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MUGG wrote:
Season 9 trailer
To be absolutely honest, that trailer made me even less interested, if that's even possible...
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April 6th is the premiere. Get the hype train going again for the last time!
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It's a ponypaloosa starting March 30th! It runs all the way through April 6. Grogar confirmed for Season 9
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The Beginning of the End - Part 1+2 part 1 link part 2 link !! SPOILERS AHEAD !! So the final season has started... I'm wondering what will happen throughout this season and in the end. But for now here are my thoughts on this two-parter: The plot was a bit forced. I know S8 left things pretty much as a setup for this to happen, but Celestia and Luna randomly retiring or Grogar not acting sooner was a bit out there... Nevertheless, I have kind of looked forward to this type of plot for a while now. All the villains working together is great. Sombra talking so much feels odd... I'm not sure I can take Grogar seriously. He is portrayed as extremely ancient and powerful. He will make a perfect "final villain", but Idk I just don't dig his personality nor his design... At the beginning of the 2nd part, I thought up a list of things the mane 6 could possibly do, and this is what I came up with: 1. Learn about a new artifact or power, obtain and use it (Might be plausible but it would be kind of an asspull and I guess it wouldn't be any different from their previous plan (using the elements), so it would have made for a bad story.) 2. Talk-No-Jutsu (Sombra giving in would have been out of character. It did work against Starlight though...) 3. Help from the human world and Sunset Shimmer (The human world IS canon, as far as I remember Twilight does mention something about it in a previous season. Just saying... But I guess Sunset wouldn't have helped much.) 4. Celestia and Luna intervene 5. Help from the pillars of Equestria 6. Discord intervenes 7. Traditional fighting and cleverness 8. "Friendship always wins" (And these are the things that happened. I even went and described 8. as an asspull and it would be lame. But I think it was well executed.) Twilight deflecting those hits from Sombra with her horn was epic, to be fair. Discord faking being hit was obvious. For all I know, he was faking against Tirek too. Guy is unbeatable. You would have to wonder why Grogar didn't summon him, too. It might be explained later on. Maybe Discord is something like a nemesis to Grogar, or he simply believes Discord is reformed to the point of no return. The series finale being the epic showdown, I predict Discord will probably play a role in defending and losing against Grogar. I expect the series finale to be more than just "Ponies vs. villains" and "friendship always wins" yada yada. I want something beautiful, something epic, something that I won't forget. Like a nice song. Something like a time skip or a (well executed) recap of the whole show might be a good way to end it. And something like a "now it is up to you, viewer" moment.
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Oh boy am I not having high hopes for this season but I'm watching it anyway So I'll just call it right here, the other five of the main six all get to become princesses in the final episode, and as has been extremely blatantly telegraphed from like the first episode of season 8, the group of students will become the new elements of harmony. Well... that one will probably happen before the finale. Speaking of the elements, the dumb reveal of the elements just being in them and not needing the artifacts just made that one episode I've always hated even stupider so good job there, and I feel like there's a plot hook that has just been completely ignored - maybe it was just me, but I felt it was strongly implied that when Chrysalis's clones of the main six got ahold of the elements they corrupted them somehow. I thought for sure that was going to come up when they grabbed the elements to go against Sombra, but whelp. And then there's the tree and what happened to it in episode three. It got restored into something new and bigger and better, literally one episode after it had been broken. It kind of encapsulates something I was thinking about the show recently, but that'll be a bunch of words for another time.
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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My thoughts on episode 3 were basicly "oh nice, another thing that Hasbro told the show runners to do so they can sell their toy". The song was good, though. So far into this show, I'm not surprised by these things anymore. I just appreciate it for what it is.
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After the 22nd of June, the last summer hiatus begins. After that will be the last stretch to the finale.
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Ok, I'm about to watch S9E12 "The Last Crusade" (Youtube link) Watching the first 2 minutes and considering the synopsis, I can see this will be one of those episodes. For example, the episodes S7E13 "The Perfect Pear" and S5E18 "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" are both episodes that were beautifully executed and made me cry and reminisce for hours, if not days, for various reasons. Now, more importantly, this will be a Scootaloo episode. Which will tie in with prior episodes like S3E06 "Sleepless in Ponyville", S4E05 "Flight to the Finish" and S8E20 "The Washouts". Those are all episodes that deal with Scootaloo as a character and that deal with her bond to Rainbow Dash who took her under her wing, basicly saying they are sisters. Scootaloo is my favorite for many different reasons. She is that athletic, tomboy-ish little rascal without parents, which often led fans to believe she doesn't have any, she is an orphan. I remember that Scootaloo interested and inspired me so much that I read countless fanfics in 2012-2015 about her. The song "I'll Fly Higher" (link) will forever be one of my favorite pieces of music. This episode may change everything I ever expected and knew about Scootaloo. This being the last season, it may even break the status quo. I'm really excited to watch it, I wonder what will happen..?! Thoughts after watching: It was a well done episode, but not a super special one. Maybe I set my expectations very high... The CMC crying in their clubhouse was more comedic than tragic. Their attempts to convince the parents was ok, but I was on the edge of hoping they won't fill the whole episode with these attempts. I was glad they moved the plot along when they tied themselves to the sign post, and that's where things got more emotional and sad. Especially seeing all the callbacks to what the CMCs did and how they changed everyone's lives was really touching and I would lie if I said I didn't cry at least a little. :P Rainbow Dash's "wanna come see the Wonderbolts next week?" had me thinking, the episode will end with all of them still together watching that show. But I guess not. It's a good thing when the episode doesn't go as expected. I find Scootaloo's parents to be believable characters and I can see their intentions are in good faith. But I find it upsetting they don't really try to listen to their daughter and sell the house within the same weekend they arrived. That's a "this is how it will be done and you have no say about it"-attitude I hate. I can see it was done for the plot to work and in the end they slowly redeemed themselves but just saying... All in all, a good CMC episode with a great last part. About a certain other aspect of the episode: I didn't think about it at all but after I read a comment it makes a lot of sense. The parents are basicly Steve and Teri Irwin. That's actually a pretty awesome shoutout! I watched Crocodile Hunter a lot as a kid, but after Steve's death I haven't kept up with what was happening. I know their daughter Bindi held a speech on her father's death. I would wonder if Bindi will make any comment on the episode...
