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I used Famtasia Version 5.1. No speciall settings or plug in's. No warps nor passwords. No program errors abused.
I take one hit at the last level on the first island to make it a little more stylish and to get the flyer, and once at the last level on the last island because of jumping into the water, didnt need the mount anymore.
My aim was really to make an timeattack on one of the games i had problems with in my earl years, so im doing right on running through the game.
This game acctually has some different path's as i remember but i believe i take the fastest ones. I can't really remember how i took the other ones on real Nintendo, but i guess it has something to do with speed=/.
It was a pretty easy and straight forward game, mostly running, avoiding and killing. Plans for the future: making the run more slick, and gonna try to make it more intresting by risking some jumps and making it a little faster.
i messed up on some places, but i will get on it and improve this run as much as possible when ever i can find time.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #696: KennyBoy's NES Adventure Island II in 39:28.28
Active player (411)
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I don't think you choose the fastest path since there's warp in this game.
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I think its a great vid however, I feel you shouldn't have gotten a lot of the fruit because it takes time at the end to tally your score the higher you time bar is, you should keep it as low as possible, great run however.
I think.....therefore I am not Barry Burton
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Phil wrote:
I don't think you choose the fastest path since there's warp in this game.
This is a warpless run.
No warps nor passwords
I think.....therefore I am not Barry Burton
Joined: 3/31/2005
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Voted Meh. A long and somewhat boring game. Boss fights didn't look optimal, I don't think you hit some of them as soon as they became vulnerable. Also, the levels where you have to jump up a bunch of platforms don't seem optimal, where you slide so much and turn around. I'm not sure how you could make it better, but maybe jump while you're still sliding to make it appear more professional. Overall, good job, but this game doesn't seem to have much potential for a time attack.
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Joined: 11/15/2004
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I have problems, in principle, with voting Yes to a movie that is only going to be obsoleted later because the author is aware that it can be improved. Unless a run is really brilliant, I think you need to wait until your run is perfect. At any rate, there are a lot of issues with this run, most of which have already been mentioned. Collecting fruit adds to your health meter, which has to be tallied at the end of each stage. If that costs you, on average, a second on each stage, that's a minute that you could take off of this run! It looks more impressive if you can finish with a split second to spare anyway. The jumping from ledge to ledge does not seem optimal. Try to catch just the edge when you land. Jump exactly as far as necessary and no farther. Thing one is purely stylistic, but when you jump over enemies, you really jump over enemies. Usually you want to demonstrate glitches, such as the lousy collision detection in most NES games. Clear the bad guys by as little as possible to show off your skills. I also agree that some of the boss fights don't appear optimal. It looks like you wait for bosses to become vulnerable before attacking, instead of timing your attack to hit them the instant they become vulnerable. And finally, if you're going to redo this movie, please pick a different emulator. That thing drives me crazy! Otherwise, and I know this sounds sarcastic after producing a list of problems, I think it's a good run. This is kind of a boring game, though, so although you can probably take more than a minute off of it, you might want to try a "warpful" run. People might be more likely to watch it if it was short, so that might help get the necessary Yes votes. I have voted No for now.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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I voted a clear no. I must say that I only watched the first two levels, since I don't have too much time now... but I started a run once (only finished the first two islands) so I'm pretty familiar with the game: There are only very few games that are easy to perfect, and don't take alot of time. I think you should have spent over 10 times as much time to this movie. Here what to change in the first two levels: - The eggs at the end of the level determen what level you enter next. You always pick the first egg, so you enter a lot of levels that are far longer than others you could have gotten to by taking the second or the third egg. - Not only do you play the longer levels, but you also play too much levels. Some routes have a lot less levels before you get to the boss, just by taking the right eggs. You can finish level 2 in less levels than you played (probably level one, and the later levels aswell). - You take all of the fruit.... why??? It just adds time. - In a game that is as easy playable as this, you should aim for the highest score aswell. - It's not frame perfected (at all). You should use FCEU for this. Your jumps where not very accurate, and other stuff. - In level 2, you play 3 water level, swimming, while you could have gotten a dino that swims, this saves ALOT of time (in all 3 levels!). - You should jump if you run uphill. - The first boss fight isn't very good. The first could be more accurate, but I can't say how much faster it can be done (since I did a run on a version with warps, so I didn't play this boss). - The second boss fight is really terrible... I think the shell opened and closed about 10 times in this movie, while you could kill him in letting the shell close only once. - This is not really a reason I voted no, but you should definately use warps. ============================= My two main tips would be: - Make sure you know the game. Play it alot, read gamefaqs on it, whatever. You should have known eggs influenced the level order. And you should try to find out with order contains the fewest levels, and which of the orders with the fewest levels have the fastest levels in it. You should find out where warps are and use them, and in what enemies eggs with dinosaurs are. - You should use FCEU, and play at 1 % speed, or se frame advance in parts where you have to make exact jumps or boss fights. I don't mean to get you down, I really hope you'll try it again... but it would be a shame if it could easily be improved...
