeth. Also go ahead and do the few special spots where loops and such are expected, like how the first stone arch in Corneria gets you a bomb, etc. Also, because it's a score run, don't worry about the time you take in the level, apart from beating bosses as fast as possible. I think you should let the intro run, and not skip any pre-level briefings and cutscenes. Feel free to cancel the Star Wolf appearance cutscene partway though, since that will make them be in a different spot before you gain control, to give you an optimal attacking window.
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Yay! ^^ Now all I need to do is figure out how to get my savestates engraved in the mupen64 mempak, then I can start my movie.. ;-; Can anyone lend a hand here? I have savestates, but I don't know how to actually "save" it. (Boo, StarFox doesn't ask for saves.) Thanks in advance! ^ㅈ^
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Personally I wouldnt mind seeing deaths in a high score run. I would suspect only a handful of the levels would feature it.... You get more of a bonus for good charged shots than the bomb and a death would only be needed in a level where optimal play before the checkpoint yields you fewer than three bombs and optimal play after the checkpoint requires at least three... Would probably be in just two or three of the levels.
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My mupen and starfox saves my data. I never un-rared the rom.. While recording from sram and savestates isnt typicaly allowed, you might have to settle for a normal run, (unless an exception is granted, of course) Or, unearth a code or trick to start with expert mode. High score run. with the crosshairs or without. Dont matter to me.
Player (208)
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Hmm, is it possible yet to start a movie with saved data in Mupen 64? I thought it was always cleared upon playing or recording.
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Player (35)
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Is there a way to "restart" in StarFox? (Playstation start + select kind of thing?) I don't mind loading from my savestate, restarting it, and immediately movie recording. This way, I don't have to do a normal run, and all my efforts in this game won't have to be wasted in getting the medals again. Arcadic: Did you ever use save states? If so, can you tell me how you got them to save? Also, not having crosshairs makes it look more like a movie. =) I hope this can get cleared up because I'd like to start expert mode soon, but I don't want to break a rule.
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yes, i have used save-states in my playing of it. However, i did seem to notice a small bug with them. On some levels, if i loaded a state after "respawning" i didnt get lasers back, but kept the same bombs/lives/wingmen i started the state with before. Happened twice, once on Meteo and once on Venom 2. I used the hotkeys for saving. Shift+f9 for saving.
Player (208)
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Hmm, that would probably cause a desync, wouldn't it?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Hmm, that would probably cause a desync, wouldn't it?
i wasnt recording my playthroughs, however. It DOES seem like an isolated case. It only seems to occour when i load after dying and respawning. If i load a state anywhere else, it works just fine. It even has worked the same on other levels, (dying and spawning) and still having the proper lasers. On another note, is there any difference between opening a rom that is zip/rar ed? and on that isnt? i havent noticed a difference.
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Aaargh!! T-T I still can't get it to save.. The game seems to only save data if I load from a savestate, but it doesn't show my medals when I just load up the game... Soo... What do I do. x.x (I'm sorry, I'm really new to emulators with automatic saving, I'm used to savestates.) .___.
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try dying and losing all your lives, closing the rom and then try the savestates. Or its possible the states save the sram, so if you load a no-medals state, you whipe the sram. <--- acts like he knows something
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After talking it over with the people in IRC, I will now be restarting all my work and doing a 100% run starting from normal to beating [the crap out of] expert mode. This will require 4 runs to complete, so it will be lengthy, but hopefully I can keep it entertaining and amusing enough to keep you all watching. With a bit of Nrg's pestering, I have mapped out all three routes below. First Route - (getting medals for now) Corneria (Alternate route to get max kills) Meteo (Again, alternate route to get max kills) Katina Solar Macbeth Area 6 Venom Second Route - (will be mostly play around) Corneria Meteo (won't take alternate route this time) Fortuna Sector X Titania Bolse Venom Third Route - (should be the fastest run) Corneria Sector Y Aquas Zoness Sector Z Bolse (I'll be going to Area 6 three times if I DON'T abort and change) Venom Expert Route - Corneria (alternate route) Meteo (alternate route) Katina Sector X MacBeth Area 6 Venom With this, no worlds overlap such that I have to do a fourth run to get expert mode. I'll be attempting some stupid crap™ (Thanks GSG, you're a genius. ^^) to keep you all amused, laughing, and entertained. I have some ideas so far, but I'm open to more so feel free to add in something you'd like to see! Tricks so far: Kamikaze the boss (corneria boss, all-range bosses in general) Play through levels with first-person view (Area 6 or something) Minimial Health (especially for Solar) No Wings
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