Some notes:
1. Not sure how feasible it would be, but deathwarp at Gringotts vault could save some time if there's any enemies that can actually kill you in 1 turn or 2.
2. Probably should check if death warping after the end of Herblogy class to the 3rd floor would save time rather than walking to Defence Against Dark Arts
3. The RNG seems to advance at the DADA minigame. Wonder if it can be used to manipulate the golden snitch without wasting time.
4. Probably nothing to do with the run, but right after the snitch game, the equipment screen actually shows Ron being sick

Unfortunately, it also disables encounters until you reach Hagrid. Is there any way to get into a battle with Ron being sick?
5. Can't skip going to detention cutscene by pausing. Enemy encounters are disabled as well, and the dungeons shortcut is locked.
6. Can't skip recruiting Hermonie and Ron to the party. Dungeons shortcut is locked, and pressing start crashes like most other times.
7. You can skip the snake cutscene oddly. Press Start right before the trigger, then
go to equip and hold B. Right after the equip screen exits hold Start. This skips the cutscene(s), and allows you to walk to the exit.
8. Can't skip petrified cat cutscene. Pausing doesn't work, and no enemies will appear. Doesn't appear to be able to walk around either.
9. Trying to pause at Prof. Binn's class cutscene gave
Gonna test some more a bit. How's testing the dialogue boxes so far?