Joe was a teacher.
He saved a student.
A car hit him!
Dr. Wit asked him to join his Joke Army and take over the world. Joe refused and became Naked Man!
Now save the world!!
According to the English translations I've found, that's the story of the game as presented on the demo screen. Move, Naked Man, for Great Justice!


Wit's was an arcade game with Tron Bikes-style gameplay. Holding A speeds you up. Pressing B lets you jump into the air once per level/life. There are also multiple multiplayer modes, however this TAS will only focus on the one player story. The NES port's story mode cuts out some levels (down to 30 from 99), but gives each group of 5 a specific enemy and lets you choose which order you want to do the first five groups in. There's no real reason to change up the order so I just go left to right here. One last note: if both sides die at the same time (say, by bashing their heads together,) the game counts the level as a WIN for the human player, but they lose a life. Super awesome decision by the devs--I feel most games count ties as a LOSS for the human player. So, I show this off a couple times in the run, when it doesn't lose time.
  • ENEMY 1: The Tick. Well he's blue and flips you off, I dunno. He has no special strategies, just a warmup enemy.
  • ENEMY 2: The Flash. Actually I guess he's a bird or angel, I dunno. He loves jumping around--enemies get unlimited hops, you can only do one. Bull.
  • ENEMY 3: Multiple Man. Worst enemy by far--when he dies, he splits intos clones, and some can split again. Makes it hard to compete levels quickly for a TAS, since each clone is born jumping.
  • ENEMY 4: Stinky Diver. Supposedly has the smartest AI. Likes to go slow and makes fewer mistakes.
  • ENEMY 5: Batman. Except he's an ice skater, I dunno. These ice levels delay your turning inputs, so it's really tricky to make accurate movements.
Also, in levels 4 and 5 of every stage, the competitors start on a vehicle. This effectively grants each an extra hit point, which both extends the challenge for the level and gives the player an extra jump after taking a hit.
  • BOSS ENEMY 6: Dr. Wit. He's all five of the other enemies mixed into one. Fighting a jumping, cloning, careful boss while on slippery ice is a real pain.
On the last level, I planned to show off an OOB glitch--jumping a sliding vehicle into the top-right corner and bouncing out of the playing field is possible. If you go up, you'll wrap around to the bottom of the screen and hit the wall and die, but if you turn left or right while off-screen, you'll keep wrapping around in an area where walls can't be made. You can just keep running out there forever until the computer eventually boxes itself in and dies. Except somehow my movements spooked the A.I. so much it just rammed its own clones into their own walls over and over so quickly that I could barely make it to that corner in time! I extended the input a half-dozen frames longer than necessary to show my character going outside the playfield, at least.


Well, this run is *probably* improvable, but I made a serious effort to cut these levels down as much as I could. I'm suspicious still of 3-1 and 6-3 but I'm ready to move on.
If someone likes, they can create a 2-Player run of the story mode! 2P starts in the bottom right, and two CPU opponents start in the upper corners. This could possibly be even faster than 1P, since in 1P the top half of the board is empty and if the CPU runs up there, the level can run long. Not a problem if a 2P cuts the board in half! However, clone levels will probably have a ton of lag--a couple of levels in the 1P mode are bad enough to run at half-speed. Now that I've glanced at it, though, there's a chance 2P vs. CPU mode could be more entertaining and possibly faster.
And to be honest, this run only took like four and a half hours to make, I stumbled across the game, finished it, and made this TAS all in a single afternoon. Has no one really ever seen this game as a TASable entity before? CPUs chaotically killing themselves is always fun

Darkman425: Somehow I know about this weird game. I can claim this for judging.
feos: Fixed formatting. Starting a long line with a space breaks layout (not literally, you just have to scroll them right for no good reason).
Darkman425: TaoTao managed to find 2007 Nicovideo TAS of this game. Comparing the two, this submission pulls ahead early for each level set, either by small margins or by large amounts. The Nicovideo link doesn't have any input time but by noting when the victory fanfare plays this submission is roughly 14-15 seconds faster than the older TAS. The control of the opponent AI is overall better optimized in this submission so this beats all known records out there that I know of. Seeing how messy the computer opponent movements can be it seems like it'd take considerably more work to get faster victories without losing time later due to potentially worse AI patterns. Nice work!
Accepting to Standard, assuming having a game with the main character called Naked Man, despite not being an adult game, doesn't lead to any rules problems.

Spikestuff: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15392
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #9222: Twisted_Eye's NES Wit's in 04:09.04
Joined: 1/24/2018
Posts: 296
Location: Stafford, NY
Someone at Athena: "Plot?! We don't need to come up with a plot for this Surround knockoff! Just rip off Mega Man's excuse plots and make sure to change all the character names and designs so that Capcom doesn't notice!"
c-square wrote:
Yes, standard runs are needed and very appreciated here too
Dylon Stejakoski wrote:
Me and the boys starting over our games of choice for the infinityieth time in a row because of just-found optimizations
^ Why I don't have any submissions despite being on the forums for years now...
Experienced player (913)
Joined: 9/18/2008
Posts: 151
Location: Japan
This game have been one of candidates for a good TAS material in my mind. Thank you. I watched another TAS on nicovideo long ago, but your run seems to be faster. Yes vote.
Active player (350)
Joined: 10/17/2005
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Location: Seattle, WA
TaoTao wrote:
This game have been one of candidates for a good TAS material in my mind. Thank you. I watched another TAS on nicovideo long ago, but your run seems to be faster. Yes vote.
Dang, uploaded in 2007, wow. Not a bad run, their 3-1 and 6-5 definitely could have been better but for so long ago that's really close to the time I got. Reminds me of a 100% TAS of Wrecking Crew done in Famtasia from probably around the same time, another game that somehow still doesn't have a single submission on this site. Not the most exciting watch but it's always felt weird to me that it was missing from here.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15392
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [6086] NES Wit's by Twisted_Eye in 04:09.04