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PikachuMan wrote:
After the 22nd of June, the last summer hiatus begins. After that will be the last stretch to the finale.
According to the MLPwikia, the episodes continue to run until at least August 31, 2019 (S9E18).
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MUGG wrote:
The parents are basicly Steve and Teri Irwin. That's actually a pretty awesome shoutout!
The mother was actually primarily based on Jane Goodall. Pretty obvious given that her name was "Mane Allgood". None of the episodes this season has wowed me, but at the very least, The Last Crusade was the episode that finally actually featured a canon, writer-confirmed same-sex couple in the show. So that's cool. And, unrelated, I know hope is futile, but I still hope that at least Chrysalis and Tirek don't get redeemed, but that's definitely what the Frenemies episode was pointing towards...
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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According to Discovery Family, it is slated to return August 3rd. Also, more good news! Season 3 will premiere in Japan the same day. Looks like the fun has been doubled.
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A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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The final season continues in 12 hours... Can we get some HYPE?
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Oh my heck, soooo many body pillows. @_@
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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The final episodes have leaked in the Netherlands. I couldn't resist so I watched it. I watched it all. Even though the audio was in Dutch. I won't write my thoughts just yet. But I want to say, it's not worth watching it in Dutch. For anyone who was interested, I advise that you wait for the English version. I will write my thoughts when that version releases.
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The 3-part finale will be this October on Discovery Family. Let's keep that hype train going!
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PikachuMan wrote:
The 3-part finale will be this October on Discovery Family. Let's keep that hype train going!
Your enthusiasm puts a smile on my face. I'm not being sarcastic or cynical here; I'm being completely candid. I just wish I could share your enthusiasm. Somehow this series has lost its marvel for me...
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The 3-part finale is today. Even if it's the end of the show doesn't necessarily mean the fandom would end. The fandom will still keep on going even after the show ended.
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Now that the show is over, anyone excited for this: https://www.equestriadaily.com/2019/10/idw-my-little-pony-season-10-comic.html Also rip a certain filly. Edit: For anyone who's watched the finale and have a derpibooru account, vote here please: https://derpibooru.org/pony/cozy-glow-s-fate
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The finale was epic. We had...: - An unexpected plot twist ... check. - Three villains working together ... check. - Canterlot takeover ... check. - Getting all pony races and other creatures to fight the evil three ... check, check, and check. - Princess Twilight's coronation as ruler of Equestria ... a very big check. Also: - Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich are married have a foal - Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake have grown up - Big Mac and Sugar Belle are married have a foal - Rainbow Dash is captain of the Wonderbolts - Gallus is captain of the Royal Guard - Three of the Student 6 and the CMC are teachers of the School of Friendship - And a few others The Comic of Season 10 announced
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The “Mane 6” characters fans fell in love with in MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC are back with all-new character design inspired by chibi-style animation. The MY LITTLE PONY: PONY LIFE series launches next year with all-new content premiering on Discovery Family and Discovery Family GO and short form content on the MY LITTLE PONY YouTube channel. MY LITTLE PONY: PONY LIFE features the same voice actors who made the Mane 6 famous in MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC. The new look for the franchise kicks off this winter with an exciting product line featuring toys designed to Reveal the Magic of Friendship with the comical characters and mysterious potions that are featured in the animated series. The new line dials up the magic experiences more than ever before with magical potion surprise, magic growing hair, magic color reveal hair, and more! Each product can reveal even more magic with a special potion bottle to unbox in every package. Amazon will be the first to debut select new products on November 13. Additional MY LITTLE PONY: PONY LIFE product will start hitting shelves at select retailers in December – just in time for the holidays. Toys “R” Us will be the exclusive destination for the MY LITTLE PONY Magic Potion line in Canada in 2020. “We are thrilled to reveal a new, magical chapter for the MY LITTLE PONY franchise – and it’s funnier, sweeter and warmer than ever!” says Samantha Lomow, President, Hasbro Entertainment Brands. “Our magical MY LITTLE PONY makeover is inspired by our fans who are looking for more ways to experience their favorite characters from the MY LITTLE PONY world. We are also bringing the magic to life with all new ways to play so our fans can experience the magic through engaging new products. We hope fans of all ages will enjoy exploring a fun new side of friendship and all the new story magic MY LITTLE PONY: PONY LIFE has to offer as we gear up for the launch of the all new MY LITTLE PONY movie from Paramount on September 24, 2021.” The new MY LITTLE PONY: PONY LIFE show looks at the funny side of friendship. The new center of the world is Sugarcube Corner – just like going to a friend’s house after school, this is our ponies’ home away from home. Here, Pinkie Pie serves up frosted cupcakes to the best customers in the world— her friends! PONY LIFE episodes feature hilarious, “SLICE OF LIFE” stories that modern kids can relate to. The series is LOADED with magic, including a mysterious source of potions that Pinkie keeps hidden behind the bakery counter and breaks out when the need arises.
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This is "G5"? I guess I won't judge this without seeing an episode of it. Hope it's not going to be like with Teen Titans Go, which had inferior style and atmosphere to the original, imo. Spike looks like a girl in that poster.