I'm proud to announce TASGiving 2021, the sure-to-be hit sequel to
TASGiving 2020! TASGiving is a TAS-focused charity marathon that benefits NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This year's event will be running Friday, November 26th (the day after Thanksgiving!) through Sunday, November 28th (three days after Thanksgiving!). The first TASGiving raised over $10,000 for NAMI, and this year we're hoping to do it again! Submissions are currently open, and will be running until October 15th!
Submissions are OPEN at: http://s.tasgiving.org/
Join the TASGiving Discord server: http://discord.tasgiving.org/
For TASvideos content, you are not required to only submit your own runs! TASGiving's main focus is on commentary, so if you think you can provide informative, well-rehearsed commentary over one of our published runs, feel free to submit it yourself! Just make sure it's properly attributed (i.e, don't try to take credit for it), and ideally also obtain permission from the original author/s, though that is not required as it may not be possible in some cases. Feel free to submit multiple runs as well! The form allows four runs per person, so don't be shy if you think you can provide that much! Submissions don't have to be limited to normal TASes, either: RTA runs and TAS showcases/exhibitions can also be submitted. We want a good variety of nicely commentated content!
Last year was a bit quiet on all fronts, so I'd like for TASvideos to be more involved with this year's event. In addition to being staff for the event, I will be acting as a liaison for both sides, actively updating this thread with new information as soon as it's available as well as taking suggestions and feedback from here back to the staff team. Hopefully I will be able to promote more direct interaction as well, but at the very least I can be the messenger girl. Feel free to chime in on anything you want here! Want to suggest a run but don't want to commentate it yourself? Post away! Have a cool idea for an exhibition/showcase and want to try to make it happen? Post it down! Have a question about the event and want it answered in a timely fashion? Smash that post button!
Are you still really upset over the name Taco Fridays because Tuesdays makes more alliterative sense and is still readily available? I know you are, Samsara! You don't have to submit a run to be able to contribute, so don't hold back!