Player (194)
Joined: 8/18/2020
Posts: 32
The approach to TASing GameMaker: Studio games is typically to use libTAS, either by running on an official Linux export of the game or by porting the game to Linux yourself. However, this isn't always possible, and often comes with disadvantages or undesirable side effects. Some games have game-specific tooling available to TAS Windows versions, but this is relatively uncommon. So I'm happy to announce GMReplay, a Windows-based TAS tool for GameMaker games! GMReplay is designed for creating tool-assisted replays of Windows GameMaker games. This program is usable for games ranging from early GameMaker: Studio 1 to modern GameMaker, covering over a decade of games. GMReplay is mainly intended for games that can't be run on Linux or have reasons why running on Windows would be preferable. For games that can run on Linux, libTAS is still the best choice. Although GMReplay is only in early development right now, it can already record and play back gameplay, and those recordings can be edited with a built-in piano roll-style editor. Additional TAS features such as frame advance and savestates aren't implemented yet, but those features and more are coming in the future! GMReplay is available to download at https://github.com/OceanBagel/GMReplay. It can either be run in a Python environment or through the standalone .exe release.