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In-game the version is 1.4, but I couldn't find this in the version list. The SWF was downloaded using Flashpoint. I used Ruffle nightly 0.1.0 with libTAS 1.4.4.
The run starts when "New game" is pressed (click inputs in this game are handled the frame that the left mouse button is released; game runs at 30FPS) and ends when the shadow person is killed by the light (i.e. it points directly forward).
It's a quite simple run, just clicking on stuff on the earliest frame possible. Not that much to it.
Note: I initially uploaded the video below as the encode embed link, not knowing it should be cut down exactly to the TAS length, which is why it says the length of the run is around 30 seconds longer...

ikuyo: Claiming for judging.
ikuyo: Hello, and apologies for the delay.
As pointed out by Spikestuff, this submission is not well optimized. Rather than specific points, it seems that every major action was executed some frames too late. Considering the interactions via clicking are the only gameplay component of the game, I believe this is enough to justify my decision.
Rejecting for suboptimal play.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #8425: 89o's Flash Deep Sleep in 01:58.47
Skilled player (1139)
Joined: 11/4/2021
Posts: 47
Nice run! I like that the waiting time caused by the animations make it so the TAS is actually fairly easy to follow, unlike some other point and click games. As a note, TASes are not timed with the same conventions as RTA but rather just go from game startup to the last input. That's also what caused the submission title to say a much longer time than your timing following RTA rules, you didn't trim your input file so all those extra non-inputs are counted in the final time. You can upload a fixed input file to userfiles and link it here, a judge should replace it whenever they get a chance to.
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Hello 89o and Welcome to TASVideos. Unfortunately as you chose the Newgrounds version you run yourself into some unreliable API shenanigans, which can lead to desync of your run. The second issue, is that I've been unable to get your run to sync, what build of ruffle are you using? Such as "nightly-2023-04-30" or "nightly-2023-07-02". "Ruffle 0.1.0 nightly" doesn't really help in this situation, but I didn't have libTAS complaining when I was using nightly-2023-04-30 even though an image you provided on the Discord comes from a later build. But the other issue of being unable to sync your run is that the position you aim your clicks are off, as if you changed your window bounds, or perhaps you're using a scale in your environment such as 150% as the image on Discord suggests with the UI in that image being 36 pixels tall instead of 24. Lastly, your input is unfortunately improvable. Say if we dropped to your final input which is 3432 frames (I was unable to validate this due to above issues) this is about 329 frames slower than what I'm providing here (UI at 100%, an encode is linked within the userfile page). Part of it is because I grabbed the Armor Games' release which cuts out Newgrounds' shenanigans, but another is that there's some slight input errors in your TAS, but I couldn't gather as information to sync your run as the information wasn't provided. As a note: There isn't any gameplay differences between v1.2 and v1.4 so it can be directly compared to one-another, but not from boot due to the extra stuff coming from Newgrounds. This is a good start and honestly don't give up, but please take a little bit more time polishing.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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om, nom, nom... juicy!