Queens' Quarrel (Compute's Gazette)

Based on puzzle originally devised in the mid-1800s by the great mathematician, Karl Friedrich Gauss, Eight haughty queens have quarreled, and now each one refuses to speak with any of the other seven. The question is, how do you place the queens on an 8 X 8 chessboard to give each queen sole possession of her row, column, and two diagonals? Those of you familiar with the game of chess will realize this means that no two of the pieces on the board can be in line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
The article for this game can be found on page 58 of Issue 37 (July 1986)

Why TAS This Game?

The continuation of TASing games from my all-time favorite magazine, Compute's Gazette. This makes my 24th TAS from this series.
I liked chess back in those days and I had to have this. I didn't realize that it was a puzzle though. Well, it was a proud addition to my collection.
Previous Compute's Gazette submissions include (In order of submission):

Game Ending

The game is over, when all eight Queens are placed on the board...without any conflicts.

Effort In TASing

This was easy. You know the solution, you have the answer to beating this game.

DrD2k9: Claiming for judging.
DrD2k9: Not a very complicated process from an input standpoint.
As mentioned in the submission notes, simply knowing a solution ahead of time makes a TAS of this rather straightforward, requiring simple placement of the queens in the correct positions. While an assumption could be made that all 92 possible solution layouts would require the same amount of time to complete, it is theoretically possible that one of the other layouts could still yield a faster TAS depending on way the game evaluates for conflicts given the current piece placement. However, proving that all 92 are identical or proving that one layout is indeed fastest would require testing them all individually to confirm and may only yield a handful of frames difference if any.
As-is, nothing about this run appears sub-optimal. If someone were to find a faster layout, it should obsolete this run. Accepting.
fsvgm777: Processing.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15434
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #8455: nymx's C64 Queens' Quarrel in 00:24.42
Player (151)
Joined: 10/4/2015
Posts: 139
I am amazed this has more rerecords than bowling from your same magazine series.
Enter the Matrix is a piece of garbage but I'm gonna finish it if it kills me.
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4037
Are all solutions equally fast?
My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker: http://soundcloud.com/patashu My twitch. I stream mostly shmups & rhythm games http://twitch.tv/patashu My youtube, again shmups and rhythm games and misc stuff: http://youtube.com/user/patashu
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Patashu wrote:
Are all solutions equally fast?
Yes. The game entry will still be the same, where you enter a number one through eight for each row.
I recently discovered that if you haven't reached a level of frustration with TASing any game, then you haven't done your due diligence. ---- SOYZA: Are you playing a game? NYMX: I'm not playing a game, I'm TASing. SOYZA: Oh...so its not a game...Its for real? ---- Anybody got a Quantum computer I can borrow for 20 minutes? Nevermind...eien's 64 core machine will do. :) ---- BOTing will be the end of all games. --NYMX
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Lars_Hendrick wrote:
I am amazed this has more rerecords than bowling from your same magazine series.
Yeah, I was trying the find the frame where the game accepted the first input. It didn't make sense. Bowling gave me a better visual queue. At first, I was hoping to buffer all the inputs and let it just ride out, but that didn't work. :(
I recently discovered that if you haven't reached a level of frustration with TASing any game, then you haven't done your due diligence. ---- SOYZA: Are you playing a game? NYMX: I'm not playing a game, I'm TASing. SOYZA: Oh...so its not a game...Its for real? ---- Anybody got a Quantum computer I can borrow for 20 minutes? Nevermind...eien's 64 core machine will do. :) ---- BOTing will be the end of all games. --NYMX
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This type-in loses points both for not following any standard chessboard notation and bad grammar in the title (there's more than one queen quarrelling, so it should be "Queens' Quarrel"). The run itself is just a "Meh" to me, however.
c-square wrote:
Yes, standard runs are needed and very appreciated here too
Dylon Stejakoski wrote:
Me and the boys starting over our games of choice for the infinityieth time in a row because of just-found optimizations
^ Why I don't have any submissions despite being on the forums for years now...
Editor, Judge, Expert player (2132)
Joined: 11/14/2014
Posts: 921
Location: South Pole, True Land Down Under
GJTASer2018 wrote:
This type-in loses points both for not following any standard chessboard notation and bad grammar in the title (there's more than one queen quarrelling, so it should be "Queens' Quarrel"). The run itself is just a "Meh" to me, however.
Crap...I have been looking at that throughout this entire process and I can't believe I did that. Correcting now. Edit: At least I cataloged the game correctly on the site. LOL
I recently discovered that if you haven't reached a level of frustration with TASing any game, then you haven't done your due diligence. ---- SOYZA: Are you playing a game? NYMX: I'm not playing a game, I'm TASing. SOYZA: Oh...so its not a game...Its for real? ---- Anybody got a Quantum computer I can borrow for 20 minutes? Nevermind...eien's 64 core machine will do. :) ---- BOTing will be the end of all games. --NYMX
Joined: 3/22/2011
Posts: 55
I know it's against the movie rules, but I was kinda hoping the C key would end input early, and give us the eight-minute playthrough the magazine promised. ;) On the other hand, thanks for not doing a full-completion TAS; I'm not up for watching 37 minutes of all 92 possible solutions.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15434
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [5460] C64 Queens' Quarrel by nymx in 00:24.42