Hi Angie, welcome to TASVideos. It is curious that no one has speedrun this game yet, maybe it's just one of those unknown little gems. It's good you completed a rough TAS of the game already, maybe your work will inspire someone to speedrun it.
It's happened before.
From what I've seen, this community doesn't like to rip maps for their TASes. There are other sites that are better at that. But if you just need to plan a route for a grid-based game, you can draw up something simple like this:

This is a map I made for Solaria Round 1 based on your TAS encode. Gray tiles are
floors, green are
floors with flags, yellow are
floors with hourglasses, and the rest is
empty space. Despite very little detail, you can see what you need to collect, and gain a clear goal to run toward those flags. You can add enemy spawn positions to the map as well, and maybe arrows or lines depicting their path or range of motion.
You'll need to think carefully about which paths to take. Because you chose a grid-based game, this shouldn't be very hard, and will usually come down to what saves time in the short run. This is unlike an RPG TAS where your immediate decisions also affect things far in the future.
For example, in Solaria Round 3, you want to touch the edges of those bouncing balls and then angle yourself toward the next ball instead of running all the way through them and having to correct yourself later. If this game supports DualShock analog input, you may get even faster times by allowing your character to curve around corners.
You might find the tips at
Wiki: TasingGuide helpful as well.