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This movie completes the European version of Rygar with just 1 item (grappling).
  • It dies four (4) times intentionally- two of which are necessary to complete the game like I did.
  • It also takes damage to speed up movement.
I thank DJ_FozzBozz for informing about the most important trick - dying in a way that leads from boss room to another - and I wish him luck in beating my movie :)
I played the European (PAL) version instead of USA (NTSC) version for just one reason:
  • Rygar jumps farther in the PAL version than in the NTSC version.
Jumping over the river is not possible in the USA version. In PAL, it's possible to just make it.
As a drawback, the enemies blink longer in PAL than in NTSC. Fights take longer.
I first attempted to create the movie with VirtuaNES, but I couldn't handle VirtuaNES - it was too clumsy tool for me.
Thus I ended up breaking my own rule - this is a PAL submission made with Famtasia. It plays 16.7% too fast. The real time is 11:50.
Note that this time is not comparable to USA version, because the USA version is different, as mentioned before.
In this movie, I spend some time collecting experience (power) before going to fight against Ligar (the last boss). It's possible to skip that step, but then the fight would take a lot longer.
I get three mind points at one point in the game. I could have used it for the power up spell, gaining more power and speed for the weapon, but neither the spell nor the mind points save over death, and I didn't need the powerup for the short period of time before death in the boss room. I would have liked to have the powerup spell before going destroying bargans (? those robot-like monsters) though.
It's not possible to gain the powerup spell to use against Ligar with this method, because Ligar's room is separated from the rest of the world by a pit that can't be crossed without an item I didn't get.
It's also not possible to go straight to the rocky world boss instead of meeting the forest world boss first, because you normally need to use the same item to get there.

Bisqwit: Cancelling this submission because
1. DJ_FozzBozz has beaten it by ~30 seconds
2. Besides adjusting the balance of levels, I already know other ways to improve this movie.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #316: Bisqwit's NES Rygar in 11:50.16
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Last boss still takes forever, and fighting the robots is slow. But you can't argue with results. Very fast time overall, and you skip all of the other boss battles! Cool beans, sir.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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>Jumping over the river is not possible in the USA version. In PAL, it's possible to just make it. Aaargh! So THAT'S why I never could perform that damned jump. :(