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Super Mario Bros 3 minimal run, completed with the left+right glitch (which seems to be specific to the Super Mario All-Stars version).
Compared to Genisto's current minimal SMB3 run, this is about 25 seconds faster in the levels. But, it uses the SNES version, which adds about 29 seconds of delay outside of levels (I am ignoring those out-of-level delays; I'm simply explaining why the overall movie time appears to be slower).
  • Aim for fastest time
  • Have 99 lives when game ends
I paid no attention whatsoever to number of points or lives after 99, and instead tried to do as many things differently/unusually as possible without losing time.
This is not nearly as impressive an accomplishment as Genisto's SMB3 run, but I think the result is different enough to be worth seeing separately from that, and I wanted to demonstrate what sort of things the glitch can allow for.
Essentially, pressing left+right in this game lets you accelerate very quickly to full running speed and makes you immune to the slowdown that is normally caused by floating, swimming, or going uphill. Also, it lets you jump at maximum height if you let go of left+right before jumping. (My attempts to demonstrate its effect on swimming speed weren't very successful because you can't really see Mario in the sea of mud, but you can see its affects on hills and midair acceleration even when floating.)
One problem with fireballs was that they always travel much slower than Mario this way, so it wasn't possible to throw fireballs at things many screens away, and even just hitting something in front of you requires slowing down if it's dangerous to touch and can't be jumped over.
I do not know why I got a flower card in 1-1. I couldn't get a star there without slowing down, which was fine with me since normally I would need to slow down to get a flower card later, although going in the order star-star-flower might look better. Sadly, jumping into the clouds in 1-1 didn't turn out to be best, but at least I found something else to do while rushing through it.
My least favorite parts are the ones where something very specific needs to be done to not be obviously worse than what Genisto has already done, and I wasn't willing to copy Genisto's input for those parts although no matter what I did had to end up looking similar anyway. This is specifically the case in the 1-ups-with-racoon-mario section and the battle with Bowser. I wasn't quite as precise/efficient at these as Genisto (overall about 15 frames and some additional 1-ups that remained inexplicably out of reach after many many retries), but this movie isn't intended to be the same as that and those parts don't look too bad anyway.
My favorite parts are the regular (non-autoscrolling) courses, especially the very first level (admittedly it's a bit downhill from there after that). A warpless run would have more of those courses, although I wasn't going to commit to a run like that, especially not just to demonstrate something like this.
Emulator used: snes9xw-improvement7
Emulator options used:
  • WIP Timing
  • Allow Left+Right

Experienced player (760)
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Well Conept Demos, I meant. In the same group the hacked games are in now.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I am not a concept! I am a free man!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
I also wonder the answer to FODA's question. I think the glitch is pretty similar in concept to the one used in the full aLttP run and nobody had a problem with that glitch on its own. But, either a concept demo or a sidenote link to the smv run (well, or neither, I guess) would be fine with me, maybe preferable... I don't care so much about this run, but I'd still like to see what someone else would be able to do with it.
Player (21)
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I think Bisqwit's comments about Tiny Toons already answer FODA's question. I watched Exim's Tiny Toons movie just now, and the resemblance to Super Mario All Stars' SMB3 is uncanny. Buster Bunny faces left, gets into the pose of screeching as if he's trying to slow down, and can do this in water as well.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
Interesting, it does appear to be exactly the same bug as in Tiny Toons. But as far as I can tell, that glitch movie wasn't published. And I'm not really sure what makes a bug like this lame compared to other bugs... maybe it's because it reduces the difficulty of optimizing for speed, but it also in this case gave enough extra options in each situation that I felt it outweighed that. There were several clearly different things done besides simply moving faster. Anyway, this was basically recorded overnight, those who would most want to see this either already have or still can, and I'm much more interested in certain other games at this point, so I'll go ahead and cancel this. EDIT: My real reason for cancelling this: It seemed that Bisqwit thought it would set a bad precedent, and I recorded it for fun, not to argue with Bisqwit. Also, the few frames lost at times (mainly the final Bowser battle) really should not have been lost in a version that only offers more possibilities than the original (left+right movement, and shooting fireballs with X while running with Y).
Emulator Coder
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nitsuja wrote:
Note that, while they apparently did not fix any bugs at all from SMB3 (and just added one more), they did fix bugs from the earlier games, for instance up+down no longer works on SMB2 ladders, and maybe I'm wrong about this but it seems the physics or collision detection of SMB1/SMB2j were changed a bit.
I found quite a few bugs left in SMB1. For instance the standing on a wall when screen scrolls glitch.
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