Joined: 1/11/2005
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Agree to Baxter 1. Don't collect any fruit unless you are running out of fruit it. 2. U should use Auto-Fire in bosses. This is much faster (FCEU Movie) 3. Always jump before walking up or it will show u down Clear 1st boss (Should be Faster) Vote No.
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yea i am to rerun this game, anyone know where i could find a guide about these eggs?. and about the FCEU emulator, i just can't get anyother nes emuator then famtasia to work:/.
Skilled player (1409)
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You can always look at the available guides at gamefaqs... but it only helps a little. My suggestion is to just go to level 1-1, try all 8 eggs... see every possible level those eggs will take you... then try all 8 eggs in those level etc. etc. You should be able to find the routes that contain the least amounts of levels. Several routes in some levels that have the same amount of levels, sowhich of these routes can be completed fastest. You might also want to consider the other things I mentioned...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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okay, so i looked into the eggs a little, but i think i allready took most of the fastest paths. if i would to miss the last egg on the first lvl i would miss the dinosaur mount and get into the little easier lvl(2-1) but i would be mount less wich makes me alot slower. and some path's you can chose may even be longer and harder. so heres a list on what i've decided to work on most. *Slicker jumping. *Less fruits.*didn't realize until a late part that the timedifference acctually was important when the countdown begins. *Faster "menu" movement. *better timing on attacks, even though you can sling axes at an boss and they hit while they blink they doesnt do damage. so the water boss is still going to take a while and is impossible to kill in one "turn". *i think i had the uphill jumping figured, can't see where i ran up an hill:/ *have to get the sea mount for the water lvls.
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And Famtasia is deprecated. Don't use it.
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once again i say to ye, famtasia be the only nes emulator that works for me.
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What's FCEU doing wrong?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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saying messages like "you can't run this file et:¨¤ illiegal rom version" and sometimes it just messes up the rom
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KennyBoy wrote:
saying messages like "you can't run this file et:¨¤ illiegal rom version" and sometimes it just messes up the rom
Tried this?
Active player (411)
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It's strange because FCEU load that game pretty well here. Anyway, you probably have a bad dump rom or something similar.
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BoltR wrote:
KennyBoy wrote:
saying messages like "you can't run this file et:¨¤ illiegal rom version" and sometimes it just messes up the rom
Tried this?
i've tried what i could understand, wasnt that much. could someone with a friendly intention and heart of gold maybe send me a fully working version^^?
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If you're talking about FCEU, there are links to download it from the FAQ pages. If you're talking about the ROM, begging for it is not allowed, and it doesn't make you look good.
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ok i think i got it to work.
Joined: 12/13/2004
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I vote No. The reasons you already heard plus: It quite obvious that you play with to little frame advance. I.e. in "Choose an egg" you do not manage to take the egg as quick as possible. I've seen you taken it in several different places. Although, I would love to see you make another attempt on this, taking only the fruit you have to take as well as using autofire and frame advance to the max. Good luck!
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I'm disqualifying this submission because the submitter has registered three (3) usernames (KennyBoy, Xeon, Sneon) for voting in this submission. I'm also deactivating those three usernames.