I like watching runs of Randomizers, but the inherent appeal for me in this is watching the player
react to how the world has changed and (for randomizers based on exploration-centered games) listening to them try and follow the logic.
A TAS of a randomized game of Link to the Past would probably not hold my interest (despite it being the most common one I watch) for the simple fact that I'm not hearing the player think their way through what the logic could be.
With that said, a randomized game cranked up to the most insane settings and then demolished with ease - perhaps SMW with All Exits and limited memory corruption (sorry, stun glitch), or
Link to the Past set to Entrance Insanity All Dungeons Insane Difficulty Swordless OHKO with all the enemizer shuffles maxed out - would be a good experiment.
(SMW would be easier for unfamiliar viewers to follow, while LttP would be an example of how crazy randomizer runs can get)