What is WSL2:
How to install WSL2:
How to install a GUI inside WSL2:
The goal would be to play Windows-only games using libTAS.
WSL automatically mounts the disks in /mnt, where each folder's name is a Windows drive letter (C:\ will be mounted on /mnt/c/, D:\ on /mnt/d/, etc.).
You can run Windows apps inside WSL the same way you would run a Linux program, the GUI will run on your Windows, but console output goes inside WSL.
So I downloaded the lastest libTAS 32 bit and tried to run the Windows version of the
Undertale demo with libTAS, but (of course) it didn't worked.
When trying to run the game, this is the error I get:

(Game path is D:\Jeux\UndertaleDemo\UndertaleDemo.exe)
So I'm wondering 2 things:
- What would happen if we remove the 'file' command check when running the game (we need an option to manually select the game version, 32 or 64 bits)
- Would it be possible to make libTAS work here, and if yes, what are the requirements to have libTAS working here?