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Which emulator you used? FCEU 0.98.12(blip) Which emulator settings? Regular Settings. PAL
Do you use warps or passwords? NO
What kind of programming errors do you abuse in the game? NONE
I use death as a shortcut once.
What are your aims? Fastest possible time.
Please describe the game briefly. One of the weirdest games that I have played.
Please describe the making of the movie. What was hard? Timing my throws.
Why would anyone like the result? I beat the other time by 10+ seconds. The movie file says 5:39 but i stopped the movie late
Description: I used the Ketchup Jellybeans to make the blob appear faster than just waiting for him.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15753
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #736: GuanoBowl's NES A Boy and His Blob in 05:14.57