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Okay. Before I go into details, if you guys don't like this version of a Contra 3 No Kill Speed Run, this will be my last attempt.
TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION!!!: I played the game on NORMAL with 3 lives. Playing a no kill speed run on HARD skill is impossible. I repeat: It's impossible. The enemy's ranged attacks go twice as fast compared to normal and they require to be killed for it to be a fluid speed run. Actually, mostly everything needs to be killed to be a fluid speed run. If you've played the game as much as I do, you would know what I meant. The only enemies that I do kill are the ones in the way or on the mid/boss I'm trying to kill.
Okay. Now that I got that off, I will go into details.
LEVEL 1: The randomness of enemies interferes on how fast you can defeat the two walls. I tried my best to make due and no matter how many times I re-recorded from different spots, the same outcome came up. Other than that, the level was completed pretty fluently.
LEVEL 2: I'm not sure taking the broken bridge route is faster than what I did from my starting point. I felt this was a good route to take when making this run. The boss was beaten pretty fast too (around 2-3 seconds).
LEVEL 3: The only thing that had "randomness" written on it was the Flying Mosquito Alien enemies. Their appearances are at random and I had to dodge them as best as I could to make it seem fluid. When re-recording, they seemed to give the most trouble.
LEVEL 4: Nothing really troubling happened in this level.
LEVEL 5: When you get the boss's health to mid-point (at least I think it's mid-point), he starts spinning. On normal, it's a little hard to get your spinning just right because he spins faster than what you would if turning normal and slower than what you would do if you tapped turn twice (dang run-on sentence). Other than that, it went pretty smooth.
LEVEL 6: This went better than I expected it to be. The bosses were beaten nicely... all except the end boss in it's first form. His arms came out at (you guessed it) random. I did what I could to make due. Every time I re-tried, he either chased me around the screen, or came at me with both arms at once (like in the movie). I took what I had because he didn't seem to pause long enough for me to kill him.
  • I stopped the demo once I defeated the end boss.
  • I used SNES9x 1.43 WIP to record
  • Earned 7 extra lives from killing little (not intentional) to no enemies.
  • No hits taken or deaths
  • NORMAL skill with 3 lives
  • Watching the movie with the "Volume envelope height reading" unchecked turned out fine. I don't know if it will work with it on.
That's about it. Enjoy.

Player (177)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Don't you get a little invincibility when you die?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Joined: 2/13/2005
Posts: 21
Yes, but the goal is to go for a no death, no kill (enemy) speedrun. Otherwise, it's deemed unprofessional (in some cases).
Player (177)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Well, maybe you should change the goal.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Joined: 7/31/2004
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Location: USA
Bisqwit wrote:
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yes, but is it more INTERESTING?
You're not really helping...
Should we not have the full zelda3, rygar or circle of the moon runs on the grounds that the glitched runs are faster but rather boring?
Joined: 1/9/2005
Posts: 219
Location: The Netherlands
*Agrees with the above post a lot* Those runs are only fun to watch one time, when it's still all new. Other than that, it's pretty damn boring. That goes for the CotM glitch run, and the LttP glitch run. Same goes for the warped movies of Mario inc. I'd much rather watch a non-glitched run where most of the bosses have been dealth with, than some wierd glitched movie that's over withint 5/10 minutes. I say two versions. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 121
Of course a good job! Though not many people support it, I still vote yes. But I think "no kill" is less important than "speed" in this game, since you have to kill sth. in this game sometimes, isn't it? If next time some one can make an even faster single-player run in hardest level, that'll be better. ps: I am wondering if there is much difference between 2players A mode and B mode both in hardest level...
Former player
Joined: 3/8/2004
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maybe this can be published as smv only?
Experienced player (760)
Joined: 5/6/2005
Posts: 3132
The reason this normal difficulty run is six seconds faster than the published hard difficulty run is because the final form of the final boss on hard difficulty (where the alien boss dons the silver suit and climbs up the shaft to attack the guys on the helicopter one last time) is not present on normal difficulty. This saves at least a minute I would think.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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