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Bisqwit wrote:
You guys are amazing. :)
Maybe you should remove this quote from your site: "It's a competition between who makes the fastest video." I think competition is good. Competition encourages people to try harder and make better videos. If it wasn't for Deviance, me, and Arc, then Lezard might not have made such an awesome Kung Fu video. Edit: Oops, I just noticed it was Deviance and not Lezard who made the latest (and fastest) Kung Fu video, so I should have said this: If it wasn't for Lezard, me, and Arc, then Deviance might not have made such an awesome Kung Fu video.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Maybe you should remove this quote from your site: "It's a competition between who makes the fastest video." I think competition is good. Competition encourages people to try harder and make better videos. If it wasn't for Deviance, me, and Arc, then Lezard might not have made such an awesome Kung Fu video.
Yes, maybe I should. I wrote it there to emphasize that the goal is to produce movies that are most interesting to watch. I'll think how to convey the message without that line.
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Let's try..
It's a competition between who makes the fastest video. - This is only half true. We often compete for speed, but sometimes 2 two seconds slower movie has better chance to get published than a faster movie, if it keeps the audience entertained better. It all depends on various things, but generally more speed is better.
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Maybe you should mention something about competition encouraging people to make better videos.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Maybe you should mention something about competition encouraging people to make better videos.
I can't think how to make that fit into the "purpose of these movies" topic.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Michael Fried wrote:
Maybe you should mention something about competition encouraging people to make better videos.
I can't think how to make that fit into the "purpose of these movies" topic.
Ok, so how about the resources section.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Ok, so how about the resources section.
Where exactly? :)
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maybe we should split this topic into two separate threads since it is discussing two different subjects. (Kung Fu and Site Suggestions)
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Deviance wrote:
maybe we should split this topic into two separate threads since it is discussing two different subjects. (Kung Fu and Site Suggestions)
Would do that if it were possible... Moderation only allows to move complete threads, not partial. Could hack the database directly... hmm.
Post subject: Re: competition
Editor, Active player (297)
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mysql> update posts set topic_id=64,forum_id=3 where post_id in (519,520,522,523,524,525,526,528,532);
Query OK, 9 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 9  Changed: 9  Warnings: 0
I moved here the posts from the Kung Fu thread. It may have messed up the post counters a bit but they're fixed soon. :)
Michael Fried wrote:
Ok, so how about the resources section.
I added something like that there now.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Deviance wrote:
maybe we should split this topic into two separate threads since it is discussing two different subjects. (Kung Fu and Site Suggestions)
Would do that if it were possible... Moderation only allows to move complete threads, not partial. Could hack the database directly... hmm.
:P Guess you need to read your phpBB manual. You should have a split this topic appearing in your moderation thingy. If it doesn't appear for you, try this with the appropriate modification:
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: Re: topic split
Editor, Active player (297)
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I guess my template just doesn't support it, because... eek. /me crawls into a small hole sulking to himself. Who would have guessed to click the topic :I
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Well, i said i gave up, but i just couldn't resist, i tried it again and...the movie info says 3:44 the same time as before...but the time units are the same as Deviance, here they are: Level 1 = 1544 Level 2 = 1554 Level 3 = 1546 Level 4 = 1544 Level 5 = 1549 The time units i lost in level 2 i regained them on level 3, i think that at least, this will help to make another faster, specially in level 3, maybe -1 second.
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!
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Why is there so much competition for Kung Fu, a game that I've never heard of until recently, but none for The Legend of Zelda, one of the most popular games ever? I'd like to see someone make a sub-30 minute speed run video (which I'm pretty sure is possible).
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because Kung Fu is a relatively short and simple game. Zelda is much longer making it difficult for multiple attempts in a short period of time. (I've never much played it myself really :| )