Joined: 6/25/2024
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Hello everyone I am Compton Apex and I am opening a topic for Neo Geo Turf Masters/ Big Tournament Golf I am going to list some versions for Turf Masters that might be an odd ball that I would like to see as an TAS someday list of the console and version will be marked as followed: 1. SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Turf Masters 2. SNK Neo Geo CD Turf Masters 3. NeoGeo AES/MVS Turf Masters (The arcade version we know and love) The Neo Geo CD Turf Masters has some interesting features in the game and also secrets like:
  • Hidden extra course - Scotland
to access that course you have to do the following: 41236 D (during the course select screen). the Mizuumi wiki describes it as: Exclusive to the NeoGeo CD version of the game, Scotland is a cursed course that is a true hell I wouldn't wish upon anyone. The design of the course takes the mechanics of Neo Turf Masters and dials everything up to eleven. Don't play Scotland.
  • Profile system that keeps track of historical records of players
  • Double yardage mode that doubles drive distances
  • Handicap mode, where player handicap starts at 36
  • Grand Slam mode, you play the course twice once for qualifying and the second day for the actual tournament and the second day uses all new set of pin locations and no restrictions on wind for hole 1.
  • Arranged CD soundtrack
The Double yardage is bloody crazy for the Neo Geo CD version and it could be fun to use it on the TAS someday. The pocket version has no hidden features that I know of yet if you found some make sure to post it.